WebLogin 1.1.3

Allows webusers to login to protected pages in the website, supporting multiple user groups



&loginhomeid redirects the user to first authorized page in the list (Optional)
If no id was specified then the login home page id or the current document id will be used.

&logouthomeid document id to load when user logs out (Optional)

&pwdreqid document id to load after the user has submited a request for a new password (Optional)

&pwdactid document id to load when the after the user has activated their new password (Optional)

&logintext Text to be displayed inside login button (for built-in form) (Optional) 

&logouttext Text to be displayed inside logout link (for built-in form) (Optional) 

&tpl Chunk name or document id to as a template (Optional) 

&focusInput Focus input-field on page load, use 0 or 1 (Optional) 

Note - Templates design:

See weblogin.tpl for more information


[[WebLogin? &loginhomeid=`8` &logouthomeid=`1`]]

[[WebLogin? &loginhomeid=`8,18,7,5` &tpl=`Login`]]