Rebecca Vroom
March 11, 2016

Messages of Condolence
Thank you for this wonderful eulogy. We are currently traveling in Australia but are keeping your family in our prayers. Please accept our deepest condolences. ~ John and Liz Dragstra
"It is always surprising how small a part of life is taken up by meaningful moments. Most of them they are over before they start; although they cast a light on the future and make the person who originated them unforgettable." I did not know Rebecca well, but we shared 1 such moment, where she waited patiently to talk to me so that she could thank me for praying for her and for keeping in touch. What I saw that day was extraordinary; the blossoming of a young lady whose cancer wasn't just slowly stealing her life, it was also causing her to flourish as she walked out her faith in beauty and dignity radiantly. I am grateful that Rebecca chose to pour out her life for ours, sharing her journey with us, we are enriched and blessed by her life and example. (quote borrowed) Vroom family, you are in our prayers. May our loving Heavenly Father comfort you in your grief, and may He bring joy and peace amidst your deep suffering as you mourn the loss of sweet Rebecca. ~ Sheryl Spratt
I thank you for this, the most beautiful obituary I've ever read! I didn't know Rebecca, but I knew via the fb posts and updates from your family that she had a long and difficult struggle, and that the Lord gave her the faith to bear her struggle well. We are very, very sorry for your loss, and will continue to pray for your family. You will miss this beautiful girl/woman; she was a beauty inside and out! May the Lord comfort each one of you. Theo and Margaret Hoekstra ~ Margaret Hoekstra
Your grief and sadness at this time is unimaginable,I send prayers of peace and strength. Sincerely. Vanessa ~ Vanessa Heard
What a wonderful tribute and story of such a lovely young woman! Our church has been praying for her for over a year and now I know more of the story behind the name (which is quite unique, by the way - Vroom!) Thank you for taking the time to share details of her life so that we can appreciate more fully her life. May God grant you peace and assurance as you grieve. ~ Phyllis Brode
In the little time that I knew Rebecca, I knew her to be a bright young woman, full of joy, facing her many trials with incredible courage. And nothing has changed. Indeed, it has become more true, except her trials are over. She has fought the good fight and has conquered. Ellyn and I are praying for all of you, Rebecca's family and friends and church. And we are looking forward to the day when we will all join together in that heavenly celebration of life eternal that she enjoys today. God's peace and blessings to all of you. Chris ~ Christopher Kou
I am so sorry for your loss. I know she was such a treasure to you on earth, and I know she will be even more of a treasure to all who get to know her later on the new earth with her new healed body, and of course, to her Lord now. God bless you with more of the Holy Spirit, our comforter. ~ Barbara Shanley
Thank you for sharing this beautiful testimony about your Rebecca. We are praying for family. May GOD strengthen you for the days ahead and give you His peace. ~ The John Unger Family
To the dear Vroom family. Our condolences to all of you. You are in our thoughts and prayers. Beautifully written piece! ~ Lori and Rob Breukelman
My deepest condolences But we should celebrate that Rebbeca is now with Jesus And will be forever happy and no pain. It is a beautiful piece written about Rebecca Prayer that you will feel Jesus presence to help you thru the grief of missing her ~ Arina
My deepest sympathies to your family. Rebecca was a beautiful strong young woman. I followed her battle and admired her so much. ~ Leslie
I met Rebecca only once, after a concert in New Westminster. I was getting coffee and felt this very gentle tap on my arm. "I'm Rebecca!" Though she was in mid-treatments she had this sparkle and spark about her, which just amazed me. She knew where she was going, and I thank God for that, that she's home now and the pain and treatments are over! God bless dear Rebecca and her dear and faithful family. ~ Wilmer Fawcett
Dear Vroom family; It was a privilege to attend Rebecca's funeral today. Susan, your eulogy for your sweet daughter was absolutely beautiful. I found out today where Betty-Ann gets her strength. You are a dear woman, whom the Lord used greatly today. As I listened to you it seemed as if heaven itself strengthened you and to witness the power of God through that this afternoon was quite something indeed. You honoured Rebecca and all of us through what you said. Thank you so much. Not only that, but the words of love that came from Rebecca's sisters were a testament to a family that just surrounded Rebecca with love and support. I am proud to know you and in my heart count you as friends. It is with a deeper respect and love! that I play for you, Betty-Ann. My heart felt sympathies and prayers in the coming months as you continue on life's path without your beautiful little sister. Love to you all, Tracey ~ tracey tobin
We were so sorry to hear of Rebecca's passing. What a joy, though, to know her to be in Jesus' arms now. We will continue to pray for you, at home and in the church. Love from Jeff, Jacquie, and the family ~ Jeff and Jacquie Hay-Roe
It is with tears that I read this beautifully-written obituary, having prayed for Rebecca about as long as I've known Jill Farris as my prayer partner. Your faith in this blesses me, and Rebecca's trust and dignity encourage and inspire me. ~ Ronni Dealy & family
Dearest Vroom family, My deepest condolences on the passing of Rebecca. Please know my thoughts and heart are with you as you go through this difficult time. May you find peace amidst the chaos of grief. Rebecca is certainly still with you in spirit and now up above looking out for you. All my love. Jessica MacGregor ~ Jessica MacGregor
Grieving your loss while thankful that Rebecca is present with her Lord. Upholding your family in our prayers. Joe and Becky Harrell ~ Becky Harrell
Arnold and Sue, it is so sad to hear of the loss of your daughter Rebecca. May you be comforted by the grace of our Father and feel his peace and presence in the weeks and months that lie ahead. Roger and Annette Hoekstra ~ Roger and Annette Hoekstra
Susan and Arnold and family, it is so sad to hear of the loss of your daughter Rebecca. May you be comforted by the grace of our Father and feel his peace and presence in the weeks and months that lie ahead. I was very shocked because I didn't know about her cancer. I will pray for you. Please accept our deepest condolences ~ Carol van Ramshorst
Dear Arnold and Sue: Rebecca's story is so very touching! What a courageous young woman! My deepest sympathy to you and your family. Praying for God's peace and comfort. ~ Helene (Hoekstra) Christopher
I feel so blessed to have been honoured to have known Rebecca. I truly loved her and was happy to have been able to care for her for a time. My thoughts and prayers go out to this beautiful family, you made her life such a wonderful place to be. She had some very tough times, but she was never alone. Peace be with you all ~ Kim Harrington