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Alternatives Funeral & Cremation Services Logo

Christine Anne Brotherston

April 14, 2019

Christine Anne Brotherston

Christine was born in 1976 in Ottawa, ON. When she was an infant she moved with her family to North Delta, BC. Her childhood was filled with the love of family and her life was shaped by: church ministries, treasured trips to the family farm in Alberta, (especially at Christmas time), weeks at Plover Lake and Camp Kawkawa Bible Camps, motorcycle trips with Dad, camping trips with family and friends, and other joys.

Growing up in a Bible-believing family, Christine invited Jesus Christ into her heart at age seven. A brain tumour at age 9 resulted in surgery, radiation and life-long hormone therapy. Still, Christine’s faith in the Lord remained firm, and at age 16 she was baptized in Kawkawa Lake by her youth pastor.

After High School Graduation, Christine attended Prairie Bible College which deepened her relationship with Jesus. Then her creative side called her to University of the Fraser Valley earning a diploma in Fashion Design and Textiles. Later, she completed her Early Childhood Education diploma at Northwest Baptist College which began many rewarding and challenging years teaching and caring for young children.  ECE work led her to Duncan, BC for 10 years, where she met new friends and mentors at New Life Community Baptist Church. She used her sign language skills in ministry and was a blessing to many during her time there.

In October 2013 her career prompted a return to the Lower Mainland. Sadly, in September 2018 it was confirmed that Christine had a new aggressive brain tumour and she began her battle with terminal cancer.  On April 14, 2019, Palm Sunday morning, she passed into the arms of Jesus with family by her side. Many family and friends lovingly spent time at her side. They can testify to the fact that her faith never waivered, her sense of humor helped everyone cope, and bravery characterized her journey. Christine’s own testimony proclaims that “Jesus is my stronghold, my Salvation and so much more.”

Christine is lovingly remembered by her parents, Alwyn and Bonnie; her brother Ian and wife Debbie; nephews Zachary, Luke, Noah, and niece Bethany. She sadly leaves behind many in her extended family including aunts, uncles, cousins and friends. Her light will be sorely missed but we are confident that she is now in the presence of Jesus. We look forward to seeing her again.

In lieu of flowers, her family would like Memorial tributes directed to:

Plover Lake Bible Camp, Box 93, Youngstown, AB. T0J 3P0 or  

Kawkawa Camp, 66706  Kawkawa Lake Rd, Hope, BC, V0X 1L1.

You are invited to leave a personal message of condolence for the family.

Messages of Condolence

Christine brought joy, laughter and wisdom beyond her years to those of us who had the privilege of knowing her. She will be missed. ~ Rita Letkeman

I feel sad at Christine's cancer and passing . This is a very difficult time for all of you . Love , Joan Redline . ~ Joan Redline

We loved when Christine was a greeter at church. Her smile was so very welcoming. ~ Barry & Ruth Borthistle

What a sweet testimony! It moved Don and I to tears and our hearts are moved to let you know that while you grieve her not being here on earth, that she is safe in the arms of Jesus. No more pain, and is rejoicing in His presence! Even though we are miles apart and haven't seen each other in years. I believe God brought us to friendship for a reason. Know you are prayed for! Love in Him Our Savior and Lord. Don and Sharon ~ Don and Sharon Mikkelson

Hi Bonnie, Alwyn, Ian, and Debbie, and all other family. I am disappointed for your loss of Christine, a beautiful young lady with a love for Jesus and a good teacher of children. I wish that illness was not part of a human's life, but Christine suffered with dignity and resolve, which comes from faith in our Creator that He watches over all of us, regardless of our circumstances. I pray for you and mourn with you. Thank you for keeping us informed about Christine and for providing this inspiring obituary to help us get to know her better. Regards, Robert and Valerie Proudfoot ~ ROBERT PROUDFOOT

May memories of Christine and the love of family surround you & give you strength in the days ahead. Thinking of you and wishing you peace and comfort as you remember Christine. Wishing you peace to bring comfort, courage to face the days ahead and loving memories to forever hold in your heart. We will always remember Christine's infectious smile and the twinkle in her eye :) 2 Corinthians 1:5 “For as we share abundantly in Christ’s sufferings, so through Christ we share abundantly in comfort too.” ~ Julia Brotherston

I was so honoured & privileged to share in Christine’s Hospice journey Her humor & wit coupled with her deep faith & love of Jesus during our times together, will be treasured forever. ~ Jeanne Foley

What a gift Christine was to so many, including us! Her strong Christian belief, her since of humor, her creativity, her fun loving personality and most of all, her love will be among our cherished memories. We also thank the Lord for giving Christine the gift of Bonnie and Alwyn as such loving parents during her life's journey. We will miss her greatly, but we know where she is and we know how to get there. See you later cousin Christine... We love you. ~ Thor and Pam Plancich

We lost an angle on earth but they gained one in heaven. ~ Dale

Christine was a dear friend and will be missed. Her sweet spirit will be in my life daily ~ Kimberly Anderson

This was beautifully written and captured the true essence of Christine. She was so brave, so confident and kept her sense of humor to the end. She will be missed. ~ Crystal Wolff

A beautiful obituary for your beautiful daughter Christine. I offer my condolences to Bonnie, Alwyn and family. May you treasure your memories of Christine in your hearts until you meet again. May the Lord be with you. Sincerely, Gordon Proudfoot ~ Gordon Proudfoot