Cecil Norman Chambers
October 9, 2022

Messages of Condolence
Olga, our condolences on the passing of Cec. Many great memories over the years! ❤️ Take care love Pete and Tracey ~ Pete and Tracey
My deepest condolences on Cecil’s passing. I knew him through the Elks/Royal Purple. Such a fun bouant sense of humour and a deep love of the charity’s that the Elks support. ~ Susan Kraft
We were so sorry to hear about Cec, sending condolences and keeping you in our thoughts. Bill and Joan ~ Bill and Joan Britton
I first met Cec, when I was a kid growing up in Tribune, Sask. He was a regular attendee of our local bonspiel and I remember the vibrancy of the man. Later he moved to Bengough with his work in the propane industry: he installed our furnace in our new house! But it is the Elks that brought him closer into our lives. He marched with the Weyburn Patrol Team at one of our Lodge installations. He volunteered to become our Sargent at Arms and became our Leader for the next 25+ years. We had many a trip around our great province performing at Lodges, Provincial Association and National Conventions often travelling in his black van. We saw many a sunrise!!! His final performance was to lead our team installing me a Saskatchewan Provincial President. He passed the leadership to me and we will continue to glorify Cec's legacy as long as we can! Rest in Peace Brother Cec: "Thou Good and Faithful Servant" ~ Maurice W Koszman
Sorry to hear about the passing of Cec. ~ Jason Rohatyn