Lana Chin
February 21, 2024

Messages of Condolence
Lana, My memories of you were always thinking of your children and gardening. I recalled helping my sister Marie pick buckets of blueberries for you so you can share with all your children. You always showed your love for your family and always thinking of them first. As for gardening you grew an incredible amount of tomatoes in your backyard. I was amazed what a green thumb you had. You were a natural and was your true passion! Your generosity and close connection with your family showed that you were a very warm and loving person. May you rest in peace. ~ May Wright
My condolences to Aunt Lana's family. My earliest memories of Aunt Lana were in the strawberry fields where Aunt Lana and Uncle Jack provided transportation when we were young. I also remember the time Aunt Lana and Uncle Jack brought us on an adventure to Mud Bay to dig for geoduck. She was a close friend of the family and will be missed. Nephew Raymond ~ Raymond Fung
My condolences to the family. Aunt Lana always seemed full of energy and always cheerful to us boys. I also remember her bringing us to pick strawberries as a child. It was hard work, but I made more money in one day than I had ever made before. She gave us a life lesson in entrepreneurship! Nephew Glenn ~ Glenn Fung
Our condolences to your family. Our family, my parents were long time friends. My memory of Auntie Lana (strawberry lady) was teaching me the rookie picker, not to miss or eat the big ones first. She will be remembered and missed. The Wong Family Gavin, Keeman and parents Tim and Shirley ~ Gavin Wong
No words can express how much I loved my Popo and how special she was. I've got so many memories with her, but my dad reminded me of when she'd take us to the old farm, to the corn and pumpkin patch. We'd pick corn all day, and she'd let us kids sit in the back of the pickup truck bumping around laughing on top of piles and piles of corn. Wherever we went, she was always bragging about her children and grandchildren, just so proud of her big family and wanted to show us off every chance she got. I'll always remember how much she loved us, and will miss her so much. ~ Caitlin Chin
My condolences to Brian, Christina, Ralph, Cristopher, Lorraine, Wendy, Susie and Michael. Your Mom was an extraordinary person. A pioneering woman ahead of her times. Not only did she raise a large family of 8 kids, she showed an indomitable spirit building her business through toughness, grit and determination in times much tougher than today. My fondest (maybe not so fond) memories are her getting us out of bed at 3:30 am to go wild blueberry picking in fields where the plants were much taller than us and growing wild not in rows. We had to go searching for the blueberry plants. I can’t remember Brian toiling and getting lost in the fields with us. Perhaps his mom was not able to get him out of bed. However she was always able to round up her lost tired crew for the trip back to the city. Another adventure with Aunt Lana was a road trip out to the wilds of the Fraser Valley to hunt for fresh water snails and water cress in the creeks and ditches maybe in the Mission Hatzic area. I remember a caravan of several vehicles full of relatives following Uncle Jack’s truck. It was like an adventure picnic expedition plus a feast of our harvest back at 352 Keefer at the end of the day. Still very fresh in my mind after all these years. My Mom and Lana were very close in their later years with frequent telephone conversations and getting together for lunch every Thursday. I feel blessed to have her as my aunt. It is a rare privilege to have crossed paths on this earth with a person such as Lana. She will be missed. Favourite nephew Dennis ~ Dennis Fung