FirstChildRedirect 2.0

This snippet redirects to the first child document of a folder in which this snippet is included within the content (e.g. [!FirstChildRedirect!]). This allows MODX folders to emulate the behavior of real folders since MODX usually treats folders as actual documents with their own content.

Modified to make Doc ID a required parameter... now defaults to the current Page/Folder you call the snippet from.



&docid=`12` (optional; default: current document)
Use the docid parameter to have this snippet redirect to the
first child document of the specified document.

&default=`1` or &default=`site_start` (optional; default: site_start)
Use the default parameter to have this snippet redirect to the
document specified in cases where there is no children.
It can be a document ID or one of: site_start, site_unavailable_page, error_page, unauthorized_page

&sortBy=`menuindex` (optional; default: menuindex)
Get the first child depending on this sort order
Can be any valid modx document field name

&sortDir=`DESC` (optional; default: ASC)
Sort `ASC` for ascendant or `DESC` for descendant

&responseCode ("301", "302" or the complete response code, eg "HTTP/1.1 302 Moved Temporarily", defaults to 301)
he responsecode (statuscode) to use for sending the redirect.