Personalize 2.1

Checks to see if webusers are logged in and displays yesChunk if the user is logged or noChunk if user is not logged. Insert only the chunk name as param, without {{}}. Can use a placeholder to output the username.


&yesChunk [string] (optional)
Output for LOGGED users

&noChunk [string] (optional)
Output for NOT logged users

&ph [string] (optional)
Placeholder for placing the username
ATTENTION!: Place this ph only in yesChunk!

&context [string] (optional)

&yesTV [string] (optional)
Output for LOGGED users

&noTV [string] (optional)
Output for NOT logged users

Example Usage

[[Personalize? &yesChunk=`Link` &noChunk=`Register` &ph=`name`]]

Having Chunks named {{Link}} and another {{Register}}, the first will be published to registered user, the second to non-registered users.