Leona Alice Margaret Shackleton (nee Spencer) January 13, 1923 – June 3, 2024 passed away peacefully at home at the remarkable age of 101. She is pre-deceased by her loving husband Robert and survived by her daughter Deborah (Winston the pup), her late son Christopher’s family, Paula and their children: Emaleah (Miles & their son Apollo), Benjamin (Sasha & children Seamus, Evelyn, Samuel) & Daniel (Tasha), as well as close cousins named here by family: the Rosses, Coxs, Allardices, Garries, Piercys – dearest Nicole, the Barnes, Bicknells, Holletts and 8 godchildren, plus dear family friends and neighbours the Grahams, Maddens, M. Giardino & Zhangs. Leona was born in Comox. Her parents were pioneers of the Comox Valley (Williams Beach). She attended Point Grey Elementary, Magee Secondary, West Van High, and Earl’s Business School. She served as executive secretary in the Royal Canadian Navy, and to Mr. Birks (Jewellers) and later at UBC in the Slavonic Studies Department. Leona ensured members of her high school who died in WWII had place-names given to local unnamed mountains & rivers in BC. She was a dedicated Anglican who volunteered at St. Mary’s Church Kerrisdale and famously included everyone she met on “the nightly prayer list”. She practiced gratitude, not just daily but minute to minute. She was a birthday nut who never missed calling those family and friends on their day which endeared her to generations. The family is grateful to caring nurses from the VIVE, St. Elizabeth and Pacific Spirit and to Rector Lindsay Hills and Reverend Roberta Fraser. Service will be on July 2nd 2024, 2:00 pm St. Mary’s Anglican Church Kerrisdale. Leona’s epitaph, to be cheeky: “Keep knitting and carry on!”