Robert William Blackaby
January 7, 2022

Messages of Condolence
I was saddened to read of the passing of Will Blackaby. My husband Lorne Murphy worked alongside Will for many years and held him in great regard. I remember him as a kind, considerate person, a true gentleman. My sympathies to his family for their loss. ~ Judy Murphy Burge
I was sorry to see the news of ‘Mr. Blackaby’s’ passing. As a student at Hugh Boyd in the 1960’s, I remember Mr. Blackaby’s smile, sense of humor, enthusiasm, and caring ear. Late in the 1967/68 school year my family went through a stressful time causing me to move to Vancouver. Mr. Blackaby kindly offered to drive me to and from school each day for the remainder of the school year. His talent for listening and calming wise words on the car rides were a godsend to me. I am forever grateful. My sincere condolences to Mr. Blackaby’s family and friends. ~ Bob Proctor
As a student where Mr. Blackaby taught, I remember the Gentle and Quiet spoken man that he was. All the students respected and acknowledged his words. I send my Condolences to All the Family. ~ Patricia Wood-Yodogawa
Dear Marg & family I was saddened to hear of Will’s passing, knowing what a tremendous loss it will be to your whole family and how much you all will miss him. He loved you all so much. I enjoyed working with Will a great deal. The most important thing he taught me was all about being a good parent…he would always say: ”How do you spell love….you spell it TIME, which we had inscribed on his watch. May your wonderful memories sustain you each day. Warmest regards, Louise ~ Louise Walker
So sad to read of his passing, one of the best teachers I ever had. I had the pleasure of signing a few of his “ boards of education “ back in 1961/62 . He was always ready to listen and advise and help. Bumped into him in metro town mall in the late 80s and he recognized me immediately. He definitely was a one in a million teacher. ~ Trevor Venables
Rest in Peace, Mr. Blackaby. You were a terrific teacher and counselor at our Richmond elementary school in the 80's. You had a positive impact on me and my fellow students. I'm glad to hear you lived a long and happy life. ~ Geoff Ireland