WebSignup 1.1.2

Allows a web user to signup for a new web account from the website. This snippet provides a basic set of form fields for the signup form. You can customize this snippet to create your own signup form


&tpl Chunk name or document id to use as a template (Optional)
If custom template AND captcha on AND using WebSignup and WebLogin on the same page make sure you have a field named cmdwebsignup. In the default template it is the submit button. One can use a hidden field.

&groups Web users groups to be assigned to users

&useCaptcha Determine to use (1) or not to use (0) captcha on signup form (Optional)
If not defined, will default to system setting. GD is required for this feature. If GD is not available, useCaptcha will automatically be set to false;

Note - Templates design:


[[WebSignup? &tpl=`SignupForm` &groups=`NewsReaders,WebUsers`]]