[2007-1-06: REVISION 0000] [NEW] phx capability [NEW] summarize extender [2007-1-06: REVISION 0000] [FIXED] request config [FIXED] randomize [FIXED] 1-0 pagination placeholders issue [NEW] dateFilter to the extenders [2007-1-07: REVISION 0000] [CHANGED] made request a extender [NEW] item[x] placeholders which now work with pagination [FIXED] sortBy [NEW] templates to debug output [2007-1-12: REVISION 0000] [FIXED] various minor bugs [CHANGED] moved template debug output back to [+tpl+] debug item [CHANGED] removed appendTVs method for getTV which allows for fetching of a TV for all needed documents with support for default values [CHANGED] determine IDs to use document IDs instead of parents since getTV requires document IDs [FIXED] sortBy glitch [2007-1-14: REVISION 1286] [FIXED] build URL and pagination [CHANGED] changed getTV to appendTV [FIXED] fixed document & TV retrieval [2007-1-14: REVISION 1287] [NEW] getChildIDs method has been rewritten for raw performance [NEW] date extender for date placeholder and related params [CHANGED] Moved debug CSS to its own language key and now uses regClientCSS to add to header [NEW] Save support added with 0 outputting only content, 1 outputting the remaining content past stop and setting the placeholders, and 2 setting the placeholders with no output. [FIXED] Call-time pass-by-reference [FIXED] MakeURL nolonger prepends the site_url [2007-1-16: REVISION 0000] [FIXED] &tags parameters and tplAlt vs tplFirst assignment [CHANGED] first and last templates are now the first and last items on a given page, not of all documents [2007-1-17: REVISION 0000] [FIXED] &tags parameter [FIXED] &debug output when no documents found [FIXED] QE placeholders now correctly add pagetitle field to fields array [2007-1-18: REVISION 0000] [FIXED] Advanced sorting [2007-1-19: REVISION 0000] [FIXED] Tag filter only enables if tags are specified [FIXED] No results display with custom formats [2007-1-22: REVISION 0000] [FIXED] Limit = 0 error handling [FIXED] Pagination division by 0 error [FIXED] Empty $_GET tags [NEW] Reflect can now get its own documents by running Ditto [NEW] seeThroughUnpub = 0 performance drastically increased [CHANGED] $ditto->getDocuments now returns an array with numeric, not string, keys [2007-2-4: REVISION 0000] [CHANGED] Reflect source code order and comments [2007-2-7: REVISION 0000] [NEW] Save option 3 [CHANGED] Reflect to obey save option 3 [CHANGED] Added if function exists statements to custom placeholders declarations [CHANGED] getDocuments parameters order and fields are now given as an array [NEW] prefetch variable now contains the data array fetched by the prefetcher when true [2007-2-9: REVISION 0000] [FIXED] Server offset is now applied to the date placeholder [2007-2-10: REVISION 0000] [CHANGED] Reflect Ditto ID detection [REMOVED] Save = 0 restraint on pagination [NEW] Data is now saved and reused from the prefetcher [FIXED] Prefetcher field parsing error [REMOVED] if function exists statements to custom placeholders declarations [2007-2-11: REVISION 0000] [CHANGED] Ditto snippet source code order [2007-2-12: REVISION 0000] [NEW] Server offset is applied to format date placeholders [FIXED] Filtering + Prefetch now work correctly together [CHANGED] #ID keys are now preserved in the getDocuments function [NEW] rel="tags" to tag links [NEW] local and global filter delimiter parameters for customization [CHANGED] MakeURL function for compliance with TVexplorer (heliotrope @ http://forums.modx.com/thread/27666/ditto-2-0-beta-3#dis-post-147124) [FIXED] ;; in source code removed [CHANGED] = to == in filter source [REMOVED] debug->stored references [CHANGED] Parameter comments to reflect recent changes [2007-2-13: REVISION 0000] [FIXED] Missing commas in JSON format file [CHANGED] &start in Reflect can now be dynamically set like Ditto [REMOVED] &debug parameter in Reflect [2007-2-14: REVISION 0000] [FIXED] &start in Reflect [FIXED] Localization support for UTF-8 strings [FIXED] Randomize [NEW] If getDocuments is 1, Reflect will get its own documents even if given an ID [FIXED] Ditto ID can now be fed to ditto->buildURL as a parameter again [FIXED] Reflect now sets an empty month URL variable so that Ditto filtering works properly on years [2007-2-15: REVISION 0000] [FIXED] "etomite" string in charset param from older MODX versions [2007-2-16: REVISION 0000] [CHANGED] debug output to clean tables [FIXED] Reflect now sets an false month URL variable instead of an empty one [REMOVED] utf8_str_replace as it was not necessary [2007-2-17: REVISION 0000] [CHANGED] PHx Pre-Parser version and code [REMOVED] &total parameter [FIXED] &save=1 now saves the documents not shown to the resource placeholder as intended [FIXED] Reflect ordering [FIXED] Prefetcher [FIXED] Single chunk removal [NEW] Allow for multiple chunk removal [2007-2-18: REVISION 0000] [NEW] Ditto class commenting for Natural Docs [FIXED] Reflect source code ordering [FIXED] &tags=`` extra delimiter [FIXED] TV prefix and prefetch issue [FIXED] Reflect no documents error [FIXED] Reflect custom templates fetching [FIXED] Reflect tag closings thanks to new algorithm [2007-2-19: REVISION 0000] [FIXED] is_file error [NEW] caseSensitive option for tagging to determine whether or not the tag filter is case sensitive [NEW] Proper display of tags when case sensitive is on AND off [FIXED] File retrieval logic to handle different extenders in different calls [CHANGED] caseSensitive default to 0 [FIXED] SortBy pub_date [FIXED] include issues [2007-2-20: REVISION 0000] [FIXED] [*field*] support [FIXED] No tags error [NEW] &yearSortDir and &monthSortDir in Reflect for the direction of the sort of the year and month [FIXED] include issues (hopefully for good!) [FIXED] template order mixup in language file [2007-2-21: REVISION 0000] [CHANGED] Ditto base path can now be over-ridden so when debugging locally no incorrect paths will be committed to svn [NEW] Ditto snippet commenting for Natural Docs (Not Yet Complete) [FIXED] Array error when no documents are given [FIXED] Tags None Error [FIXED] &documents = "" and &parents = "" error handling [CHANGED] Cleaned up template processing [NEW] Date parameter added back in for UTF-8 compatibility. No-longer an extension as it is needed on sites using the UTF-8 charset. [2007-2-22: REVISION 0000] [CHANGED] More commenting [FIXED] $row['contentid'] omitted in appendTVs [FIXED] TPL Debug Rendering [FIXED] Correct template is now applied to documents [FIXED] Reflect no date visible issue [2007-2-23: REVISION 0000] [FIXED] Documentation typos and additions [FIXED] [*ph*] style placeholders fixed [CHANGED] &total is back in business [FIXED] &showInMenuOnly [FIXED] &parents = 0 [2007-2-24: REVISION 0000] [FIXED] Reflect template issue [NEW] &hiddenFields parameter to support things like nested placeholders and [*fields*] [FIXED] No documents found with prefetch [CHANGED] Build URL function to support passing of arrays [2007-2-28: REVISION 0000] [CHANGED] Build URL now trims ID before building the URL string [NEW] Debug View [CHANGED] English language file for new debug view [CHANGED] Reflect passes months by numbers not by name, should make multi-language compatible [CHANGED] Date filter is now its own custom filter as originally planned [NEW] Filters can now specify data sources they need (including multiple sources via a comma delimited list) [REMOVED] $debug reference in Reflect [NEW] Custom Filters can now add hidden Fields [2007-3-1: REVISION 0000] [CHANGED] Minor bug-fixes to debug system [CHANGED] Debug templates moved out of language file into new debug templates php file like formats [CHANGED] Language file now properly formatted [2007-3-3: REVISION 0000] [FIXED] Tags & RSS [2007-3-4: REVISION 0000] [CHANGED] noResults logic for compatibility with new debug code [REMOVED] Non essential ditto->header and ditto->footer variables for local versions [NEW] Format files documented [REMOVED] Temp file code removed in favor of faster header code [FIXED] &sortBy=`pub_date` [CHANGED] source,function is now the order for both placeholders and filters [2007-3-5: REVISION 0000] [FIXED] Custom filters being used without a normal filter not functioning [FIXED] Wordwrap in debug class [FIXED] Titles for Format Files (those were documented in the last commit not language files) [CHANGED] Parameter order for parse filters is now logical [NEW] tplTrunk which allows the [+link+] parameter to be templated using [+url+] and [+text+] placeholders [FIXED] Wordwrap in debug class (again...) [NEW] Configs, formats, and extenders can load extenders via adding to the $extenders array [CHANGED] Pagination logic to handle &total=0 or &summarize=0 [CHANGED] RSS now uses [+summary+] placeholder again [CHANGED] Debug window now resizeable [CHANGED] Version number from RC2 to RC3 [NEW] install.txt file which doubles as a splash page for the documentation [2007-3-6: REVISION 0000] [FIXED] wordwrap non-string warning [FIXED] filter variable overwrite resulting in all filters failing [FIXED] wordwrap non-string warning (take 2) [FIXED] implode error in debug [FIXED] SQL error when start > total [CHANGED] Debug output in MODX info to not var_export objects and resource arrays [CHANGED] Moved cFilters and extenders initiation arrays to the beginning [CHANGED] Documentation to show the only configs and formats can load extenders, not extenders themselves [NEW] PHx version 2.1.2 [FIXED] QE Issues with incorrect ID and custom placeholders [FIXED] ksort error [REMOVED] Non-neccessary header [FIXED] Blank author placeholder with QE [2007-3-7: REVISION 0000] [FIXED] Reflect "@CODE:" prefix moved to correct line [2007-3-8: REVISION 0000] [CHANGED] Links in install.txt to their correct values [FIXED] Pre-parsed filters [NEW] Example extender for use when creating new extenders [NEW] Template and debug classes now documented [FIXED] "retrieved" fields array() error [REMOVED] notes.txt file in preparation for release [FIXED] debug parameters output [CHANGED] Version number from RC3 to 2.0.0 [2007-3-9: REVISION 0000] [FIXED] Duplicate tuncAt -> truncText in documentation [FIXED] include_once for extenders is now include [2007-3-12: REVISION 0000] [NEW] Now uses MODXDebugConsole class as a base for the debug class [CHANGED] minor indenting of the debug templates and new tab template [FIXED] &start [FIXED] missing urlencode on values of makeURL arguments [CHANGED] install.txt to include new stable download link [FIXED] &randomize [NEW] Compatibility config to allow backwards compatibility with Ditto 1.0.2 calls [2007-3-13: REVISION 0000] [NEW] &randomize now uses mySQL's RAND() function for faster parsing and LIMIT support [CHANGED] compatibility extender to include emptyText support [CHANGED] optimized getParam [NEW] Implemented Ticket #20 [FIXED] Page reload on debug link click [FIXED] Ticket #25 [NEW] Implemented Ticket #26 : Added @EVAL to filtering system. Note that it is only for basic filtering, not custom filtering (tagging, etc). [CHANGED] Implemented Ticket #28 : Removed : from @ bindings [2007-3-14: REVISION 0000] [FIXED] Debug error when no documents found [CHANGED] &cFilters and $parsedFilters removed in favor of new $filters array. All extenders have been updated for compatibility. [NEW] Implemented Ticket #29 so that extenders can be located outside of Ditto folder [FIXED] When clicking on a tag link start is reset for proper display of documents [CHANGED] Documentation corrections [NEW] Weighted Random via &randomize having the value of a tv or field [FIXED] Weights are now converted to integer before being used in weighted random [FIXED] Weighted Random with &summary = 1 [FIXED] makeParamTable array error [CHANGED] &summarize to &show for simplicity [2007-3-15: REVISION 0000] [NEW] dateFilter extender can now filter down to days [CHANGED] Reflect to pass &date=false to dateFilter to not trigger an error [CHANGED] &show (which was &summarize) to &display [REMOVED] Non-needed $ditto->advSort pass through [FIXED] Default template now correctly uses [+date+] again [FIXED] CustomReset on display side [2007-3-17: REVISION 0000] [FIXED] Debug "unknown" field type issue [NEW] Placeholders can now specify their QE field [FIXED] $dittoID prefix missing from [+tags+] MODX placeholder [NEW] Added trim to @bindings [CHANGED] Improvements to internal QE link renderer [FIXED] Summary extender [FIXED] Summary extender typo... [NEW] urlStart placeholder for referencing the start value in the URL [CHANGED] Increment version number to 2.0.1.SVN in preparation for release [2007-3-18: REVISION 0000] [NEW] Added documentation to Reflect [CHANGED] Version number to 2.0.1 [2007-3-19: REVISION 0000] [CHANGED] Version number to 2.0.2.SVN [FIXED] Removed variable referencing as it causes errors in some php versions [FIXED] Minor language typo's [2007-3-20: REVISION 0000] [FIXED] Language number typos [FIXED] Default template un-needed parsing [FIXED] Changelog dates [2007-3-21: REVISION 0000] [REMOVED] Debug Console MODX Tab [FIXED] Debug Console fields [2007-3-22: REVISION 0000] [FIXED] URL encoding [FIXED] Typo in header --- "Desciption" to "Description" [2007-3-23: REVISION 0000] [FIXED] Bug where * placeholders were parsed before all custom placeholders [FIXED] Atom encoding [FIXED] Filters array now cleaned first [FIXED] Version typo [CHANGED] &ditto_base to prepend base_path [FIXED] Prefetch no documents found [FIXED] Debug data display [FIXED] Tagging trim() missing from certain functions [2007-3-26: REVISION 0000] [FIXED] @FILE inclusion error for extenders [FIXED] Documentation for Ditto ID [NEW] dateFilter $_GET variables secured and sanitized [NEW] Request extender now employ's $modx->stripTags for security [NEW] Secured start variable via intval in snippet [NEW] Added &good to request extender to compliment &bad [NEW] Debug generation date and time added as an html comment to the debug console output [2007-3-27: REVISION 0000] [FIXED] Pagination and &start [FIXED] &start and &sortDir=`ASC` [2007-3-28: REVISION 0000] [FIXED] &start and createdonReset [FIXED] &start and sortDir [CHANGED] Whitespace and comments [FIXED] item[x] placeholders (Closes #38) [FIXED] stripTags in the Request extender [2007-4-2: REVISION 0000] [NEW] Relative URLs are now converted to absolute URLs in the content and introtext fields when in a format other than html [2007-4-5: REVISION 0000] [CHANGED] &limit to &queryLimit (Closes #43) [NEW] Additional tag parameters (Closes #39) [CHANGED] &trunc behavior (Closes #33) [NEW] Extenders and configs can be called outside the Ditto folder (Closes #29) [NEW] Reflect configs and Wordpress Reflect config (Closes #31) [NEW] Ability to call all documents using &parents=`0` &depth=`0` (Closes #40) [CHANGED] Version number to 2.0.2.BETA [2007-4-8: REVISION 0000] [FIXED] Documentation typos [CHANGED] Version number to 2.0.2 [2007-4-10: REVISION 0000] [CHANGED] Indentation on getDocuments function [NEW] Public flag on getDocuments function (Related to #47) [NEW] hidePrivate parameter to interface with above (Closes #47) [CHANGED] $modx->recordCount to $modx->db->getRecordCount($result); (Related to #30) [FIXED] &depth now stops when there are no more levels (Closes #45) [2007-4-12: REVISION 0000] [CHANGED] Documentation corrections [CHANGED] Improved performance when getting all documents (References #40) [2007-4-15: REVISION 0000] [CHANGED] Version number to 2.0.3 SVN [FIXED] Category tags in RSS, ATOM, and XML output [FIXED] Sort order of wordpress config [2007-4-23: REVISION 0000] [FIXED] Shortags issue (Closes #51) [2007-4-25: REVISION 0000] [FIXED] Changelog typo [FIXED] Documentation typos [NEW] getParam now supports full template fetching (Closes #50) [NEW] Reflect now is fully template-able ala Wayfinder (Closes #42) [CHANGED] Version number to 2.1.SVN for both Ditto and Reflect [2007-5-6: REVISION 0000] [NEW] dateFilter now can use parameters to get the year, month, or day to filter by [REMOVED] Requirement for filter functions to be enclosed in classes [2007-5-7: REVISION 0000] [NEW] noResults function to handle conditions where there are no results (References #53) [FIXED] Pagination placeholders now are correctly blank or show zero when no results are found (Closes #53) [CHANGED] template->replace now accepts an associative array of name=>value of placeholders (format is no-longer part of the array) [NEW] Pagination is now fully templateable for 100% templateability (Closes #41) [FIXED] Bug with &limit < &display [2007-5-10: REVISION 1428] [REMOVED] Not needed setSortOrder function [CHANGED] main.template.css to debug.template.css for consistancy [CHANGED] Many str_replace calls replaced with template->replace (References #30) [REMOVED] Not needed str_replace_phx function [2007-5-15: REVISION 0000] [FIXED] hidePrivate now triggers a prefetch [FIXED] PHx placeholders are now detected ------> [REMOVED] Fix until it can be more properly implemented ------> [FIXED] Repaired using "a greedy plus and a negated character class" [FIXED] Placeholder detection is now optimized [2007-5-17: REVISION 0000] [REMOVED] PHx placeholder detection as it causes errors with other placeholder's detection [NEW] dateFilter now accepts a single value containing whole date (Closes #55) [CHANGED] Version number to 2.1.BETA [2007-7-06: REVISION 0000] [FIXED] &keywords [2007-07-07: REVISION 0000] [NEW] Reflect now passes on Ditto errors to the user [NEW] Reflect now natively accepts most Ditto parameters (no more &dittoSnippetParameters!) [2007-07-10: REVISION 0000] [NEW] Placeholders now work in filter arguments (Closes #60) [2007-07-14: REVISION 0000] [NEW] Sort by multiple fields just like MySQL using the new &orderBy parameter (Closes #46) [2007-7-15: REVISION 0000] [NEW] Added credits and documentation to the multiSort function [FIXED] Direction arguments are now correctly trimmed in &orderBy by the parseOrderByFunction [2007-7-15: REVISION 0000] [NEW] Default config and language file now always load in both Ditto and Reflect [FIXED] Debug console now correctly shows sortBy and sortDir [FIXED] &showPublishedOnly now correctly functions [FIXED] Removed extra whitespace from request config [2007-7-18: REVISION 0000] [FIXED] xHTML URL setting in the manager no-longer leads to double encoding (Closes #58) [FIXED] array_multisort error when no documents found [2007-7-21: REVISION 0000] [NEW] Added Bulgarian, German, Dutch, and Italian language files [2007-7-24: REVISION 0000] [NEW] Added ditto_iteration placeholder for sequence [NEW] Added Spanish and Persian language files [FIXED] Documentation headers in language files [2007-7-26: REVISION 0000] [CHANGED] Version number to 2.1.SVN [FIXED] Url placeholder [2007-8-03: REVISION 0000] [FIXED] Invalid orderBy array error (Closes #63) [2007-8-05: REVISION 0000] [FIXED] RSS, ATOM, and JSON issue with template::replace [FIXED] RSS category element indentation [FIXED] Custom placeholders over-writing tvs (Closes #52) [NEW] tplTagLinks parameter allows tagLinks placeholder to be templated (Closes #56) [2007-8-06: REVISION 0000] [NEW] Sort callbacks for user created sort functions via usort (Closes #61) [NEW] New addFields replaces duplicate code loops with addField [FIXED] Bug in userSort function [2007-8-07: REVISION 0000] [FIXED] UTF-8 dates [2007-8-08: REVISION 0000] [FIXED] tplTagLinks parameter (References #56) [FIXED] Removed non-used parameter from combineTags [FIXED] Major bug in addFields when a delimiter is used [NEW] Added &tagCallback parameter to allow the user to modify the tag source and how tags are parsed (Closes #68) [FIXED] Another major bug in addFields when a delimiter is not used [FIXED] Parsed filters glitch where fields were not being added properly [NEW] Reflect reset placeholder (prefixed by ID) provides a url which will show all articles (Closes #65) [2007-8-09: REVISION 0000] [NEW] Reflect now uses ditto->template->replace instead of str_replace [NEW] Reflect count placeholder shows the number of documents at that level (Closes #69) [2007-8-15: REVISION 0000] [NEW] dateFilterDefault allows you to set a default date filter based on the current date [CHANGED] Version number to 2.1.BETA2 [2007-8-20: REVISION 0000] [FIXED] RSS category tag bug [FIXED] Security Issue (Closes #72) [FIXED] buildURL with xHTML urls [2007-11-12: REVISION 0000] [NEW] Added filters 9-11 contributed by highlander (Closes #78) [FIXED] Updated filter documentation [FIXED] dateFilter and 00:00 on first day of month (Closes #75) [CHANGED] Version number to 2.1b3 [2008-1-20: REVISION 0000] [FIXED] atom_lastmodified placeholder (Closes #87) [NEW] month_numeric placeholder in the dateFilter extender (Closes #88) [2008-2-01: REVISION 0000] [NEW] Server offset now applied to dateSource both in display and filtering (Closes #90) [FIXED] Updated documentation for depth [2008-2-09: REVISION 0000] [CHANGED] Version number to 2.1.0