Jeremiah William Adam
August 26, 2020

Messages of Condolence
Jessica and family, I am so very sorry for your loss. My prayers go out to you, that God will hold you up and give you peace and strength each day anew. ~ Grace Vanderdeen
So sad to see Jeremiah go. A beautiful young man that Linda and I, Sarah and Samuel, and so many others had the privilege and joy of knowing. Our hearts groan with Jessica's and Chris and Gudrun's, Art and Tracey's and all the siblings. And little Kaius. No easy words here but we are comforted by the truth that "all things work for the good of those who are loving God and the called according to His purpose." (Romans 8) Tears are good, let them flow. ~ Ralph Wyatt
I had the pleasure of working with Jeremiah for a short period of time that he worked at Binnie, where both he and I were surveyors. Both he and I were of the same age and on similar paths in both our careers and lives. I have a very fond memory of him, he came across as a very pleasant, kind hearted person. I send my deepest condolences to Jeremiah's family and friends for their loss. ~ Jordan Jeffares