January 19, 2022

Messages of Condolence
Our Heart Felt Sympathy to Rita, Irene, Martin & Families. We are keeping you All in Caring Thoughts & Prayers. ~ Tim & Helga Moerike
Our thoughts are with you while you grieve. Opa was a great and wonderful man. Love you all. ~ Ernest & Marj Swehla
We are lifting you up to God in prayer as you sorrow for your loving Dad and Grandfather. May you sense God's peace and love in your hearts at this time. Ed and Linda ~ Ed and Linda Smith
Dear Rita, Irene and Martin, I’m a cousin of your Father, Ewald. I offer my sincere condolences on the passing of your loved Dad, and am so sorry for your loss. May the Lord Comfort you in knowing the love your Dad had for you, and the life he lived. His love of Jesus was evident to those around him. I remember him as a gentle family man. When I was in Nurses training at the then called Grey Nuns Hospital, I would often visit at your home. I don’t know if you girls remember me. Sorry Martin, I have never met you. Your Mother Ruth and your Dad were always so welcoming to this out of town relative. Having recently lost my youngest brother and before that one of my sisters. I understand grief. We won't be sad because my sister, my brother and your Dad are now in Heaven with Jesus. God Bless You. ~ Joy Klinger
Rita, Irene, Martin and family, my love and sincere sympathy! They say that when you lose a parent you lose the past - to lose a spouse you lose the present - to lose a child you lose the future. Each phase challenges our utmost for His highest He reveals to you Who He is and gives us life as we overcome. Your father was a gentle soul with a giving heart, thus he is mourned and now glorified in heaven! Love Ella ~ Ella Klinger Denzin