Paul Brenton Moore
October 23, 2021

Messages of Condolence
Good morning family. This is a lovely obituary, and expresses the life he lived in all of it's diversity.9 I have a very clear image of Paul's life and what that entails. He was always very kind to me and willing to chat whenever we spoke. He enjoyed making me laugh. Unfortunately, his life was unexpectedly cut short. We will miss him and thoughts of Paul will dwell in the recesses of our minds for many years to come. ~ Sandra
I remember our cousin, Paul to be a very kind and engaging man who loved life. The last time I spoke with him was at his mother’s funeral (our beloved Aunt Pat) in Stratford. I am thankful for this time to have seen and chatted with him. Love to his family, Janice ~ Janice (West ) Chin
Dear Paul, I just wanted you to know I will take you up on your offer of a memorial kayak ride. I will set out on Saturday, to circle Clayoquot Island, here in Clayoquot Sound. The winter ocean swells will be 3-5 feet in height, and the tidal currents will swirl around me, like the ever changing dance of life. Storm tossed bull kelp will float by– summer home to many creatures that form the base of this ecosystem. The kelp keeps on giving as it washes up on the beaches in winter, to be pounced on by crows and shorebirds for their dinner, before it begins its land based journey being thrown on people's gardens as mulch, to become transformed into soil. Last time I paddled in that area, I saw a marbled murrelet. They are endangered, because they only nest in Old Growth, but they are hanging in here. This one probably lives on Meares Island, protected in the 1990's. I'll likely see my local family of river otters, my pal the sea otter, floating on his back and busting open shells with a rock, and offering sassy chatter to a futilely circling but determined seagull. Maybe a whale. Certainly my local ravens, cormorants, and the eagle we call Chocolate, who circled over me once this morning on the beach, as if to say hello, or bring me news. Kayaking brings me closer to all these people, as I'm sure it brought you closer to your natural world in Vancouver. Keep an eye on me Saturday, especially as I navigate "The Zipper", a standing wave phenomenon at low tide. I usually avoid the Zipper, but I think I will ride it for joy this time. I'll be thinking of you– such an encouraging older brother in Anne's life, and uncle to our kids. You sold us our first computer, the "XT". As a writer, that "gateway moment" forms part of my experience every time I write something. Sorry I went over to Apple. I'm sure all is forgiven. I believe the souls of the recently passed hover amongst us, especially in the first few days. I'm sure I will feel your presence on the water tomorrow, here where the inner coastal waters meet the boundless ocean. love from Ben ~ Ben Barclay
Paul was a neighbour and a friend. I enjoyed our talks in the alley and at the local pub, Charqui. He will be missed. -Rod ~ Rod Ballingall
As distant cousins, I'll miss our connection with genealogy. Paul, you're with all of our ancestors now, and you'll know who they are! Hugs to the family here on earth. ~ Linda Layton
I remember our friend Paul from York University. My word! We had fun! Later there was chess at the Brunswick House. And much later. A reunion of old beer drinking liars ...Doug Rody, Brian Twohig, myself and Paul in Vancouver. Thanks for the memories, amigo. ~ Ross Ringler
Paul was my client when he was at Northern Telecom and he became my friend. We played a number of golf games together and with others, both as business outings and some weekend social games. We lost touch for a number of years when he moved out West and when we eventually reconnected it was through LinkedIn and email. When I received Paul’s email about his diagnosis I gave him a call, probably 20 years since we had spoken and it was like it was yesterday. He was so optimistic and with a sense of humour that gave me hope he would rise to this challenge. Sadly, it was not to be, along with all his family I will miss him, but I’m sure glad to have known him. ~ Nicholas Wattson
I can't think of you Paul without a smile on your face. I clearly remember you and I goofing off in math class with Miss MacKenzie, our little Scottish teacher. I think that was about grade 11. When I think of you, I think of good will and lots of fun. ~ Carol McIlroy
So sorry to hear of Paul's passing. I got to know the Moore family when his Dad moved his medical practice to Stratford and I became good friends with his older brother Dave. My sincere condolences to his family and friends. Hugh Boyes, Victoria Harbour, Ontario ~ Dr Hugh Boyes
You will be missed my dear friend. See you on the other side. ~ Glen Turnbull
Cathy - Sorry to hear of the loss of your brother (and also your mother a short time ago). Your long ago Central locker-mate. ~ Gilberta
To you Paul I am a long time member of St James Anglican Church, Stratford, Ont. I got to know your Mom in her later years. She was a faithful member until it was more too difficult for her to attend. I also remember your Dad as he was a part of the medical practice that our family doctor belong to. My family often received attention from your Dad because of how that practice worked. Both your parents were people I appreciated and I needed to tell you and your siblings, they may have gone to school with my younger siblings. May Paul rest in peace and rise in glory. ~ Jane (Dempsey) Whittemore