Robert Smith Ives
October 4, 2019

Messages of Condolence
To Bruce, Sue and family - Marian just told me about Bob. Oh it makes me so sad. After Bob left Lethbridge I rarely saw him anymore but your mother talked about him all the time. My mother and Bob had a special relationship so she always kept me up to date. In her later years Bobs cards, photos, and their chats brought joy to her. And she was so pleased when he went to see her. Granny always used to say Bob had a busy mind and busy hands -so many interests. Bob has been in my thoughts often this past couple of years. His kindness touched my heart as I am sure it has touched everyone who had the pleasure to know him. With sympathy, Arlene ~ Arlene steel
Kind and gentle. Smart and helpful. A faithful servant of a loving God. That was the Bob I met in 2015, and I am grateful to have known Bob. Sweet natured, well-travelled, quiet, and present in any gathering. I was so sad to hear of Bob's death, and whilst at prayer at Southwark Cathedral in London, UK, on Oct. 9 I lit a candle for Bob. May his light continue to shine, and may God hold Bob in the palm of His hand. - Sheila J ~ Sheila Johnston
A good friend whom I shall miss. Not only kind and gentle, but with a great sense of humour. I valued his friendship. I am happy he is now at peace with no more pain, Rest In Peace dear friend, you deserve it, ~ Letta Lewis
barb and sue meredith were childhood friends of BOB , on 11th avenue lethbridge. we were the motley crew,flying in and out of each others houses, bob was quite a cook sharing the kitchen with his sweet mum. saw bob once out in B.C. at his mums,he had written a lovely note to us when joyce passed away.MAY HE REST IN PEACE, love, barb meredith huntrods ~ barb huntrods
I've been trying to contact Bob for a while and then I found this obituary. I'm so sad that I wasn't able to say goodby to my dear friend. Bob and I met in the early 1980s and even though, in recent years, we didn't see each other all that often I still regarded him as one of my best friends. I'll always cherish the very many fun and enjoyable times together. While I knew his health was deteriorating he didn't indicate the seriousness of his condition. This was typical Bob, he never wanted to burden others with his own challenges. Rest in peace, my dear Bob. Bruce, if you read this please contact me. ~ Peter Hill