MemberCheck 1.1

Checks to see if users belong to a certain group and displays the specified chunk if they do. Performs several sanity checks and allows to be used multiple times on a page.


&groups [string] (REQUIRED)
comma-separated list of webuser group-names to check against

&chunk [string] (REQUIRED)
name of the chunk to use if passes the check

&ph [string] (optional)
name of the placeholder to set instead of directly retuning chunk

&debug [boolean] (optional | false)
turn on debug mode for extra troubleshooting

Example Usage

[[MemberCheck? &groups=`siteadmin, registered users` &chunk=`privateSiteNav` &ph=`MemberMenu` &debug=`true`]]

This would place the 'members-only' navigation store in the chunk 'privateSiteNav' into a placeholder (called 'MemberMenu'). It will only do this as long as the user is logged in as a webuser and is a member of the 'siteadmin' or the 'registered users' groups. The optional debug parameter can be used to display informative error messages when configuring this snippet for your site. For example, if the developer had mistakenly typed 'siteowners' for the first group, and none existed with debug mode on, it would have returned the error message: The group siteowners could not be found....