AjaxSearch Readme version 1.10.2 --------------------------------------------------------------- :: Snippet: AjaxSearch ---------------------------------------------------------------- Short Description: Ajax-driven & Flexible Search form Version: 1.10.2 - 12/04/2016 Created by: Coroico - (coroico@wangba.fr) Jason Coward (opengeek - jason@opengeek.com) Kyle Jaebker (kylej - kjaebker@muddydogpaws.com) Ryan Thrash (rthrash - ryan@vertexworks.com) ---------------------------------------------------------------- :: Credits ---------------------------------------------------------------- Based on Flex Search Form by jardc@honeydewdsign.com as modified by KyleJ (kjaebker@muddydogpaws.com) and then refactored by Coroico (coroico@wangba.fr) The document subset selection is based off of the ditto code by Mark Kaplan The javascript code is based off of the example by Steve Smith of orderlist.com http://orderedlist.com/articles/howto-animated-live-search/ The search highlighting is based off of the code by Marc (MadeMyDay | http://www.modxcms.de) The search highlighting plugin is based off of code from sottwell (www.sottwell.com) The live Search functionality is from Thomas (shadock) http://www.gizax.it/experiments/AHAH/degradabile/test/liveSearch.html Many fixes/additions were contributed by mikkelwe/identity/Perrine Copyright & Licencing: ---------------------- GNU General Public License (GPL) (http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html) Originally based on the FlexSearchForm snippet created by jaredc (jaredc@honeydewdesign.com) ---------------------------------------------------------------- :: Changelog: ---------------------------------------------------------------- 12-april-16 (1.10.2) -- Bug fixes 05-june-14 (1.10.1) -- Security/Bug fixes 27-march-13 (1.10.0) -- Security/Bug fixes 26-september-12 (1.9.3) -- Bug fixing -- Removed ajaxsearch's own striptags functions and substituted the use of $modx->stripTags -- minimum chars allowed to 2 05-december-10 (1.9.2) -- Bug fixing 30-august-10 (1.9.2) -- Bug fixing 18-may-10 (1.9.0) -- Completely refactored - MVC model implemented -- Defines categories and display of group of results -- Several AS call on same page -- parents (in / not in), documents (in / not in) -- Custom output -- Filtering search results by tv name -- Filter features (allow to set up specific search forms) -- Bug fixing 20-october-09 (1.8.4) -- Sites and subsites notions -- Defines categories and display of group of results -- Several AS call on same page -- Bug fixing 14-june-09 (1.8.4) -- Sites and subsites notions -- Defines categories and display of group of results -- Several AS call on same page -- Bug fixing 08-june-09 (1.8.3) -- Bug fixing -- The number of results is available with the [+as.resultNumber+] placeholder 01-mar-09 (1.8.2) -- liveSearch parameter renamed -- Initialisation of configuration parameters is modified -- mbstring parameter added -- Limit the amount of keywords that will be queried by a search -- Capturing failed search criteria and search logs -- Compatibility with mootools 1.2.1 library -- Compatibility with jquery library -- Always display paging parameter added -- Bug fixing 02-oct-08 (1.8.1) -- subSearch added. -- mysql query redesigned. -- whereSearch parameter improved. Fields definition added -- withTvs parameter added. specify the search in Tvs -- # metacharacter for filter -- improvement of the searchword list parameter -- debug - file and firebug console -- Bug fixing 21 -July-08 (1.8.0) -- define where to do the search (&whereSearch parameter) -- define which fields to use for the extracts (&extract parameter) -- use AjaxSearch with non MOdx tables -- order the results with the &order parameter -- define the ranking value and sort the results with it -- filter the unwanted documents of the search -- define the extract eliipsis -- define the extract separator -- Extended place holder templating and template parameters -- Improvement of the extract algorithm -- Define the number of extracts displayed in the search results -- Use of &advSearch parameter available from the front-end by the end user -- Choose your search term from a predefined search word list -- stripInput user function -- stripOutput user function -- Configuration file and $__ global parameters -- snippet code completely refactored and objectified -- Bugfixes regarding Quoted searchstring 06-Mar-08 (1.7.1) -- Advanced search (partial & relevance) -- Search in hidden documents from menu -- List of Ids limited to parent-documents ids in javascript -- Code cleaning 06-Jan-08 (1.7) -- Added custom config file -- Added list of parent-documents where to search -- Added opacity parameter (between 0 (transparent) and 1 (opaque) -- Added bugfixes regarding opacity with IE -- Using of DBAPI function instead of deprecated function -- Charset troubles corrected 22-Jan-07 (1.6) -- Added templating support (includes/templates.inc.php) -- Added language support -- Switched from prototype/scriptaculous to Mootools 03-Jan-07 -- Added many bugfixes/additions from AjaxSearch forum 18-Sep-06 -- Added code to only show results for allowed pages 05-May-06 -- Added liveSearch functionality and new parameter 21-Apr-06 -- Added code to make it compatible with tagcloud snippet 20-Apr-06 -- Added code from eastbind & japanese community for other language searching 04-Apr-06 -- Added search term highlighting 01-Apr-06 -- initial commit into SVN 30-Mar-06 -- initial work based on FSF_ajax from KyleJ ---------------------------------------------------------------- :: Description ---------------------------------------------------------------- Ajax and non-Ajax search that supports results highlighting. This snippet adds AJAX functionality on top of the robust content searching. What AjaxSearch do: - search in fields of the content an TV MODX tables - several customizable input forms available - search in a subset of documents - highlighting of searchword in the results returned - allow a filtering of search results - displaying of search results customizable thru templates - group the search results by categories - filter features (allow to set up specific search forms) It could works in two modes: ajax mode : - search results displayed in current page through AJAX request - multiple search options including live search - available link to view all results in a new page when only a subset is returned - customize the number of results returned - offer two types for paginating the results - uses the MooTools or JQuery js library for AJAX and visual effects non-ajax mode : - search results displayed in a new page or below on the same page - offer two types for paginating the results - works without JS enabled What AjaxSearch don't : - search in dynamic content. AjaxSearch could retreive only data stored in database. It can't find something stored in a chunk or generated by a snippet. MORE : See the ajaxSearch.readme.txt file for more informations. ---------------------------------------------------------------- :: General Parameters (all are optional parameters) ---------------------------------------------------------------- Keep in mind that all parameters are optional. If not used, the default value of each parameter will be applied The simplest snippet call is [!Ajaxsearch!] without any parameters. ---- &config [config_name | "default"] (optional) Load a custom configuration config_name - Other config installed in the configs folder or in any folder within the MODX base path via @FILE: Configuration files are named in the form: .config.php To limit the number of javascript variables, the default parameters are stored in the default.config.inc.php file. This file is read by the ajaxSearch class and by the ajaxSearchPopup class. The only parameters transmitted by JavaScript to the ajaxSearchPopup class are: - the subSearch and the advSearch parameters - the parameters used in the snippet call Keep care that all the default values defined in the default.config.php should be defined in your own config file Parameters in the config file should be defined as php variables. e.g: $ajaxMax = 4; To avoid to overwrite the parameters used in the snippet call use $__ instead of $ e.g: $__ajaxMax = 4; For instance, in a AjaxSearch call if we have [!AjaxSearch? &landingPage=`25`] and in the config file $__landingPage = `12`; that means that by default the page #12 will be used as a landing page, except in the document where &landingPage=`25` is set in the snippet call. ---- &debug = [ 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 ] (optional) - Output debugging information 0 : debug not activated (Default) 1, 2, 3 : File mode debug activated. Trace is by default logged into a file named ajaxSearch_log.txt in the ajaxSearch/debug/ directory. 1 : Parameters, search context and sql query logged. 2 : Parameters, search context, sql query AND templates logged 3 : Parameters, search context, sql query, templates AND Results logged To avoid an increasing of the file, only one transaction is logged. Overwritted by the log of the following one. IMPORTANT: the ajaxSearch/debug directory should exist and be writable ---- &language [ language_name | manager_language ] (optional) with manager_language = $modx->config['manager_language'] by default See in the lang folder the languages available ---- &timeLimit = [ int | 60 ] (optional) &timeLimit = [ int | 60 ] Max execution time in seconds for the AjaxSearch script 0 - If set to zero, no time limit is imposed Default: 60 - 1 minute. ---- &asId [ string | ''] - Unique id for AjaxSearch instance (optional) Any combination of characters a-z, underscores, and numbers 0-9 This is case sensitive. Default = empty string This parameter allow distinguish several Ajaxsearch instances on the same page The id is used to link the snippet calls between them. Choose a short name. eg: "as2" ---- &ajaxSearch [1 | 0] (optional) Use the ajaxSearch mode. Default is 1 (true) The AjaxSearch mode use an Ajax call to get the results without full page reloading ---- &advSearch [ 'exactphrase' | 'allwords' | 'nowords' | 'oneword' ] (optional) Advanced search - exactphrase : provides the documents which contain the exact phrase - allwords : provides the documents which contain all the words - nowords : provides the documents which do not contain the words - oneword : provides the document which contain at least one word [default] ---- &subSearch : [comma separated list of sites] (optional) subSearch allow to define sub-domains or sites where to do the search for each site, a search function should be defined in the configuration file e.g: &subSearch=`products,employee` ---- &category [ tv_name | ''] Any combination of characters a-z, underscores, and numbers 0-9 This is case sensitive. Default = empty string Name of a TV. The category of a MODX document is provided by this TV content e.g: &category=`category` And the "category" tv value of a document could contain for instance Music, Arts, ... Then the categConfig function should be defined like that: /* * categConfig : To define the display of categories (output) * Add a category as a switch item. 'uncategorized' item describe the results outside of any category * Add a switch for a new site. The default site is named 'defsite'. * Allowed config parameters : grpLabel, tplResult, tplAjaxResult, display, extract, rank ... */ if(!function_exists('categConfig')) { function categConfig($site='defsite',$category){ $config = array(); $site = strtolower($site); $category = strtolower($category); switch($site) { case 'defsite': switch($category){ case 'arts': $config['grpLabel'] = 'Arts'; $config['tplAjaxResult'] = 'imgResult'; // allow the display of an image break; case 'music': $config['grpLabel'] = 'Music'; $config['tplAjaxResult'] = 'imgAjaxResult'; // allow the display of an image break; case 'geography': $config['grpLabel'] = 'Geography'; $config['tplAjaxResult'] = 'imgAjaxResult'; break; case '': $config['grpLabel'] = 'Site wide'; break; } } return $config; } } ---- &display [ 'mixed' | 'unmixed' ] (optional) When results comes from differents sites or categories, you choose to display the results mixed or unmixed. Unmixed mode display the results grouped by site or category. Mixed mode mixe all the results from all the site. Results are ordered by each field provided by the first field choosen for the order parameter Default: unmixed ---- Label for a group of results in the configuration file a label could be defined to be be linked with the group of results. This isn't a snippet parameter. Only a variable of configuration file. This variable shouldn't contain a comma (",") $config['grpLabel'] = 'Arts (Painting)'; ---- &whereSearch : [comma separated list of key | content,tv] (optional) define in which tables the search occurs by default in documents and TVs other predefined key: jot, maxigallery by default all the text fields are searchable but you could specify the fields like this: whereSearch=`content:pagetitle,introtext,content|tv:tv_value|maxigallery:gal_title` You could also add your own tables where to do a search by defining your own keys. ---- &withTvs : [ [ + | - ] [ : tvlist] ] (optional) The parameter withTvs define which Tv will be added as field result for displaying and in which tv the search will occur. Only text type TV are enabled e.g: &withTvs=`tv1,tv2,tv3` - tv1, tv2, Tv3 are added &withTvs=`+:tv1,tv2,tv3` - tv1, tv2, Tv3 are added &withTvs=`+` - all tvs of the site are added &withTvs=`-` - all tvs of the site are added &withTvs=`-:tv1,tv2,tv3` - all tvs of the site except tv1, tv2, Tv3 are added &withTvs=`` - no tv added If &whereSearch contains 'tv' then a tv_value field which contain the concatened values of all tv of the document is added So the tv added could be used for filtering with the filter parameter (see &filter) Like the default site content parameters (pagetitle, longtitle, ...) the Tvs enabled as results are available with the following placeholders: [+as.tvname+], [+as.tvnameShow+], [+as.tvnameClass+] Where tvname is the MODX name of a TV [+as.tvname+] is the HTML output of your TV [+as.tvnameShow+] = 1 if the TV is not NULL [+as.tvnameClass+] : - ajaxSearch_resultTvname for the non ajax results (&tplResult) - AS_ajax_resultTvname for the ajax window (&tplAjaxResult) ---- &tvPhx : [ [ + | - ] [ : tvlist] ] (optional) append the content of some Tvs to your search results with the "tvPhx" parameter by default '' The parameter tvPhx define which additional tv will be added as placeholder. e.g: &tvPhx=`tv1,tv2,tv3` - tv1, tv2, Tv3 are added as placeholders &tvPhx=`+:tv1,tv2,tv3` - tv1, tv2, Tv3 are added as placeholders &tvPhx=`+` - all tvs of the site are added as placeholders &tvPhx=`-` - all tvs of the site are added as placeholders &tvPhx=`-:tv1,tv2,tv3` - all tvs of the site except tv1, tv2, Tv3 are added as placeholders &tvPhx=`` - no tv defined as placeholders. The following placeholders are anabled with the tv: [+as.tvname+], [+as.tvnameShow+], [+as.tvnameClass+] Where tvname is the MODX name of a TV [+as.tvname+] is the HTML output of your TV [+as.tvnameShow+] = 1 if the TV is not NULL [+as.tvnameClass+] : - ajaxSearch_resultTvname for the non ajax results (&tplResult) - AS_ajax_resultTvname for the ajax window (&tplAjaxResult) The tv value could be used with the filter parameter (see &filter) As withTvs includes the TV as a new field in the select clause of the mysql query, tvPhx append the content of the selected tv after the search and before filer. ---- &order (optional) Define in which order are sorted the displayed search results `comma separated list of fields` by default: 'publishedon,pagetitle' (sorted by published date and then pagetitle) The fields should come from the tables used and defined from the whereSearch parameter You could add DESC to sort by decreasing order. By default increasing order (ASC) is used. e.g : &order=`longtitle DESC,introtext` ---- &rank (optional) define the ranking of search results &rank=`comma separarted list of fields with optionaly user defined weight` by default: pagetitle:100,extract The rank is a calculated value used to sort the results. This value is function of number of search term found and optionaly of a specified user weight. e.g: &rank=`pagetitle:100,extract` rank['pagetitle'] = nb_search_terms_found * 100 rank['extract'] = nb_search_terms_found * 1 Results are sorted with the rank values. For instance, a document with a search term found in the pagetitle, and 6 terms found in the extract will have a rank of 106. e.g: &rank=`pagetitle,extract` rank['pagetitle'] = nb_search_terms_found * 1 rank['extract'] = nb_search_terms_found * 1 ---- &maxWords [ 1 < int < 10 ] (optional) Maximum number of words for searching - Default: 5 ---- &minChars [ 1 < int < 100 ] (optional) Minimum number of characters to require for a word to be valid for searching. Length of each word with $advSearch = 'allwords', 'oneword' or 'nowords' Length of the search string with possible spaces with $advSearch = 'exactphrase' Default is 3. ---- &showInputForm [1 | 0] (optional) Show the search input form. Default is 1 (true) ---- &showResults [1 | 0] (optional) Show the results with the snippet. (For non-ajax search) ---- &extract [int : Comma separated list of displayable fields | '1:content,description,introtext,tv_value] (optional) Define the maximum number of extracts that will be displayed per document and define which fields will be used to set up extracts An extract is a bit of text where search term have been found (and may be highlighted). &extract is different of &whereSearch. &extract define which fields will be used to set up the text where to extract the search term. &whereSearch define which tables use for the search (and then provides a list of displayable fields where to search and possibly used by &extract) &extract : `int : Comma separated list of searchable fields` int: 0 - no extract n - n extracts allowed per document. Comma separated list of displayable fields: The field names used for the extract come from the "displayed" fields of tables defined by the &whereSearch parameter (main and joined tables) Searchable fields are string type fields that can could contain the search terms. For "content", the searcheable fields available are: pagetitle, longtitle, description, alias, introtext, menutitle, content For "tv", the fields available are : tv_value which is a concatenation of all the tv "values" field For "jot", the fields available are : jot_content which a concatenation of all the "content" fields of jot table For "maxigallery", the fields available are : gal_title, gal_descr which are a concatenation of title & descr fields of maxigallery table e.g: &extract=`5:description,introtext,content,tv_value` allows a maximum of 5 extracts per document found by search. Extracts display content from description,introtext,content of document AND tv_value from all the TV linked with the document e.g: &whereSearch=`content,maxigallery` &extract=`10:galtitle,galdescr` allows a maximum of 10 extracts per document found by search. Extract are built by parsing ONLY the fields title and descr of maxigallery e.g: &whereSearch=`content,tv,jot` &extract=`tv_value,jot_content` allows a maximum of 1 extract per document found by search (by default) Extracts display content from tv_value (TV values) and jot_content (comment) ---- &extractEllips : define your ellipsis in extract (optional) string used as ellipsis to start/end an extract by default : " ... " ---- &extractSeparator : Define how separate extracts (optional) html tag like
or any other html tag Default : "
" ---- &extractLength [50 < int < 800] (optional) Length of extract around the search words found - between 50 and 800 characters ---- &formatDate [ string ] (optional) The format of outputted dates. See http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.date.php by default : "d/m/y : H:i:s" e.g: 21/01/08 : 23:09:22 ---- &hideMenu [ 0 | 1 | 2 ] (optional) Search in hidden documents from menu - 0 : search only in documents visible from menu - 1 : search only in documents hidden from menu - 2 : search in hidden or visible documents from menu [default] ---- &hideLink [0 | 1] : Search in content of type reference (optional) - 0 : search in content of document AND reference type - 1 : search only in content of document type (default) ---- &parents [ [ in | not in ] : comma separated list of Ids | '' ] (optional) A list of parent-documents whose descendants you want searched to &depth depth when searching. All parent-documents by default e.g: &parents=`in:24,25` - do the search in the children documents of documents 24 and 25 &parents=`not in:24,10` - do the search in all documents except in the children documents of documents 24 and 10 documents &parents=`24,25` means &parents=`in:24,25` (compatible with the 1.8.4 release) &depth [ 0 < int ] Number of levels deep to retrieve documents ---- &depth [int] (optional) Number of levels deep to go. Any number greater than or equal to 1. 10 levels by default ---- &documents [ [ in | not in ] : comma separated list of Ids | '' ] (optional) A list of documents where to search e.g: &documents=`in:28,29,30,31` - do the search in the documents 28,29,30,31 &documents=`not in:28,29,30,31` - do the search in all documents except in documents 28,29,30,31 &documents=`28,29,30,31` means &documents=`in:28,29,30,31` (compatible with the 1.8.4 release) ---- &filter : exclude unwanted documents (optional) &filter runs as the &filter Ditto 2.1 parameter. &filter=`field,criterion,mode` Where: "field" is the name of any field from main table (site content) or joined table (jot, maxigallery) or a tv name "criterion" is a value of the same data type (number, string, date, etc.) as the field. "mode" is a number from 1 to 8 that specifies what kind of comparison to make between the value of the field and the specified criterion. "," (comma) is the "Local Filter Delimiter", i.e. the character that tells where the division is between the three parts of the clause. There must be no spaces in the "criteria" term unless you want them used in the comparison. The filter clause: id,50,2 means "exclude any document whose id field equals 50." The filter clause: articleTags,volcano,7 display only documents related to volcanoes (tv name = articleTags) A filter may include multiple clauses, separated by the global delimiter, in the form: clause|clause|clause|etc. Where: "clause" is any filter clause as defined above. "|" (the pipe symbol) is the Global Filter Delimite, the character that tells Ditto where the division is between clauses. "etc." means there is no fixed limit to the number of clauses you may include. Multiple clauses have an "OR" relationship. I.e. a document will be excluded if it meets the criterion of any one clause (clause-1 OR clause-2 OR clause-3, etc.). The filter id,50,2|id,52,2 means "exclude any document whose id field equals 50 or 52." Comparison Modes Exclude a document if its value in the specified field 1 is not equal to the criterion (!=) 2 is equal to the criterion (==) 3 is less than the criterion (<) 4 is greater than the criterion (>) 5 is less than or equal to the criterion (<=) 6 is greater than or equal to the criterion (>=) 7 does not contain the text of the criterion 8 does contain the text of the criterion 9 case insenstive version of #7 - does contain the text of the criterion 10 case insenstive version of #8 - does contain the text of the criterion IMPORTANT : here the tv should be allowed as result with the withTvs or tvPhx parameters ---- &stripInput user function (optional) to transform on fly the search input text by default: defaultStripInput StripInput user function should be define in the config file as follow : // StripInput user function. // string functionName(string $searchstring) // functionName : name of stripInput function passed as &stripInput parameter // $searchstring : string php variable name as searchString input value // return the filtered searchString value /* function myStripInput($searchString){ Any Php code which filter the input search string The following internal functions could be called: $searchString = stripHtml($searchString) : strip all the html tags $searchString = stripHtmlExceptImage($searchString) : strip all the html tags execpt image tag. $searchString = stripTags($searchString) : strip all the MODX tags $searchString = stripSnip($searchString) : strip all the snippet names You could also developp you own filter based on regular expressions. See http://fr.php.net/manual/en/intro.pcre.php return $searchString; } By default : defaultStripInput function will be used if &stripInput parameter is not set or if the function is not defined : function defaultStripInput($searchString){ if ($searchString != ''){ // Remove escape characters $searchString = stripslashes($searchString); // Remove modx sensitive tags $searchString = stripTags($searchString); // Strip HTML tags $searchString = stripHtml($searchString); } return $searchString; } ---- &stripOutput user function (optional) to transform on fly the result output by default: defaultStripOutput StripOutput user function should be define in the config file as follow : // string functionName(string $text) // functionName : name of stripOutput function passed as &stripOutput parameter // $text : string php variable name as results // return the filtered results /* function myStripOutput($text){ Any Php code which filter the results The following internal functions could be called: $text = stripTags($text); // strip all the MODX tags $text = stripJscript($text); // strip jscript $text = stripLineBreaking($text); // replace line breaking tags with whitespace $text = stripHtml($text); // strip all the html tags You could also developp you own filter based on regular expressions. See http://fr.php.net/manual/en/intro.pcre.php return $text; } */ By default : defaultStripOutput function will be used if &stripOutput parameter is not set or if the function is not defined : function defaultStripOutput($text){ // replace line breaking tags with whitespace $text = stripLineBreaking($text); // strip modx sensitive tags $text = stripTags($text); // strip Jscript $text = stripJscripts($text); // strip html tags. Tags should be correctly ended $text = stripHTML($text); return $text; } ---- &showIntro [ 0 | 1 ] - introduction message under the input form (optional) To show or hide the introduction message displayed with the input form Default: 1 (show) ---- &clearDefault (optional) clearing default text: [1 | 0] Set this to 1 if you would like to include the clear default js function add the class "cleardefault" to your input text form and set this parameter When the user clicks on the box, the default text is wiped away so that they can begin typing. If they click away from the box, without typing anything in, we will add the default text back so that they don’t forget what was meant to be typed. See http://www.yourhtmlsource.com/forms/clearingdefaulttext.html e.g : &clearingDefault=`0` To work the input text should contains the class="cleardefault" e.g (from templates/layoutTpl): Could be used with all the input text forms of your site The location of the js library is set with &jsClearDefault and the default file is : js/clearDefault.js ---- &jsClearDefault (optional) Location of the clearDefault javascript library ---- &breadcrumbs (optional) 0 : disallow the breadcrumbs link Name of the breadcrumbs function : allow the breadcrumbs link The function name could be followed by some parameter initialization e.g: &breadcrumbs=`Breadcrumbs,showHomeCrumb:0,showCrumbsAtHome:1` The breadcrumbs function could be custom function or a snippet The function nor the snippet should in any case exist Breadcrumbs user function could be define in the config file as follow : // Breadcrumbs user function. // string functionName(array $main, array $row, array $params) // functionName : name of breadcrumbs function passed with &breadcrumbs parameter // $main : array as main table definition // $row : array as search result row // $params : array as breadcrumbs parameters passed with &breadcrumbs parameter // return the breadcrumbs link as a string function myBreadcrumbs($main, $row, $params){ // use $main, $row and $params to set up your own custom breadcrumbs return $breadcrumbs; } ---- &addJscript [1 | 0] (optional) Set this to 0 if you would like to include the mootool/jquery librairy in the header of your pages manually. By default set to 1. The library is added automatically ---- &jscript ['jquery'|'mootools2'|'mootools'](optional) Set this to jquery if you would like use the jquery library set mootools2 to use the version 1.2 of mootools (limited to JS functions used by AS) Default: 'mootools' - use the version 1.11 of mootools provided with MODX ---- &jsMooTools Location of the mootools javascript library by default: MGR_DIR.'/media/script/mootools/mootools.js' ---- &jsMooTools2 Location of an alternative mootools javascript library Default: AS_SPATH . 'js/mootools1.2/mootools.js' - contains only the required functions for AS to use an another library, use this parameter and change the ajaxSearch/js/ajaxSearch1/ajaxSearch-mootools2.js file ---- &jquery Location of the jquery javascript library by default: AS_SPATH . 'js/jquery.js' ---- &mbstring (optional) Set to 0 if you can't load the php_mbstring extension by default: 1 ---- &tplInput - chunk to style the input form (optional) by default: @FILE:".AS_SPATH.'templates/input.tpl.html The folder inputs provide several input chunks. Input 1 : a simple search (oneword) with a simple input field. Input 2 : an advanced search. An input field with the selection of the advanced Search parameter Input 3 : a simple search (oneword) with a multiple input list ---- &pagingType [ 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 ] : type of pagination - (optional) Default: 1 0: Results Pages 1 | 2 | 3 1: Previous - X-Y /Z - Next 2: X-Y /Z - Show more 10 results Type 0 for non-ajax mode only Type 1 for non-ajax and ajax mode Type 2 for ajax mode (Jquery only) &tplPaging0 - Chunk to style the paging links - type 0 &tplPaging1 - Chunk to style the paging links - type 1 &tplPaging2 - Chunk to style the paging links - type 2 IMPORTANT: arrow button images are provided with the images folder. use asprev.png, asnext.png or your own images to define your previous and next buttons. e.g: .paging1Prev{ width:16px; margin:0 3px 0 0;display:block; float:left; text-indent:-3000px; background:url(images/asprev.png) 0 center no-repeat; } .paging1Next{ width:16px;display:inline-block;text-indent:-3000px; background:url(images/asnext.png) 0 center no-repeat; } .paging2More{ margin:10px 10px; padding:8px;background:url(images/asnext.png) 0 center no-repeat;} ---- &output [ 0 | 1 ] : Custom output - (optional) 0 - by default the results are listed below the input form 1 - custom layout: To place the different AjaxSearch elements where you want, use the following placeholders [+as.inputForm+] : the input form with the intro message [+as.results+] : the search results The parameter &tplLayout is now deprecated The parameter &tplInput is now used to style the ajaxSearch input form ---- &asLog - ajaxSearch log [ level [: comment [: purge]]] level: 0 : disallow the ajaxSearch log (default) 1 : failed search requests are logged 2 : all ajaxSearch requests are logged comment: 0 : user comment not allowed (default) 1 : user comment allowed purge: number of logs allowed before to do an automatic purge of the table 0 : no purge allowed (= illimited number of logs) default: 200 &asLog=`x` is equivalent to &asLog=`x:0:200` &asLog=`x:y` is equivalent to &asLog=`x:y:200` &asLog=`1:1:500` means that 500 failed search requests possibly commented by the end user could be stored in the ajaxSearch_log table &asLog=`1:1:500` means that 500 failed search requests possibly commented by the end user could be stored in the ajaxSearch_log table ---- &tplComment chunk to style comment form by default: @FILE:".AS_SPATH.'templates/comment.tpl.html' The comment form is protected from spamming by the use of a hidden input field. (idea suggested from SPForm by Bob Ray ) This field should be hidden by the CSS styling. If it's filled in (presumably by spammer autobots) nothing is sent. The "hidden" content is not really hidden, just not visible, so no worries about being penalized by Google. Visually challenged users of text-only browsers or audio browsers MAY see the input field and fill it (although the text warns them not to). You need to paste the following code into your CSS file. Otherwise the field will not be hidden. .ajaxSearch_hiddenField { position:absolute; text-decoration:underline; background-color:#CC0000; left:0px; top:-500px; width:1px; height:1px; overflow:hidden; } Keep spammers from pasting too many links into the comment and sending it(counts "http" instances); A maximum of 2 links per comment is allowed otherwise the comment is rejected. You could adjust this value in the file classes/ajaxSearchLog.class.inc by changing the CMT_MAX_LINKS definition. The maximum length of the comment is of 100 characters. Otherwise the comment is rejected. Helps short-circuit injection attacks. You could this value in the file classes/ajaxSearchLog.class.inc by changing the CMT_MAX_LENGTH definition. The user searches are stored in the database table $modx_table_prefix."ajaxsearch_log" These data are not for the end user only for the site administrator. Informations stored per each search are the following: - id : internal id of the search request looged - searchstring : the search terms used for the search - nb_results : number of results found - results : document ids found - comment : comment leave by the user regarding the search results - as_call : ajaxSearch snippet call used - as_select : select statement used (could be reused thru phpmyadmin) vdate : date and hour of the request - ip : user IP The table could be drop without any impacts on the AjaxSearch behaviour. Simply, if the asLog parameter is set and the table inexisting, the table is rebuilt. A 'Did you find what you are looking for?' form is available for the user when the option comment is set. In this case the user could leave a comment about the search results. &tplComment parameter define which form template used. A module will be provided later to manage these search datas We could imagine the following features: - drop the table - delete (successfull, unsuccessfull, all) searches executed before a specific date - delete (successfull, unsuccessfull, all) searches executed before N days - give me as meta tag keywords, the N most used (successfull, unsuccessfull) search terms - replay a specific search with a new debug level - delete uncommented (successfull, unsuccessfull, all) searches - filter view with commented (successfull, unsuccessfull, all) searches ---------------------------------------------------------------- :: Ajax Parameters - Used only with the ajaxSearch mode ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---- &ajaxMax [int] (optional) The number of results you would like returned from the ajax search. ---- &showMoreResults [1 | 0] (optional) If you want a link to show all of the results from the ajax search. ---- &moreResultsPage [int] (optional) Page you want the more results link to point to. This page should contain another call to this snippet for displaying results. ---- &liveSearch [1 | 0] (optional) There are two forms of the ajaxSearch. 0 - The form button is displayed and searching does not start until the button is pressed by the user. 1 - There is no form button, the search is started automatically as the user types (liveSearch) ---- &opacity [float value between 0. and 1.] (optional) Opacity of the ajaxSearch_output div where are returned the ajax results. Default is 1. Float value between 0. (transparent) and 1. (opaque) ---- &addJscript [1 | 0] (optional) If you want the mootools library added to the header of your pages automatically set this to 1. Set to 0 if you do not want them inculded automatically. Default is 1. ---- &tplAjaxGrpResults chunk to style the ajax output group of results outer by default: @FILE:".AS_SPATH.'templates/ajaxGrpResults.tpl.html' ---- &tplAjaxResults chunk to style the ajax output results outer by default: @FILE:".AS_SPATH.'templates/ajaxResults.tpl.html' ---- &tplAjaxResult chunk to style each output result by default: @FILE:".AS_SPATH.'templates/ajaxResult.tpl.html' ---------------------------------------------------------------- :: Non Ajax Parameters - Used only with the non-ajaxSearch mode ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---- &landingPage [int] (optional) Document id you would like the search to show on. (For non-ajax search) ---- &grabMax [int] (optional) The number of results per page returned (For non-ajax search) ---- &pageLinkSeparator [ string ] (optional) separator of the paging's links any string you want, between your page link numbers by default: " | " ---- &showPagingAlways [1 | 0] (optional) always display paging. Even if you get only one page. Set this to `1` if you would like to always show paging. Two use cases: You are using non-ajax search or when you are using ajax search but you have set up showMoreResults to `1` and you have defined moreResultsPage, then it may happen that ajax search result have only one page and pagination isn't showed by default : 0 ---- &tplGrpResults chunk to style the non-ajax output group of results outer by default: @FILE:".AS_SPATH.'templates/grpResults.tpl.html' ---- &tplResults chunk to style the non-ajax output results outer by default: @FILE:".AS_SPATH.'templates/results.tpl.html' ---- &tplResult chunk to style each output result by default: @FILE:".AS_SPATH.'templates/result.tpl.html' ---- &tplPaging chunk to style the paging links @FILE:".AS_SPATH.'templates/paging.tpl.html' ---------------------------------------------------------------- :: CSS ---------------------------------------------------------------- The following items are used to style the starting form and ajax result container. #ajaxSearch_form - id of the search form #ajaxSearch_input - id of the input box on the form #ajaxSearch_submit - id of the submit button #ajaxSearch_output - id of the div that the ajax results are returned in #ajaxSearch_intro - id of the div that contains the intro paragraph #ajaxSearch_cmtForm - id of the comment form #searchClose - id of the search close button #indicator - id of the ajax load image #ajaxSearch_cmtSubmit - id of the submit button of the comment form #ajaxSearch_cmtReset - id of the reset button of the comment form The following items are used to style the results when the user does not have javascript or they have clicked the more results link .ajaxSearch_paging - class for span of result pages listing .ajaxSearch_currentPage - class for span the current page .ajaxSearch_pagination - class for pagination paragraph .ajaxSearch_result - class for result container div .ajaxSearch_resultLink - class for result link .ajaxSearch_resultDescription - class for result description span .ajaxSearch_extract - class for content extract div (for highlighting) .ajaxSearch_highlight1,2,3 - classes for result highlighting. You need to create as many classes as terms you think a user will search for. .ajaxSearch_resultsIntroFailure - class for no results paragraph .ajaxSearch_intro - class for intro paragraph .ajaxSearch_resultsInfos - class for the number of results found .ajaxSearch_resultsDisplayed - class for the number of results displayed .ajaxSearch_grpResultName - class for the name of the group of results .ajaxSearch_grpResultsDisplayed - class for the number of results displayed for the group The following items are used to style the results returned by the ajax request. .AS_ajax_result - class for the result container div .AS_ajax_resultLink - class for the result link .AS_ajax_resultDescription - class for the result description span .AS_ajax_extract - class for the content extract div (for highlighting) .AS_ajax_hightlight1,2,3 - classes for result highlighting. You need to create as many classes as terms you think a user will search for. .AS_ajax_more - class for more search results div .AS_ajax_resultsIntroFailure - class for no results paragraph .AS_ajax_resultsInfos - class for the number of results found .AS_ajax_resultsDisplayed - class for the number of results displayed .AS_ajax_grpResultName - class for the name of the group of results .AS_ajax_grpResultsDisplayed - class for the number of results displayed for the group ---------------------------------------------------------------- :: Templating and Placeholders ---------------------------------------------------------------- To use an another template, define the template name and location with @FILE:assets/snippets/ajaxSearch/templates/folderName/templateName.tpl.htm or create a chunck parameter by copy/paste and change of an existing template. &tplInput : chunk to style the ajaxSearch input form by default : /templates/input.tpl.html Non ajax mode & more results page : &tplGrpResults : chunk to style the output results outer Group results outer layout (category name, number of results, list of results, paging) by default : /templates/grpResults.tpl.html &tplResults : chunk to style the output results outer Results outer layout (number of results, list of results, paging) by default : /templates/results.tpl.html &tplResult : chunk to style each output result Result template (title link, description, extract, breadcrumbs link) by default : /templates/result.tpl.html &tplPaging : chunk to style the paging links Paging link template (pages, current page) by default : /templates/paging.tpl.html &tplComment chunk to style comment form by default: @FILE:".AS_SPATH.'templates/comment.tpl.html' Ajax mode : &tplAjaxGrpResults : chunk to style the ajax output group of results outer Results outer layout (category name, number of results, list of results, more results link) by default : /templates/ajaxGrpResults.tpl.html &tplAjaxResults : chunk to style the ajax output results outer Results outer layout (number of results, list of results, more results link) by default : /templates/ajaxResults.tpl.html &tplAjaxResult : chunk to style each ajax output result Result template (title link, description, extract, breadcrumbs link) by default : /templates/ajaxResult.tpl.html searchString available as placeholder Use [+as.searchString+] to get the search string used for the search. For instance use "Search results for [+as.searchString+]" as pagetitle for your landing page. All the fields of the main table and of the joined table defined as "displayed" All the TV could be displayed as placeholder (except if &tvPhx=`0`) in the table definition could be used with the tplResult and tplAjaxResult templates: For each field named "xxxx" we having: [+as.xxxx+] the content of the field named xxxx [+as.xxxxShow+] a boolean value which is equal to 0 when xxxx='', 1 otherwise [+as.xxxxClass+] a class name equal to: - ajaxSearch_resultXxxx for the non ajax results (&tplResult) - AS_ajax_resultXxxx for the ajax window (&tplAjaxResult) For instance, with &whereSearch="content,tv", the following informations are available "content" as main table - id field : [+as.id+] "content" as main table - date field : [+as.publishon+] "content" as main table - displayed fields : [+as.pagetitle+], [+as.pagetitleShow+], [+as.pagetitleClass+] [+as.longtitle+], [+as.longtitleShow+], [+as.longtitleClass+] [+as.description+], [+as.descriptionShow+], [+as.descriptionClass+] [+as.alias+], [+as.aliasShow+], [+as.aliasClass+] [+as.introtext+], [+as.introtextShow+], [+as.introtextClass+] [+as.menutitle+], [+as.menutitleShow+], [+as.menutitleClass+] [+as.content+], [+as.contentShow+], [+as.contentClass+] "content" as main table - breadcrumbs link: [+as.breadcrumbs+],[+as.breadcrumbsShow+],[+as.breadcrumbsClass+] "tv" as joined table - 'concat_alias' field : [+as.tv_value], [+as.tv_valueShow+], [+as.tv_valueClass+] and in any case the extract result built with &extract parameter: [+as.extract+], [+as.extractShow+], [+as.extractClass+] with AS_ajax_resultExtract (ajax) or ajaxSearch_resultExtract (non-ajax) as class names With &whereSearch="content,tv,maxigallery,jot" we add : [+as.jot_content], [+as.jot_contentShow], [+as.jot_contentClass] [+as.gal_title], [+as.gal_titleShow], [+as.gal_titleClass] [+as.gal_descr], [+as.gal_descrShow], [+as.gal_descrClass] [+as.resultNumber+] is available to display the number of the result &tvPhx : Set placeHolders for TV (template variables) 0 : disallow the feature 1 : allow the display of all Modx TVs of the document found (default) Placeholders for TVs are: [+as.tvName+], [+as.tvNameShow+], [+as.tvNameClass+] Where tvName is the MODX name of a TV [+as.tvName+] is the HTML output of your TV [+as.tvNameShow+] = 1 if the TV is not NULL [+as.tvNameClass+] : - ajaxSearch_resultTvName for the non ajax results (&tplResult) - AS_ajax_resultTvName for the ajax window (&tplAjaxResult) e.g: AS_ajax_resultTag, a tv named "tag" (take care, the first letter of tvName should be here an upper case) ---------------------------------------------------------------- :: Ajax Mode Example Calls ---------------------------------------------------------------- [!AjaxSearch!] A basic (Ajax) default call that renders a search form with the default images and parameters [!AjaxSearch? &showMoreResults=`1` &moreResultsPage=`25`!] Allows a link to a full-page search to go to another page. in this example, the document #25 should contain a non-ajaxSearch snippet call like : [!AjaxSearch? &ajaxSearch=`0` &showInputForm=`0`!] to display the results without the search form again [!AjaxSearch? &ajaxMax=`10` &extract=`0`!] Overrides the number of maximum results returned and removes search term highlighting. [!AjaxSearch? &documents=`in:2,3,8,16`!] A call that renders a search form with the default images and parameters search terms are searched among the documents `2,3,8,16` [!AjaxSearch? &parents=`not in:5,7` &depth=`2`!] A call that renders a search form with the default images and parameters search terms are searched on 2 levels among all the document except among the chidren documents of 5 and 7 ---------------------------------------------------------------- :: Non-Ajax Mode Example Calls ---------------------------------------------------------------- [!AjaxSearch? &ajaxSearch=`0`!] A basic non-Ajax default call that renders a search form with the default images and non-Ajax parameters [!AjaxSearch? &ajaxSearch=`0` &landingPage=`25`!] In this example, search results will be displayed on document #25 This document should contain a non-ajaxSearch snippet call like : [!AjaxSearch? &ajaxSearch=`0` &showInputForm=`0` &grabMax=`10` &extract=`0`!] to display the results without the search form again And overrides the number of maximum results returned per page and removes search term highlighting. ---------------------------------------------------------------- :: Error messages ---------------------------------------------------------------- === default.config.php not found! Check the existing of this file! means that the default configuration file is missing. This file is required in every cases === default configuration array not defined in default.config.php Check the content of this file! means that the content of the default configuration file is abnormal and wrong === xxxx not found! Check your config parameter or your config file name! means that the user configuration file is not existing in the configs directory === AjaxSearch error: to use the debug mode, " . AS_DBGDIR . " should be a writable directory. means that you need to change the rights of ajaxSearch/debug directory. It should be writable for the creation of the log file. === AjaxSearch error: php_mbstring extension required means that the Php mbstring extension should be set === AjaxSearch error: database_connection_charset not set. Check your MODX config file === AjaxSearch error: database_connection_charset is null. Check your MODX config file means that your $database_connection_charset variable of your /'.MGR_DIR.'/includes/config.inc.php file is an empty value === AjaxSearch error: unknown database_connection_charset = xxxx Add the appropriate Html charset mapping in the classes/ajaxSearch.php file is not really an error but need that you add in the classes/ajaxSearch.php file the mapping between the mysql database character set (not the collation) and the html charset. === AjaxSearch error: strip input function xxxx not defined in the configuration file: yyyy means that the php function xxxx which implements the strip input function doesn't exist in the user configuration file xxxx === AjaxSearch error: search function "siteConfig" not defined in the configuration file: xxxx means that you use the site parameter without defining this site thru the "siteConfig" function in the user configuration file === AjaxSearch error: Site xxxx not defined in the configuration file: yyyy ! means that no new configuration parameters are provided by the siteConfig for the site xxxx in the user configuration file xxxx === AjaxSearch error: search function "subsiteConfig" not defined in the configuration file: xxxx ! means that you use the subsearch parameter or category parameter without defining this site thru the "subsiteConfig" function in the user configuration file === AjaxSearch error: Subsite xxxx of yyyy not defined in the configuration file: zzzz ! means that no new configuration parameters are provided by the subsiteConfig function for the subsite xxxx of the site yyyy in the user configuration file zzzz === AjaxSearch error: table tttt not defined in the configuration file: xxxx ! means that you use a whereSearch parameter with a table not defining in the user configuration file === AjaxSearch error: tv tttt not defined - Check your withTvs parameter ! means that you use the withTv parameter or tvPhx parameter with an inexisting Tv. Check your snippet call! ----------------------------------------------------------------- :: How-to use this snippet ----------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Copy the contents of the file snippet.ajaxSearch.tx into a new snippet named AjaxSearch 2. Create a directory named ajaxSearch under the assets/snippets folder. 3. Open the js/ajaxSearch1/ajaxSearch.js file and set the loading & close image path to an image you want to display while the search is working. - ajaxSearch.js is the mootools 1.11 version - ajaxSearch-mootools2.js the mootools 1.2.4 version - ajaxSearch-jquery the JQuery 1.4.2 version 4. Copy the files from the zip into the ajaxSearch folder. 5. Add inside a document, the snippet call like the following: [!AjaxSearch!] Note: If javascript is disabled the snippet functions as the non-ajax mode. So you will want to set any of the other options in the snippet call for these users. Test by calling via [!AjaxSearch? &ajaxSearch=0 &otherParamsAsNeeded=`here` !] 6. Use the following styles to change how your search looks: /* css style for AjaxSearch - tags for ajax mode are prefixed by AS_ajax_ - common or non-ajax tags are prefixed by ajaxSearch_ */ /* Input form -------------------------------------------------------------- */ #ajaxSearch_form , #as2_ajaxSearch_form { width:500px; position:relative;} #ajaxSearch_form fieldset { margin:0; padding:0; width:215px;} #ajaxSearch_form fieldset.inputAS { margin:0; padding:0; width:400px;} #as0_ajaxSearch_input { width:160px; font-size:0.8em; padding:2px 2px; border:#DFDFDF inset 2px;} #ajaxSearch_input, #as2_ajaxSearch_input { width:160px; background:#FFF; font-size:0.8em; border:2px inset gray; padding:4px 1px 2px 3px; margin:0; } #ajaxSearch_submit, #as2_ajaxSearch_submit { margin:0 0 0 5px; font:bold 1em Arial, Sans-serif; background:#FFF url(images/gradientbg.jpg) repeat-x; padding:2px 3px; color:#333; border:1px solid #BDBDBD; } #ajaxSearch_intro { margin:10px 0;} #searchClose, #as2_searchClose{ position:absolute; left:216px; top:5px; width:16px;} #indicator, #as2_indicator{ position:absolute; left:234px; top:5px; width:16px;} #ajaxSearch_form.input2 #searchClose { position:absolute; left:216px; top:32px; width:16px;} #ajaxSearch_form.input2 #indicator{ position:absolute; left:234px; top:32px; width:16px;} #ajaxSearch_subSearch, #as2_ajaxSearch_subSearch { padding:3px 2px 2px 2px; margin:5px 0 10px 0; list-style:none; } #subSearch_maxigallery, #as2_subSearch_maxigallery { padding:2px 2px 2px 2px; margin:5px 0 10px 0; width:100%; clear:both; } #ajaxSearch_radio, #as2_ajaxSearch_radio { background:#FFFFFF; font-size:0.8em; margin:0 0 5px 0; padding:1px 1px 2px 1px; } #ajaxSearch_select, #as2_ajaxSearch_select { background:#FFFFFF; height:auto; width:150px; font-size:0.9em; padding:3px 1px 2px 1px; border:2px inset gray; float:left; } #asf_form { margin: 10px 0 0 0; padding: 0; } /* output results -------------------------------------------------------------- */ #ajaxSearch_output.init, #as2_ajaxSearch_output.init { border: none; background-color: #FFFFFF; } #ajaxSearch_output, #as2_ajaxSearch_output { font-size:90%; background-color:#EFEFEF; border:1px solid #6F9303; color:black; width:450px; z-index:1; padding:5px; margin:10px 0 15px 0; } .ajaxSearch_resultsInfos, .AS_ajax_resultsInfos { margin:10px 0 10px 0; } .ajaxSearch_resultsDisplayed, .AS_ajax_resultsDisplayed { font-weight:bold; color:#CC0000; font-size:90%; display:block; float:right; } .ajaxSearch_paging { display:block; margin:5px 0 10px; } .paging1, .paging2 { padding:5px 0 10px; margin:0 0 5px; } .paging1Infos{ margin:0 5px 5px; color:green;} .paging1Prev{ margin:0; padding:8px; background:url(images/asprev.png) 0 center no-repeat;} .paging1Next{ margin:0; padding:8px;background:url(images/asnext.png) 0 center no-repeat;} .paging2More{ margin:10px 10px; padding:8px;background:url(images/asnext.png) 0 center no-repeat;} .paging2Text{ margin:0 0 0 12px; color:green;} .ajaxSearch_currentPage { color:#6F9303; font-weight:bold; } div .AS_ajax_result, div .ajaxSearch_result { padding:3px; margin:3px 0; } .AS_ajax_result { color:#444; margin-bottom:3px; } .AS_ajax_resultLink, .ajaxSearch_resultLink { text-decoration:underline; color:#6F670D; } .AS_ajax_resultDescription,.ajaxSearch_resultDescription { color:#555; padding:2px; } .AS_ajax_more,.ajaxSearch_more { margin:10px 0; height:30px; } .AS_ajax_more a{ font-weight:bold; color:#6F670D; } .AS_ajax_resultsIntroFailure{ padding:3px; margin: 5px 0; } .AS_ajax_resultsIntroFailure h3{ color:red; } /* groups of results */ .grpResultsNb { color:#CC0000; } .ajaxSearch_grpResultsDisplayed, .AS_ajax_grpResultsDisplayed { font-weight:normal; color:#CC0000; font-size:90%; display:block; float:right; } .ajaxSearch_grpResultName, .AS_ajax_grpResultName { background:url(images/img04.jpg) no-repeat left 50%; font:bold 1em Arial, Sans-serif; padding:5px 0 5px 15px; margin:3px 0; } /* highlight results */ .AS_ajax_highlight1,.ajaxSearch_highlight1 { color:#C00; font-weight:700; padding:0; } .AS_ajax_highlight2,.ajaxSearch_highlight2 { color:#DF5380; font-weight:700; padding:0; } .AS_ajax_highlight3, .ajaxSearch_highlight3{ color:#DF53B5; padding:0; font-weight:bold; } .AS_ajax_highlight4, .ajaxSearch_highlight4{ color:#DF5380; padding:0; font-weight:bold; } .AS_ajax_highlight5, .ajaxSearch_highlight5{ color:#A453DF; padding:0; font-weight:bold; } .AS_ajax_highlight6, .ajaxSearch_highlight6{ color:#53ADDF; padding:0; font-weight:bold; } /* Comment Area */ #ajaxSearch_cmtForm fieldset{ height:135px; } .ajaxSearch_hiddenField { position:absolute; text-decoration:underline; background-color:#CC0000; left:0px; top:-500px; width:1px; height:1px; overflow:hidden; } #ajaxSearch_cmtThks{ color:#CC0000; padding:0; margin:10px; font-size:1em; font-weight:bold; height:2em; } .ajaxSearch_cmtIntro{ color:gray; font-size:1em; font-weight:bold; } #ajaxSearch_cmtArea{ width:440px; height:50px; padding:3px; margin:8px 0 3px; } #ajaxSearch_cmtSubmit, #ajaxSearch_cmtReset{ margin:0 0 0 5px; font:bold 1em Arial, Sans-serif; background:#FFF url(images/gradientbg.jpg) repeat-x; padding:2px 3px; color:#333; border:1px solid #BDBDBD; } 7. If you are using the display more results link setup a new page with the snippet call to display your results. 8. Test and see the search working with Ajax! ---------------------------------------------------------------- :: How-to change the ajaxSearch folder location ---------------------------------------------------------------- To change the location of the ajaxSearch snippet folder : 1. change the definition of AS_SPATH in snippet.ajaxSearch.txt // Path where ajaxSearch is installed define('AS_SPATH', 'assets/snippets/ajaxSearch/'); 2. change the definition of AS_SPATH in ajaxSearchPopup.php define ('AS_SPATH' , 'assets/snippets/ajaxSearch/'); 3. if you use the default release of mootools, in the js/ajaxSearch1/ajaxSearch.js file change the _base value: var _base = 'assets/snippets/ajaxSearch/'; Change this _base value in the js/ajaxSearch1/ajaxSearch-mootools2.js if you use mootools 1.2 Change this _base value in the js/ajaxSearch1/ajaxSearch-jquery.js if you use jquery 4. change the _base value in the js/comment/ajaxSearchCmt.js file ---------------------------------------------------------------- :: How-to use the search highlight plugin ---------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Create a new plugin named Search_Highlight. 2. Copy the contents of the file plugin.searchHighlight.tpl into the plugin. 3. On the System Events tab select OnWebPagePrerender. 4. Somewhere in your template or document add the html: This will display the terms and a link to remove the highlighting 5. Do a search and click the link to see the search highlighting carried through to the page. ---------------------------------------------------------------- :: How-to use the search advHighlight plugin ---------------------------------------------------------------- AdvSearch_Highlight is an advanced "Multi-Part" variant of Search_Highlight It allows to frame with "" and several parts of the site that will be highligthed. Install it as the search highlight plugin. ---------------------------------------------------------------- :: Where find more support ---------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Look at : Modx Community forum >> support >> Repository Items Support >> support/comments for ajaxSearch http://forums.modx.com/forums/thread/39223/support-comments-for-ajaxsearch-1-9-2b-finale#dis-post-226189 2. Documentation : http://rtfm.modx.com/extras/evo/ajaxsearch 3. Demo site : http://www.evo.wangba.fr 4. Bugs & features : https://github.com/modxcms/AjaxSearch