Stella Starr Wakewich Ryder Embleton
February 4, 2023

Messages of Condolence
They made “only one” of this model, and then destroyed the mold. A unique woman, with courage, determination and the principles to go with it. We had the pleasure of being a part of Stella’s life from our teen years to our retirement. It was our good fortune to experience Stella’s life in so many ways and at different intervals. We grew up in the same neighbourhood with all the Ryder children. We remember the mothers Thelma Kershaw and Stella working extra hours to support Gerry and Tillman with their “trampoline” adventure to help with university expenses. Stella and Wendy had such fun being very creative taking floral arranging classes back in the 1980”s in Hamilton from instructor Kay Yoshitomi. As the years passed we remember fondly our ladies luncheons over 25 years, celebrating birthdays and holidays. The ladies group included Stella, Eileen Young, Ida Pearson, Andrea Young and Wendy Kershaw. We will always remember helping with the move to British Columbia after many, many years trying to decide when to make the “big” move to join her family on the west coast. January 25, 2022 was the day we wished Stella farewell as the limo arrived to pick her up for the airport. She was so looking forward to her next adventure that life had to offer. Interesting that her IT friend Roger whispered to us as she left, she will be the only 103 year old on the plane with her own IPad. How cool is that. Stella has earned a well deserved rest in peace. She had a full life. Our fondest thoughts are with the Ryder family. Tillman and Wendy Kershaw ~ Tillman and Wendy Kershaw
We were fortunate enough to meet Stella when she was well into her ninth decade. Immediately those eyes of hers told us we would become friends. Stella taught us by her example that life is to be lived and savored. Stella was interested, inquiring and quizitive about those around her and what was going on in the world. The last time we saw Stella was when we were doing a show at her retirement home and she told us she was introducing the Birthday Girl who was joining her Over 100 Club. She was funny and delightful. Stella lived up to the meaning of her name STAR. She is still beaming at us from above. Stella - thank you for your light. Ronnie and Marie ~ Ronnie and Marie Scott
Delight, Full of Life (her beaming countenance), Grace, and Love are words that pop to mind for me when I think of my "Fairy Godmother'. She had an amazing capacity to delight in every new day and every encounter she had others, and I recall the wonderful delight I always experienced on every encounter we had, either in-person or on the phone. And Grace, that wonderful Grace, she radiated was such a blessing to experience … peace, acceptance, and affirmation in each minute. I also marvel at the life she led, not an easy one at all times for sure, yet she faced it all with such determination, bravery, faith (her trust in God, such a wonderful gift), and of course, Grace. She was my 'Fairy Godmother' and I her 'Fairy Godson". I was told that she was my Godmother when I was a small child and there was an immediate connection. I figured since she was my Godmother she much have special qualities as one closely connected to God, and of course she did indeed. So, from that day I considered her as my 'Fairy Godmother' and have every since, and always referred to her as such, even to this day and our phone calls these last many years. She considered me 'one of own' and she told me so and treated me likewise. Her own children were aware of it and embraced it, for which I am deeply grateful. She was truly a 'second mother' to me. The whole world could forget my birthday but not here. She was always on the spot with a card for me each year, on time of course, and that had such a wonderful, affirming impact on me. There is so much more to say about my dear 'Fairy Godmother'. She truly was a marvel. Oh how much we could be blessed by so many more like her! I love you 'Fairy Godmother'. Thank you for who you are!!! ~ Eric Hutchinson