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Peter Wollf

May 2, 2024

Peter Wollf

Peter Wollf

1935 - 2024

Peter was born on March 26, 1935. He attended school around Osler and Dalmeny. Peter recounted how Canadian Sunday School Missionaries periodically came to his school. They would present the gospel and encouraged the kids to memorize Bible verses. After memorizing 200 verses, Peter was eligible to go to a camp or get a Bible. His parents wouldn’t let him go to camp for fear “he would get saved,” but did allow him to receive the free English Bible.

His first job was working for Pete Hiebert’s service station in Martensville. The experience helped him learn the ins and outs of managing and running a business which stood him in good stead all his life. Peter went on to work for Scott National in Saskatoon, Winnipeg, and Moose Jaw. He also worked at Briercrest Bible College, Commercial Printers, and Western Litho Printers. When asked which job he liked best, he always said, “I liked all of them.“

In 1969, Peter moved his family to Caronport and served for 21 years in various roles including Manger of the General Store, Purchasing Agent for Briercrest Bible College, and Supervisor of the five auxiliary business in Caronport. Anne and Peter loved the students and ministry that called them to Briercrest.

At the first Mennonite Church in Saskatoon, Peter went through catechism classes and was baptized. He believed that this was a key turning point in his life. At a missions’ conference at Briercrest, he was deeply moved and rededicated his life fully to Christ.

In 1990, Peter and Anne moved to Pilot Butte where Peter worked in sales for Commercial Printers and Western Litho. He officially retired at age 80. Even before retiring, he was actively involved in woodworking and spent many hours building treasure chests, tables, and many other creations. Other hobbies included fishing, golfing, stamp collecting, bird watching, and playing table games. He had an amazing Lego collection, which was always a big hit with the grandkids. Peter was all about family times.

In his final days, Peter commented to a nurse that he had a reservation in heaven, which he is now enjoying to the full. His faith in God remained strong until the end.

Peter is survived by his wife Anne and two children, Jeff (Connie Doerksen) Randy (Lore Engler), grandchildren, Greg (Victoria Horne), Justin (Katie Rains) Natasha, Mathew (Valli Retzlaff), Caleb, Alketa, Talia, Micah and their great grandchildren, Jonathan, Samuel, Harmony, Flora, Avery, and Rosie.


Messages of Condolence

Mrs. Wollf and family, we feel your heartache as you mourn the loss of Peter. I remember him fondly from his days working in the Caronport grocery store. He was always very kind to students. I also remember his passion for pigeons! He and Mr. Heppner loves their birds. What an unusual hobby it was, and I recall the conversations about those fluffy creatures. May God give you comfort. I’m always so happy when someone who has been faithful to the school chooses that for their final resting place. What a celebration it will be when we experience the Rapture of His Church…all those saints rising together! ~ Paul and Corinne Hildebrand

I was so happy to be able to watch the funeral online since I was unable to attend it being that we are in Taiwan. It was amazing to listen to the stories you were able to share about Peter and what he did for the Lord and for his friends and family. I do remember him in Caronport, and we would always talk about the pigeons he had. He was an awesome man of God and God used him in mighty ways through is love and prayers. It was amazing to hear about the prayer journal that he kept and how you could look back on it. I know when my mother passed away, I started to realize a lifetime is just the beginning. God is still using him today in many ways and as I always would say to my friends I will see you again, here, there or in the air. God bless you and we are praying for you and your family in this time. Love Howard and Karen Chambers ~ Howard Scott Chambers

Hello Anne, I just viewed the funeral service for your husband Peter. I remember you visiting our home in Moose Jaw when Lorlie was pastor at Regal Heights Community Church. I recall enjoying your company! I think it may have been the first time I didn’t refuse clean-up help in the kitchen and realized for the first time how lovely it was to visit woman-to-woman while doing dishes together. Thanks for your insistence! My Lorlie passed away on Remembrance Day in 2022 after several years of dementia care. That timing seemed appropriate. Lorlie had written and illustrated a little booklet about his dad’s journey into memory loss called “Remember, Dad?” My kids did a reprint for the funeral and gave them away. If you should care for a copy,I’d be happy to send you one if you give me your address. For 15 years Lorlie worked in Christian television in Winnipeg (before he went back to pastoring), producing a show called The Third Story (Your story, My story, God’s story). These can be watched through the S1WM (Square One World Media) web site. Welcome to the single life adjustments. I grieved most after Lorlie couldn’t live with me any longer and I was able to see him only once a week. Dr. Edith Eva Eger says, “You have to feel it to heal it.” I appreciated that advice. “He comforts us in all our trouble so that we can comfort others.” ~ Deanna Barkman