if 1.3

[[if? &is=`[*id*]:is:4:or:[*parent*]:in:5,6,5,7,8,9` &then=`[[if? &is=`0||is||0` &then=`true` &else=`false` &separator=`||`]]` &else=`@TPL:else`]]
[[if? &is=`[*id*]:is:1:or:[*id*]:is:2:and:[*parent*]:is:5:or:[*parent*]:in:2,3,4` &then=`true` &else=`false`]]

All expressions are logically (....:or:is:.... ) :and: (...:!empty:.....)
expression and divides the condition into 2 parts, which in the end compared to the true

Sample №1
Output action is necessary only in the parent ID = 5
[[if? &is=`[*parent*]:is:5` &then=`@TPL:chunk-name`]]

Sample №2
Output action is necessary only in the parent ID = 5 or template IDs in (7,8,9)
[[if? &is=`[*parent*]:is:5:or:[*template*]:in:7,8,9` &then=`@TPL:chunk-name`]]

Sample №3
Output action is necessary only in the parent ID = 5 and only the resource with the template ID = 7
[[if? &is=`[*parent*]:is:5:and:[*template*]:is:7` &then=`@TPL:chunk-name`]]

Sample №4
Output action is necessary only in the parent ID = 5 and (only in the template ID = 7 or in other templates but with TV `new` = 1
[[if? &is=`[*parent*]:is:5:and:[*template*]:is:7:or:[*new*]:is:1` &then=`@TPL:chunk-name`]]

Sample №5
Output share for the goods with a price in the range of > 300 <= 700
[[if? &is=`[*price*]:gt:300:and:[*price*]:lte:700` &then=`@TPL:chunk-name`]]

Sample №6
Output in the multiplicity of records Ditto 3
[[if? &is=`[+ditto_iteration+]:%:3` &then=`true` &else=`false`]]

Sample №7
Output in the multiplicity of records Ditto 3 but by multiplying the
[[if? &is=`[+ditto_iteration+]*2:%:3` &then=`true` &else=`false` &math=`on`]]

Sample №8
Print the value of the mathematical expression
[[if? &is=`[+ditto_iteration+]*2` &math=`on`]]

Sample №9
Output if pagetitle contains "string"
[[if? &is=`[*pagetitle*]:contains:string` &then=`@TPL:chunk-name`]]

(is,=) , (not,!=) , (gt,>) , (lt,<) , (gte,>=) , (<=,lte) , (isempty,empty) , (notempty,!empty)
(null, is_null) , (in_array, inarray, in) , (not_in,!in) , (contains)

More samples
[[if? &is=`eval('global $iteration;$iteration++;echo $iteration;')` &math=`on`]] // iteration in Ditto,Wayfinder and others
[[if? &is=`:is:` &then=`@eval: echo str_replace('<br/>','','[*pagetitle*]');`]] // 'our<br/>works' -> 'our works'
[[if? &is=`:is:` &then=`@eval: echo number_format('[*price*]', 2, ',', ' ');`]] // '1000000,89' -> '1 000 000,89'