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Henry Bartel

August 30, 2019

Henry Bartel

“Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me. In my Father’s house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you.  I am going there to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am.” John 14: 1-3

Henry has “MOVED” to be with Jesus. As he would say it, he has been planning this move for several years now and has finally gone to his “true home”.

We invite you to share a memory/story about Henry. A personal message of condolence for the family is also greatly appreciated. Thanks so much for sharing with us. We love you all. God bless you.

Messages of Condolence

The Celebration of Life spoke of a man that had a heart of sincerity, a person who was unafraid to talk to anyone about how Christ loves them. The tributes by his children and the Pastor were inspiring as they sincerely described a Dad and friend who had been chiseled by God through ups and downs to become a great encourager. Henry left a strong legacy to his family and friends of how to face life with character by striving to follow Jesus every day. As Henry said to his son Doug "son, you've done well", I'm sure Jesus said the same to Henry as soon as he crossed that threshold into eternity. ~ Alvin Kaita

I met Henry when I was his grandson Russell's soccer coach. Henry was very kind towards me, appreciative of my role as coach. It was always a pleasant experience to have him encouraging Russell and the rest of the team. It was a real family affair because Henry would come with his son Doug. I attended Henry's memorial service and was really impacted by what was shared. There were commendable attributes of Henry's character and a couple not so commendable. I have been to so many memorial services that made you wonder whether or not the deceased needed a saviour. Doug and Shelley were so candid and transparent in making it clear that Henry did need a Saviour and that Henry was a man who realized he needed a Saviour -- Jesus Christ. I am so delighted to know that Henry is now in the presence of His Lord and Saviour. ~ Ralph and Linda Wyatt

Henry was a faithful and strong supporter of Fort Langley Evangelical Free Church. He always had a note of practicality that he inserted into every congregational meeting. He extended the hand of friendship to all who attended. He generously supported our missionaries. We miss his enthusiasm for witnessing and his German jokes. We thank him for many years of faithful service and encouragement. Now he can rest with his Lord and Savior till we meet again. ~ Don and Annabelle Page

First of all, we would like to express our appreciation for the beautiful inspiring celebration of life and faith for Henry. We also have many fond memories of 'life with Henry (& Anne)' We had the privilege of sharing wonderful vacations together in various locations. They included Alice Lake (tenting), Okanagan Lake(water skiing), Canim Lake (fishing),Time Shares in Whistler and Leavenworth, and also Fairmont Hot Springs (Kurt & Ruth's house) (Sue) gave Henry the challenge of teaching me how to drive - in my '52 Austin. (John) had the experience of working for and with Henry in construction, giving him the opportunity to learn how to be a top-notch builder! We also enjoyed many Family BBQs in their beautiful back yard / faspas / and much more ...... always being generous and willing to treat us ! After Anne was gone the siblings brought soup & pie to Henry's, which we all shared together. Of course, leaving a piece of pumpkin pie for Darren when he got home. We went with Henry to some of his favorite restaurants, usually for lunch (Greek, Chinese, Thai, & Indian). We miss you, but soon it will be ........................ Aufwiedersehn, Henry! ~ John & Sue Borne