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Raymond (Ray) Boudreau

December 25, 2022

Raymond Boudreau

Raymond, fils de Charles et Albertine Boudreau, est né en 1958 à Campbellton, N-B.

Il est prédécédé par sa mère Albertine et son beau-père Georges Faucher.

Raymond laisse dans le deuil son épouse bien-aimée de 38+ années Denise; leurs trois enfants Daniel (Ashley), Mario (Revée) et Chantal; ses deux petits-enfants Olivier et Élodie; son père Charles; son frère Louis (Verna), sa soeur Charline; sa belle-mère Rose Faucher; et plusieurs nièces et neveux.

En 1980, Raymond a déménagé en Saskatchewan après avoir été recruté par SaskTel. Raymond a eu une carrière satisfaisante de 35 années à SaskTel. En 1983, Raymond a rencontré Denise à « La soirée acadienne » à Regina et la connexion était instantanée. Raymond et Denise aimaient voyager, recueillant des histoires et des amis en chemin. Leur mariage de plus de 38 années était rempli d’amour, musique et moments heureux.

Les trois enfants de Raymond furent la source de fierté et de joie pour lui. Il était toujours actif et appuyait leurs activités et intérêts. Il aimait partager leurs nouvelles à tous ceux qui écoutaient. La famille que Raymond adorait grandit en 2009 avec le mariage de Daniel et Ashley, et encore avec la naissance de leurs enfants Olivier (2013) et Élodie (2016) et à nouveau avec le mariage de Mario et Revée en 2021. Il avait une plus grande famille à aimer, plus de personnes à réjouir, et plus d’histoires à raconter.

Raymond était le cheerleader de tous, il n’y avait aucun sport qui n’était pas regardé, ou événement de membre de famille sans spectateur – s’il était au courant de l’événement, il était là pour l’appuyer.

Raymond s’est fait des amis partout où il allait et avait une mémoire incroyable pour des noms et des faces. La plupart des jours, on pouvait le trouver sur sa marche autour du Lac Wascana avec son bon ami Les, suivi par un café à The Naked Bean. Il aimait aussi faire des randonnées avec sa complice Denise. Il avait un sens d’humour incroyable, adorait la musique et racontait des bonnes histoires. Il avait une chanson pour chaque occasion, et lorsque des paroles n’étaient pas disponibles, il en créait avec une danse.

Raymond a assisté à la création du Conseil des écoles fransaskoises, était bénévole aux Jeux d’été du Canada et a participé à nombreux événements francophones au fil des années. Il avait un profond sentiment de fierté au sein des communautés Fransaskoises et Acadiennes.

Raymond était un homme aimé par tous qui l’ont rencontré. Le scintillement dans ses yeux et son rire contagieux va énormément nous manquer.

Une Célébration de sa Vie aura lieu à une date ultérieure. Au lieu de fleurs, nous vous invitons à faire un don à la Banque alimentaire de Regina au nom de Raymond Boudreau.



Raymond (Ray) was born in 1958 in Campbellton, NB to Charles and Albertine Boudreau.

He was predeceased by his mother Albertine and father-in-law Georges Faucher.

Ray is survived by his loving wife of 38+ years Denise; their three children Daniel (Ashley), Mario (Revée), and Chantal; his two grandchildren Olivier and Élodie; his father Charles; his siblings Louis (Verna) and Charline; his mother-in-law Rose Faucher; and many nieces and nephews.

Ray moved to Saskatchewan in 1980 after having been recruited by SaskTel. Ray had a satisfying 35 year career at SaskTel. In 1983, Ray met Denise at “La Soirée Acadienne” in Regina and the connection was instant. Ray and Denise loved to travel, collecting stories and friends along the way. Their 38 plus year marriage was full of love, music, and happy moments.

Ray’s three children were his pride and joy. He was always active and supportive of their activities and interests. He loved to share news of their lives to all who would listen. The family that Ray loved grew in 2009 with Daniel and Ashley’s marriage, and again with the birth of their children Olivier (2013) and Élodie (2016); and once more with Mario and Revée’s wedding in 2021. He had more family to love, more people to cheer on, and more stories to tell.

Ray was everyone’s cheerleader, there wasn’t a sport that went unwatched, or a family member’s event that was unattended – if he knew about it, he was there cheering.

Ray made friends wherever he went and had an incredible memory for names and faces. Most days, he could be found walking around Wascana Lake with his close friend Les, followed by a coffee at The Naked Bean. He also liked to go hiking with his partner in crime, Denise. He had an incredible sense of humour, loved music, and could tell a good story. He had a song for every occasion, and if there were no lyrics available, he made up his own, along with a dance.

Ray helped with the creation of the French School Board, volunteered at the Canada Summer Games, and participated at numerous French events over the years. He had a deep sense of pride in the Fransaskois and Acadian communities.

Ray was a man beloved by all who met him. We will greatly miss the twinkle in his eyes and his infectious laughter.

A Celebration of his Life will be held at a later date. In lieu of flowers, memorial donations in remembrance of Raymond may be made to the Regina Food Bank.


Messages of Condolence

So sorry for your loss. He was always the most supportive person ~ Braden

My sympathies to Denise, her children and their families. Raymond will always be remembered as having a smile and a quick-witted comment. ~ Gisèle Fahlman

So sorry for the loss of your beloved husband. Denise - take care of yourself. You are in my thoughts and prayers. ~ Karen Anderson

Cher Denise, toutes nos pensées sont avec toi et ta famille dans ces moments difficiles. Frédérique ~ Frédérique Baudemont

Words cannot express my sadness for you and your family, Denise. I hope and pray you all get the strength to cope with these difficult times. Please know you are in my thoughts and prayers. ~ Lorette Shaw

Saddened to hear this. Thinking of all of you. ~ Sara Hearn

Denise, my deepest condolences to you and your entire family. My thoughts and prayers are with you. ~ Toula Yanko

My love and condolences to all the Boudreau clan. I have the warmest memories of Ray and Denise cheerfully welcoming me in as a tag-along on storm-stay nights and putting up with our young adult shenanigans with grace and humour. That kindness wasn't lost on me, I hope to one day make my kids' friends feel as safe and welcome. ~ Ashley Lapointe

So sorry to hear of this loss. All the Seitzs will surely miss seeing Ray over the fence at Joe's. ~ Elizabeth and all Seitz family

Sincere condoleances! Nos plus sincères condoléances à la famille et aux proches. ~ Joanne Gallien-Aubé et Daniel Aubé

Denise, so very sorry for your loss. You are in my thoughts. ~ Marla Eger

We’re so sorry to hear Ray passed, our hearts go out to you Denise and your family. Lorne, Emma and Zach ~ Lorne Sloboda

My deepest sympathy to Denise and all of Ray's family. ~ JoAnne Petrychyn

We are so saddened to read about Ray's death. I enjoyed working with Ray at SaskTel and our many conversations throughout our years there. May the Lord bless your family with the comfort of His love that you may face each new day with hope and the certainty that nothing can destroy the good that has been given. May your memories become joyful, your days enriched with friendship, and your lives encircled by the Lord's love. ~ Daryl Hoffman & Shelley Hoffman

My condolences to Rays family and friends. I worked with him on a project in the early 2000s. He would always say “hello” whenever I seen him after the project til time of his retirement. He was such a nice gentleman. ~ Sherry Langston

Ray and I worked on many projects at SaskTel. He was a man with a big heart, and a wonderful smile. I always found him to keep on top of everything, and to do everything to the best of his ability. He helped me a lot in many projects for which I'm grateful. I started at SaskTel one year before Ray. All told we spent 33 years together at SaskTel. Over the years, we saw many changes at SaskTel, and its culture - some for the better and some not so good. He was always a great encourager, and the kind of person that built you up. My heart goes out to his family. He was very proud of his wonderful kids, and wife. My heart goes out to them; the world has lost a great person. ~ Collin Carbno

Denise, my deepest sympathy to you and your family. I am so sorry and will be thinking and praying for you. ~ Nancy Bulmer

To all of Ray’s family my Deepest Sympathy. My prayers and thoughts are you all at this time. Very nice man. He was a customer at Tim Horton’s. Rest In Peace Ray. ~ Mary Schmalenberg

Mes sympathies.. when a love one passes it feels like we never move forward .. I am so sorry you are going through this. I am praying and sending nothing but healing and positive vibes. We are with you Boudreau family. ~ Gayle Gareau

Il n'y a pas de mots qui puissent apaiser la douleur que l'on ressent lorsque l'on perds un être cher. En cette période de profonde tristesse, puisse vos coeurs cicatriser au rythme des jours qui passent. Raymond avait un rire inoubliable et contagieux, il était toujours souriant il va nous manquer énormément. Repose en paix Raymond ~ Christiane Soucy

Denise...my sympathies and prayers for you and your family. ~ Blaine Dodds

Denise and family - I was saddened to hear of your loss. My thoughts and prayers are wiih you. My deepest sympathy. ~ Lorraine Dawe

Our sincere condolences Denise, Dan & Ashley, Mario & Revee, Chantal, Olivier, and Elodie. We are so saddened by Ray's sudden and unexpected passing. Our hearts go out to all of you. I will always remember Ray's warm smile and his joking around. The Boudreaus all feel like family to us. Thinking of you with much love. ~ Deb Wardle & Brian Kramer

Nos sinceres sympathies a la famille Boudreau. ~ Gaston et Shannon Gareau

Deepest sympathies and condolences to the entire Boudreau family. When I started at SaskTel, I sat in the cubicle beside Ray. He was a great co-worker and friend. We shared our love of music and dance and that's something I will never forget. RIP my friend. ~ James Herperger

J’ai eu le plaisir de côtoyer Denise et Raymond lors de mon parcours à Regina de 1983 à 1997. Mes plus sincères condoléances à Denise et ses enfants ainsi qu’à la famille de Raymond. ~ Michèle Routier

Karen and I are both shocked and saddened to hear of Ray's death. Our sincere condolences to you Denise and your family. I started at SaskTel shortly after Ray in the same group as him. I really enjoyed working with Ray. He was always such a nice guy, with a tremendous smile and terrific laugh. As we moved around into different groups and didn't see each other everyday, we would talk for long periods of time when ever we met up with each other, catching up with each other's families. Ray was a joy to be around. May God bless you Denise and your family and we will keep you in our prayers. May you rest in peace my friend! ~ Dennis and Karen Ziegler

Le départ soudain de Raymond nous a tous surpris! Dire que nous l’avions tous vu à la fin novembre à la fête de Charles. ~ Diane Laplante

Denise, my deepest sympathy to you and your family. My thoughts and prayers are with you during this difficult time. ~ Jill Mustatia

Please accept my condolences on Ray's passing. I enjoyed working with Ray at SaskTel - he always had a good story and a great laugh! My best memory - we were trying to have a departmental BBQ in the park and were desperately failing to start a fire. Ray invited us all over to his house for the BBQ - that was Ray. ~ Ron Marklund

Mes sincères sympathies à Denise, aux enfants et à la famille. Mes pensées vous accompagnent en ces temps difficiles. Vxfdw ~ France Roussel

Mes pensées sont avec toi et ta famille durant cette période difficile. So sorry for your loss. ~ Anita Baerg

I was so sad to hear of Ray's passing. I started at SaskTel about the same time as Ray, working as programmers on the Capital Management System. I enjoyed getting to know him and his band of merry New Brunswickers! Ray always had a positive outlook on things and a laugh that could be heard many cubicles away. Rest in peace my friend. Our prayers are with Denise and the whole Boudreau clan through these difficult days ~ Randy Neufeld

Ray was a great office neighbor during my first year working at SaskTel. He was always friendly, helpful and kind. Always smiling and genuinely wanted to know how I was doing each day. Loving thoughts to the family during this time. ~ Leah Bunnell

I am so very sorry to hear of Ray's passing. I met Ray while working at SaskTel many years ago and always enjoyed his sense of humour. He loved to chat with me, challenging my level of French, which was a lot of fun. I enjoyed running into Ray and Denise at the francophone events I attended and will miss seeing him there. My thoughts are with Denise and the entire Boudreau family. ~ Kimberley Schmidt

Ray's positivity and humour will always be missed by the people he worked with at SaskTel. ~ Michael Hryniuk

My deepest sympathy to your family. I hold Ray in my heart like family (SaskTel family). From my first day, 20 plus years ago in the small smoking group, his humor, his laughter and ability to make light of stressful days made my days all the better. He will be remembered bringing smiles to our hearts. ~ Jelienne Schubert

Toutes mes condoléances Denise. Quelle tristesse de perdre un être cher si soudainement! Je souhaite à toute la famille de trouver la paix dans vos cœurs et de célébrer La vie de Raymond entourés d’amour et de rires. ~ Patricia Choppinet

Nos sincères sympathies à toi Denise et toute la famille Boudreau. Nos pensées sont avec toi et ta famille durant ces moments difficiles ♥️ ~ Linda Gallant et Hartland Jessome

First I want to express my sympathies to Raymond's entire family. I had a lot of fun with Raymond while volunteering at L'Association Canadienne Francaise de Regina. My memories of Raymond will always be a fun, smiling, laughing individual that is interesting and likes to have a good time and chat while sipping a good beer and smoking a good smoke:) ~ gino mccluskey

Sincères sympathies à Denise et famille. ~ Micheline Brousseau

The memories we all have of the days of Wallace Street. Many hug Denise, Boys & Families as well as Chantal. Ray was one of a kind. The good kind! Wishing you all the best while he lives on forever in your memory. The Hinds’ ~ The Hinds Family