Barry Day
March 6, 2023

Messages of Condolence
Dear Eileen and family. We are so very sorry to hear of Barry's passing. Although we have not seen each other in a long time we certainly remember the good times we shared. Take care and we will always be there for you if ever we are needed. With deepest sympathy Dick and Lois ~ Dick and Lois Knorn
So many memories of good times together over the years. Barry was always upbeat and always had a new goal in mind. Such a great entertainer! We will miss him so much. Sending hugs and prayers to all the family. ~ Marnie and Roger
So very sorry to hear of Barry’s passing. So glad I saw Barry and Eileen last October. Barry was such a nice guy ~ Wendy Sarnacki (Smith)
We were so sorry to hear of Barry's passing, gone too soon. Sending our thoughts and prayer to you all. ~ Brent and Jackie Diewold
Eileen and Laura, I wish I was there to give you both a big hug. I only met Barry a couple of times but felt I knew him from the many funny stories you shared over the years. I know he was a special man and there is a big hole in your family that can never be filled. Keep sharing those stories. He will be forever in our hearts. Sending love ~ Bonnie Kilistoff
Dear Eileen and family, I am so sorry to learn of Barry's death. He was one of my best friends from elementary school onward and I've thought of him fondly many times over the years since our paths diverged. I got to chat with him once later on when I was home from university and he happened to come by to fill my parents' oil tank; he was ever the nicest guy. My sincere condolences. ~ Stuart Rogers
Our deepest sympathies to the Day family. ~ Susan and Ken Dedrick
Eileen, I was so sorry to hear of Barry’s passing. May your memories and family bring you comfort in the days to come. Take care ~ Karen Craig