Norene Marvel Brown
March 26, 2023

Messages of Condolence
I just heard about Norene's passing. I worked with her at Mitten Realty Ltd. for quite a few years - almost 15 years. I too remember the elaborate April Fool's jokes she liked to play. One time she said that if I couldn't give her an idea for a prank to play on April Fools Day - that it was grounds for me being fired!! Norene made working at Mitten Realty really fun. I never ever had a time that I didn't want to go to work. Don't get me wrong - we all got our work done - just the atmosphere in the office was really special and Norene made it that way. She was really fun to be around - never really saw her in a bad mood. A wonderful lady has now passed onto higher grounds. What fun they must be having on the "other side." ~ Janet Holoien
Aunt Noreen was beautiful, strong and joyful, just like her brothers Chuck & Len, my grandfather. My wish is they are once again together with family and all the aunties they grew up with. The Mitten family embodies kindness, integrity and love. A beautiful legacy. Sending our condolences. ~ Alexandra Proctor