Barry Buness
June 18, 2022

Messages of Condolence
Whenever I see a photo of Barry I can hear his big laugh. One thing about Barry- I think he really knew he was loved! ~ Terra Lennox-Zepp
My heart is so sad at the lose of Barry. He was a wonderful person. Much love to Dianne and family ~ Linda Brown
Barry was like a second Dad to me ❤️ If I wasn’t at home I was with Lauren, if we didn’t like what the other was having for supper, we would go to the other house to eat. Barry was always baking something delicious and was always so happy to have family and loved ones around to share his creations with. I love you Barry and all the Buness family ~ Nicole Neudorf
My favourite memory of Barry is when he took me flying in his airplane. That was my first time flying and it was so cool because he was telling me about everything that we were seeing. We flew over MacDowall and he was pointing out whose houses were whose. Thank you for that experience Barry. ~ Leanne Botha
We were just getting reacquainted and enjoyed our coffees together. Rest in peace Barry and rise in glory. ~ Len and Brenda Gendall
Condolences to cousin Dianne and the entire Buness family....just wish we had lived closer to reconnect. Garth and Karen ~ The Gourlays
Have been out of touch, but will always remember the hog farm and a little plane in the making…we even took off on a flight ~ Cassandra-Lynn Simpson/Neudorf
We are sending our deep condolences to Dianne, Kristen and family, Mike and family and Lauren and family…may your wonderful memories carry you through the difficult days ahead. We remember Barry for his big smile and hearty laugh…hugs. ~ Terry Smith
My condolences to all the family. Barry is now flying high with Stephen. ~ Alice Kulvi
So sorry for your loss Mike❤️ ~ Dana Doran
Barry and I went through school together and had many many good times together, I had a very good visit with Barry at the Glen Ewen school reunion a few years ago, I may have not seen Barry in the last several years, but will remember him as a very good friend ~ Glen Benjamin
Barry used to bake such good loaves of bread. I remember one evening sitting by the fire eating a whole loaf! I sure enjoyed it and it was all I needed. ~ Joshua Neudorf
Our hearts are with you Dianne, and your family. I remember Barry from when I was a child visiting Grandma in PA. I loved going to your farm and Barry showing me the hogs and warning me not to get too close! As an animal lover, that was hard! Barry was always so kind and gentle. I have very fond memories of all of you♥️ ~ Lianne Dean
Condolences to you all. Barry was a very fine and kind person. I'm grateful to have met Barry this winter as he was a good friend of Stephen's and did many errand and acts of kindness for him. ~ Margaret Davies
So sorry to hear that Barry has passed. He was a real sweetheart! If there is anything I can do for you Dianne let me know. ~ Shirley Reding
Our deepest condolences to you and your family . May he Rest In Peace . ~ Rose and George Schibli