John Arthur Pauls
May 15, 2024

Messages of Condolence
As a young kid I spent several summers on the coldale farm getting to know all my Pauls first cousins. When my dad died (JB Toews) John and Lee organized a choir within several days and sang (he directed she played the piano) several pieces of the German requiem at his memorial service. A memorable event. God bless you all. ~ James toews
John was my first cousin. We knew each other as young children but we learned to know each other better in adulthood. John and Lee both were very instrumental in getting the cousin’s tape on CD. We recorded it at Camp Crossroads in Ontario where John led the cousin’s choir, and Lee played piano masterfully. The last year‘s, John faithfully called us, which was such an encouragement to us. ~ Clair and Clara Schnupp
John was a very important influence in my teen years, when we were living in Edmonton and I was attending Harry Ainley High School where John was the music teacher. In our grade 12 class he formed a small madrigal choir which was very influential in forming my musical sensibilities and appreciation. He set a very high standard with a determined intolerance for mediocrity. He also directed our choir at Lendrum Mennonite church with similar high musical standards. Lenora was similarly imbued with a keen musical sensibility which was a very positive influence in my life. I look back on those years with great fondness ~ Paul Thiessen
Thinking of John Pauls brings back memories of the whole Alberta Mennonite High School experience as students, and all the singing - wonderful! Some years later, when John and Lee worked in Coaldale, John was my first voice teacher. I enjoyed my lessons very much and finally mastered the art of producing my sound from ‘down deep’ and supporting it as it rolled out toward the audience through well articulated vowels and consonants, just as he had trained me. To this day, in my 80s, I love singing, thanks to John. ~ Loretta Martens