Hannah Adams
January 13, 2019

Messages of Condolence
Dear Hannah Adams family. On behalf of the Walter Adams family, please accept our sincere condolence for the loss of your Mother. I recall only meeting Hannah once at a family funeral. I was very impressed with her and was sorry we never had the chance to get to know each other . My sisters Edith, Betty and myself are very close and understand the sorrow you are experiencing with loss of your Mother. We wish you all the best, your cousin Gerry Adams ~ Gerald Adams
I feel so sad about the loss of a real warrior like Hannah. I knew her through the Red Hat Society but unfortunately I did not get the chance to know her as well as I would have like to. What I did know was she was a hard working, enthusastic, kind, brave straight shooter that would help anyone in need. Please accept my heart felt sympathy for your loss. ~ Eileen Molnar
Hi Judy and Brenda, So sorry to hear the news about your Mom, I worked with your Mom for years at the hospital, and we had such good time. She always amazed me with the things she crafted, she was always busy . I will miss her . Love to you all Diane ~ Diane Mykle
Will miss Hannah at Quadra for rug hooking. We often roomed together. She was a strong lady. RIP. Gwen ~ Gwen McBride
Dear Judy, Brenda and families: What a joy it was to see Hannah (Mom) just a couple of weeks before her departure from Chilliwack Hospice. A delightful, comical and down to earth individual who loved to laugh, have fun and work hard. She was 'my' volunteer for the long years I was Coordinator at The Care & Share - SA in Chilliwack. Almost to end of life she had to attend the Thrift Store so she could see her friends and 'tell them what to do'! haha! She will be greatly missed but fondly remembered by the 'Staff'. God bless you and may His love be round about you. Farewell 'our' friend until we meet again. ~ Major Sandra Haggarty, The Salvation Army