Evelyn Greta Davidson
June 1, 2013

Messages of Condolence
Sorry to hear about Evelyn, she was a big part in my growing up being the kid of a Maple Leaf and Twig. She will be remembered as a good friend full of life and always caring about others. ~ Linda (Wood) Green
Aunty Evelyn was a very big part of my life while growing up. My Mother (Edith) and Evelyn were very close Sisters. Aunty made my Wedding Dress and going away outfit, plus bridesmaid outfit and all the pastries for my big day, and I was grateful. She will be missed Joyce Turcott ~ Gil and Joyce Turcott
Evelyn was a wonderful person and friend. She is going to be missed by us all. Sorry my health will not permit me to attend the service. Love from Garnie and Aunt Ag ~ Garnet & Agnes Nixdorf
What a GREAT Lady. We always enjoyed our visits with both Ed & Evelyn over the years and then with Evelyn when she was on her own. We will always cherish the times we spent listening to her tell us stories about her life. She was very interested in Geneology as are we. Thanks for all the great memories. Love always! ~ Rick & Irene Evans
I have good memories of "Mrs. D." from the 50's when we were teenagers - she would always welcome us to her home and we had a great time in the pool. She will certainly be missed at family times of the year by family and friends. ~ Dick & Donna Brown