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Joseph George Odin

January 12, 2019

Joseph Odin

Dad passed away in his sleep January twelfth, at the age of 96.  He is loved and remembered by Helen, his wife of seventy-three years, daughter Joanne, sons Wayne (Sandy), Doug (Debbie), many grandchildren and Great grandchildren. 

Joe was well known for his work ethic through out his life. He and Helen worked side by side at their second home in White Rock (building rock walls, moving kitchens and bedrooms), in preparation for the day they would become full time residents of their beloved White Rock. For many years he and Helen were proprietors of Odin’s bed and breakfast on Marine Drive.

As well, he maintained and expanded the area up the hill from east beach which was across from his residence, some people referred to this area as Odin’s point.  A neighbour always referred to him as the unofficial mayor of Marine Drive.  Dad was a D Day veteran and a member of the “Legion Of Honour” for his service to France during the second World War.

We miss you Dad .  Rest In Peace.

You are invited to leave a personal message of condolence for the family.

Messages of Condolence

Your Dad will be missed here at Langley gardens as well. He was a kind man and we liked him very much . ~ Kim Lougheed

I believe your dad was the custodian at our elementary school in Queensboro, Queen Elizabeth elementary, in the 1960's. I have always had fond memories of your dad as a warm, caring man, he always had time to say hi, and help us if he thought we needed help with anything. We have a group from school that get together every year and your dad has been brought up often at those get togethers. My condolences to you and your family. ~ Helen Watson

I wish to send me heartfelt thoughts for Helen and family of Joe Odin who was our neighbor, we lived behind them for a number of years and always had long talks enjoyed visits with them both. John and I moved to Kelowna in 2016 and John passed away March 2017 but I did see about 2hJoe’s passing and wished to pass on my Blessings. Vivienne Ward ~ Vivienne Ward

I met Joe in the late 1980s when I lived on Marine Drive. I always used to kid him about how great it was that he went from Juno Beach to White Rock beach. He was a great guy and a veteran who fought for our freedom like my Dad. I always enjoyed seeing and chatting with him when I was passing by the house. I always chuckle when I remember how he used to hit golf balls off the hill across from the house! I’ll miss him. Rest In Peace Joe! ~ Greg Wilson

I am sorry that I was unable to attend the celebration of Joe's wonderful life. In my past roles as Mayor and MLA both he and Helen were wonderful in providing comments and feedback on decisions and directions. They were always wonderful community minded citizens- even building a community dog watering dish along the sidewalk. I have fond memories of phone conversations and of sitting with them at the Legion on Remembrance days. Joe contributed to the betterment of our community just as he did for our country. A wonderful Canadian. ~ Gordon Hogg