Rita Doucas
December 13, 2021

Messages of Condolence
My Auntie Rita will be remembered as an extraordinary woman. She was always dressed lovely and took care to look her very best and be her very best for everyone in her life. When I was born, I guess I got my days and nights mixed up, so Auntie Rita moved in with my Mom and Dad willingly as my Mom had another child soon after me, so Auntie and I stayed up all night and slept all day. I admired the strength she passed on to her children to be their own very best of themselves leaning on no one. She always looked out for her brother and sister and her Mom and Dad when no one else saw the need. Auntie Rita, you will be missed, but your faith has saved you right into the arms of Jesus for eternity. They had a big celebration in Heaven on December 13, also her own Mother’s birthday. May The LORD’s blessings, peace and comfort be with you Natasha Chris and Anna. Love Bev&Eric ~ Bev &Eric Saward
Dear Chris, Anna-Marie and Natasha, I am truly sorry to hear about your mother. She was - as you mentioned in the Obituary - a force of nature and will be fondly remembered as such. She was also a loyal friend. May she rest in peace. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Margret Eberth ~ Margret Eberth
I am so sorry for your loss. Rita was an amazing person. I will always remember both your parents over at our house laughing well into the night! When I graduated university in 1992, Rita gave me a bracelet that said congratulations on it. I still wear it to this day! I will never forget her. ~ Andrea Eberth
Natasha, Rob, Maxime and Family - our sincerest condolences at this sad time. May your many cherished memories give you strength and bring comfort in the days ahead. Sending lots of love, Melba & Rick Vallee xoxoxo ~ Melba & Richard Vallee
Mom - Of all the things I will remember of you, I will always smile thinking of your laugh, of how you enjoyed life, and how you celebrated with music and dance! You get to continue to dance and celebrate now with Dad and Alexander, your Mom and Dad Virginia (Piva) and Angelo (Morassutti); your brother Albert and sister Rina as you reunite with them. Love always ❤ ~ Tasha Doucas
My heart goes out to the entire Doucas family. Rita has clearly instilled her natural talent, fierce determination, dedication to family, terrific sense of humour and zest for life in her children. For that I am incredible thankful!! Not only was Rita a talented musician, she was a marvelous and much loved mother who was always willing to help anyone who asked. May she rest in peace and may your hearts be filled with wonderful fulfilling memories. ~ Lolly Gillen
Dear Mom, I’m so grateful and blessed to have you as my mom. You lived and loved with your whole heart. You taught me how love, resilience, determination, faith, (plenty of coffee and cigarettes) and…. Lots of laughter can get one through the toughest of times. You were so loved and appreciated by your family, friends and students, sprinkling your kindness, laughter and generosity wherever you went. I’m at peace now knowing your with Nono & Nona and your brother and sister and Dad & Alex. What a reunion! I love you and miss you and will carry you all in my heart until we meet again. Love, Anna ❤️ ~ Anna Doucas
Anna, Natasha and Chris- my heartfelt condolences on the loss of your mother, a real dynamo of a person in every way. I am thinking of you all and know you will keep her with you in cherished memories. ~ Brenda Rodricks
Natasha, Rob, Maxime and your Family... so sorry to learn of your mother's passing Natasha. Our sincere wishes for continued family strength and beautiful memories. May Rita's spirit live on in your hearts and lives... Steve & Hélène Wren. ~ Steve Wren
Chris, Anna-Marie, Natasha, and family. I am so sorry to hear of your Mom's passing. Rita was a force of nature in a tiny body. I will miss hearing her laugh. ❤️ ~ Claudia Eberth
Sandra and I were very saddened to learn of the passing of beloved aunt Rita. She was indeed a very special person who, along with her husband Takis, raised a family of four wonderful children. Her roots originated in Creighton Mine , Ontario, which would form in her a steely determination and work ethic. She demonstrated these traits throughout her life, not only as a mother, but in her career as a piano instructor and as a truly respected individual. I was truly blessed to have spent many summers with aunt Rita and her family in Pointe Claire having been influenced by her wisdom and experiences. She will forever be etched in our memory as that special person who always cared. Our sincere condolences: Chris, Anna-Marie, Natasha ~ Michael & Sandra Fievoli
My heartfelt condolences to the Doucas family for your loss. Rita's laugh and humor will always stay a warm and cherished memory of mine. In moments like this I am often reminded of the written words of Helen Keller - What was once enjoyed and deeply loved, we can never lose. For all that we love deeply becomes part of us. Farewell Rita. ~ Daniel Gauvin
Dear Christopher, Anna-Marie, Natasha and Family, My heartfelt condolences to you all at this time. Rita Doucas taught with love. Her passion and incredible knowledge transported us away from sitting in front of the piano to a place where we would find ourselves immersed in a discussion of music, philosophy, computer engineering and the meaning of life. A few personal life lessons would be shared for good measure and then it was time to go. I couldn’t wait to go back the following week. For 17 years, we navigated through scales and arpeggios, J.S. Bach, Debussy and Kabalevsky (List A thru D with etudes, sinfonias and inventions in between) against a backdrop of personal issues and life’s challenges. She celebrated our achievements, taught us how to be resilient and discover our strengths. Together, we laughed until we cried, and when we mourned, we cried until we were able to laugh again. She convinced me to memorize a piano concerto (“not a difficult one, but in case you ever have to play with an orchestra, you’ll be ready”) and made me promise to never forget the ARCT pieces we worked on forever. When she retired, she dropped off a box filled with every book and sheet of music I had ever studied, completely covered with her handwritten notes. I always marveled when she would cross out the recommended metronome speed and add her own – she was a badass! You try telling Beethoven his timing was off! I am so grateful to have had a most wonderful teacher, mentor, and friend in my life. Vivace et brillo, sempre con amore. ~ Toki Toguri
Dear Natasha, Anna-Marie and Chris, Our deepest condolences for the loss of your wonderful and amazing mother, Rita. I have such happy memories of my parents and yours meeting for long periods of time in that enclosed patio in Pointe Claire and being fascinated as a child by the sound and proximity of the jets taking off and landing overhead across the road at Dorval airport. Everyone else was so used to the jets they never even bothered to look up! Our parents loved listening to ABBA and Neil Diamond upstairs while I hung out with Alexander and Natasha in the rec room. I also have many fond memories of my Aunt Rita helping me to prepare for upcoming Kiwanis piano festivals and RCM exams. Rita and all her loved ones in Heaven have welcomed her with open arms. With all our love and deepest sympathy, Brian Morassutti, Tracy Slater, Teagan, Dominic and Anthony. ~ Brian Morassutti
My deepest condolences to all the family at this very sad time. Rita was a wonderful sister-in-law. She always tried to think of ways to help others. When her brother, Albert, was diagnosed with dementia, she called and said that she was thinking of coming to live with us so she could help take care of Albert. But she also felt she wanted to be close to Maxime and watch him grow up. I'm happy Maxime will always remember his grandmother. She had a heart of gold. Rest in peace, dear Rita. Inez Morassutti ~ Inez Morassutti
Our sincere condolences. We have fond memories of Mrs Doucas. She taught piano to our four children (Jan, Jesse, Kathryn and Doreen) for many years. She was an exceptional teacher and was sincerely interested in her students. We are thinking of your family during this difficult time. When faced with the loss of a loved one, I have found comfort in the prophecy in Revelation 21:4 that promises a time when there will be no more suffering or death. Maya Bachmann and family ~ Maya Bachmann
My sincere condolences to the family. I was a piano student of Rita and have fond memories of her, but it was only later on in my adulthood that I realized how much of an impact she had on my life. Looking at sheet music with her handwriting stirs up emotions I am happy to feel, and I will forever be grateful for all that she did. ~ Jesse
Our deepest condolences to Natasha, Chris, Anna-Marie and families. Our cousin Rita, Albert, Rina, Zia Virginia and Zio Tony were the welcoming family when our parents (Angelo and Pierina) arrived in Canada from Italy. Rita visited us often when we settled in Chicago. I fondly remember my visits with Rita and Taki in Montreal. Memories of shared times with Rita will always bring a smile. May she rest in eternal peace surrounded by heavenly music. ~ Angela (Piva) Oerjens
So sad to hear today, July 17, 2022, that Rita passed away. Your Mom and Dad and Alex would be so proud of the three of you; dedicating your lives to helping others bravo. I have many fond memories of your Mom and Dad and the whole bunch of you. Your Mom trying to teach me to make almond cookies. Playing tennis/squash at the MAA as a fill in at lunch time with your Dad. My heart goes out to you even though I do not have the words to express myself. I often think fondly of all of you, Life isn't always easy or simple. I hope you find lasting comfort in the many wonderful memories . Thinking of you all Carol-Ann Stadelman PS I am also on Facebook ~ Carol-ann Stadelman
Dear Natasha, Anne-Marie, Chris, and family, I’m sorry to hear that Rita passed away and send my deepest condolences. I am honoured to have had Rita in my life; as my piano teacher, mentor, role model, and friend for many years. I remember fondly her humour and laughter, her strength and guidance, and her kindness. I remember chatting about life along with the piano lessons, sitting in her music room during student recitals, her speeches at the start of the family recitals, and looking forward to the goodies she would bake for us to enjoy after. I remember being comforted seeing her at my exams at the Maritime hotel when she was the exam representative, and being thankful for her giving me lifts to and from my theory exams. I think of her often and our times together. May she rest in peace. ~ Sylvia Orthwein