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Muriel Winifred Violet Fisher

June 23, 2014

Muriel Fisher

Muriel Winifred Violet Fisher passed away peacefully at age 94, on June 23, 2014. Predeceased by her loving husband (Joseph) and eldest daughter Leanna; survived by daughters Debra (Wally), Joanne (Ian) and her son Grant (Peggy).  Grandchildren Steve (Lori), Allison (Cam), Meghan, James, Ben, Will, Jenn,  Sheena, TJ, Angela, Tamarra (Chuck). Great grandchildren are Jacksen, Madelyn and Owen.

Muriel will be remembered for her independent spirit, a woman ahead of her time, and a very loving mom and friend to many.  Her gift for writing, editing and publishing short stories for the Langley’s Writers Guild (Voices of the Valley) was a passion that she pursued for a number of years and her stories were treasured by family and friends! Muriel was a true animal lover and she leaves behind her best friend Tiger who will be adopted within the family.

Funeral service will be held at St Joseph’s Parish at 11:30am Friday, July 4th, 2014. A celebration for Muriel’s life will follow in the parish hall.  If friends are considering a donation, Muriel was an avid supporter for Wildlife Rescue, Dog Rescue and the Heart and Stroke Foundation.

You are invited to leave a personal message of condolence for the family.

Messages of Condolence

A woman to be admired.....a woman to learn from. I will never forget the shock we got when we heard Joe had been hit by a car as he went out to attend to Muriel's dog who had also been hit by a car. Muriel was in the hospital recovering from major surgery and she gets the news that she has lost her husband and her best friend all at the same time. On our way to Joe's funeral we were sure we would see a broken woman when we got there, but we were wrong. There she was, after such a calamity, exhibiting such calmness and grace. It was a few years later during one of our visits, that I recounted that day with her, telling her how much I had admired her strength. Her response was, "I knew I had to be strong for my family....especially Leeanna." What a valuable lesson to learn from her...that life is filled with choices. During her deep grief, she had made a choice. Luckily Gus and I timed a visit to see her just a few weeks back. It was obvious that age was taking its toll. She was tired but still there was the dignity....the humour. It was a wonderful last visit and we will hold dear the memory of this exceptional woman. Our condolences go out to her family. ~ Eunice Getz

My deepest condolences on the loss of your mother, Grant. There is no greater love than that of a mother and the loss is felt in ways that cannot be communicated to others. May she rest in peace and may you be comforted in knowing she is in a better place, with those loved ones that have gone before her. ~ Koni Marrington

Dear Joanne and family, my thoughts and prayers are with you all. May the constant love of caring family & friends soften your sadness May cherished memories bring you moments of comfort May lasting peace surround your grieving hearts Jane Leeb ~ Jane Leeb

Grandma, thank you for welcoming me into your family with such open arms. I will never forget your whitty sense of humour, your contagious laughter , your radiant joy - even the very last time I saw you in the hospital you still had the biggest smile on your face , you made us laugh until it hurt. You also gave me advice that I will cherish forever "just be happy, no matter what" such simple words for you to say as you lay there, I wish I could have expressed how deeply they touched me. I will always think of you, miss you and love you so very much. ~ Lori Currie

I never think of Muriel Fisher without fond memories of my childhood spent growing up on Ackroyd Road in Richmond. She was always the same in any situation: solid, balanced, unflappable. A truly strong soul who was kind to all, including my dog, Laddie, when he erred one day and bit Angela Radzo in Muriel's back yard after Muriel had given him a bone to munch on. Although I was childishly upset with her at the time for telling him off and running him off, still it was the right thing to do for the situation. And Angela and Laddie and I continued for many years to be the best of friends! My mother passed on 17 March 2014. She would have been 93 in May. I didn't realize they were so close in age. Well. A lot of time has flowed and a lot of people have passed, but we will always have our fond memories of them. Best to all. Lynne (aka "Pat") Trudeau ~ Lynne Trudeau

Dear Grant , Debbie and Joanne and your families! I am so sorry for the loss of your mom! She was truly a beautiful women. I think often to our younger years and the times our families shared!! It was a blessing to grow up with such great families around us! Praying for you all that the peace of God comforts you when you need it most. Love Kim Vincent (Aspin) Joanne if you ever get a chance I would love to catch up with you!! 604-946-8813 ~ Kim Vincent