Liane Elfriede Sinkewicz (nee Kruemmel)
July 31, 2022

It is with profound sadness we announce the passing of Liane on Sunday, July 31, 2022, at the age of 73, at Wascana Grace Hospice in Regina, Saskatchewan.
Liane was predeceased by her mother Anni Heuser and baby brother Fritz of Iserlohn, Germany as well as her father and mother-in-law, Joseph and Margaret Sinkewicz of Lampman, Saskatchewan. Liane is survived by her loving and caring husband James Sinkewicz and their children; Collette Sinkewicz (Michael Pillipow) Brooke and Owen; Jade (Tim) Lipp, Jacob and Isaac; Neila Sinkewicz and James Jr. Sinkewicz; Liane’s papa Alfons Heuser and her sisters; Marion (Ulrich) Buse, Kerstin and Silvia; Doris (Jurgen) Keite, Lisa and Pia; and Sigrid (Andreas) Winkler, Laura and Jerry, all of Germany. Despite her family living far away, they all remained extremely close and were a big part of each other’s lives. Liane loved her grandchildren; they were her pride and joy. Mom was very close with her children and grandchildren and had a special bond with each of them.
Mom was born in Cologne, Germany on April 9, 1949. She was the eldest of 5 children to Alfons and Anni Heuser. She moved from Cologne to Iserlohn, Germany in 1965, to attend nursing school at Saint Elisabeth Hospital where she earned her degree as a Registered Nurse. Mom often spoke of her time in nursing school and the wonderful friends and memories she made there. After nursing school, Liane worked at the city orphanage and told us stories of her days working there and the special children she met during her time there.
Liane met James Sinkewicz in Iserlohn, Germany where she worked as a Registered Nurse, and where James was stationed in the Canadian Army. Together, they moved to Canada in 1969 and were married in Winnipeg, Manitoba on October 23, 1970. Shortly after marrying, they moved to Estevan, Saskatchewan where they lived for several years before moving to Regina, Saskatchewan in the early 1980’s. Mom worked for the Saskatchewan Health Region as a nurse in Estevan and Regina. She worked at Wascana Rehabilitation Centre in Regina for many years. She was also a member of the Immigrant Women Society of Regina for several years.
Growing up in Germany, Mom had the opportunity to travel to many countries throughout Europe. She told us stories of places she had traveled to and the sites she saw. She would tell anyone going on a trip to Europe where her favorite places were and what bakeries had the best treats. Mom told us she loved to hike or ski the mountains with her papa, Alfons. Mom had a strong bond with her parents and sisters, and she loved them deeply.
Mom enjoyed going to craft shows and she loved crafting, knitting, and crocheting, and did ceramics in her earlier years. She had a love for music and her favorites were Herman’s Hermits, Cliff Richard, The Bee Gees, Buddy Holly and John Mellencamp. Mom was an amazing cook, especially her German dishes like rouladen, potato salad, cabbage rolls as well as her teriyaki chicken wings, lasagna, and cheesecake, which we all loved to eat.
Christmas was Mom’s favorite holiday and she made sure it was a special time for everyone. Each year she either made or bought her children a special Christmas Ornament. We all looked so forward to Mom’s Christmas baking. Moon cookies and sugar cookies were her favorite and she loved marzipan and black licorice you could only get from Germany.
One of the many wonderful memories we have is of our summers spent camping at different places throughout Saskatchewan. Those trips were always filled with days at the beach, campfires, roasted hotdogs, and ice cream.
Mom was able to have facetime visits with her family in Germany, which were very fun and special to her. Liane’s sisters and niece Kerstin came to visit her from Germany in March 2022 and although Mom was hospitalized for that time the visits were a real highlight for her and that made her so happy. Mom’s dear friend Lorraine Nelson was very special to her. She was always such a wonderful support to Mom.
Mom loved her garden flowers, and the purple and pink lilies were her favorite. Mom and Dad had the opportunity to travel for several years before Mom’s illness took over and they really enjoyed their time together during their travels.
Liane spent the last 3 weeks of her beautiful life at Wascana Grace Hospice in Regina, Saskatchewan. The care and compassion she received there was second to none. We would like to extend our thanks and gratitude to Dr. Baumann, the Nurses and all the staff at Wascana Grace Hospice for their compassionate care of our Mom and Oma.
The passing of our beautiful wife, Mother and Oma has left a huge hole in our lives that will never be filled. We will all remember her as a loving and caring wife, mother, and Oma. Even though we are all broken hearted, we have so many wonderful memories to carry us through the painful and difficult days ahead.
There will not be an official funeral as Mom’s wishes were that her family get together privately for supper and to share memories of her. Family and friends so wishing may make donations, in memoriam, to the charity of your choice.
Rest in Peace and we will see you again one day. Our love for you will never fade.
Iche Liebe Dich
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Messages of Condolence
We would like to offer our sincere sympathy to the entire Sinkewicz family. May she rest in piece. ~ Len and Cathy Lipp
Prayers are with you Jim for you & your family. A very loving tribute to Leanne in the obituary ~ Judith Ballman nee Sinkewicz
I will remember how kind Leanne was to my family and I. She sent beautiful gifts for my little girl upon her birth. I had only ever met Leanne once while visiting her daughter, my dear friend Neila, I could tell she was a kind, gentle soul. She sent me cookies at Christmas because I said I enjoyed them and I was honoured to get the recipe afterwards. To some these may seem like small acts of kindness but to to me they meant she was extending her love and I felt that. Rest In Peace Mrs. Sinkewicz. Much love to Neila and Leanne’s family. ~ Nancy Saggar
Liane, was a compassionate person. When I was in a major car accident in the 70's, she made sure I had the best of care while she was a nurse in Estevan. She was married to my cousin Jim, and she always welcomed me into her home. The kids were all pretty young then and I know that while juggling a nursing career, she was still a wonderful wife and mother. God Bless Liane. ~ MARK J DILLMAN
Lieber Jim und Familie In dieser schweren Zeit trauern wir mit euch, und denken in Liebe an Liane.Wir bedanken uns nochmals für eure herzliche Gastfreundschaft, die es uns erst ermöglicht hat zu viert unsere Schwester zu besuchen und uns persönlich von ihr zu verabschieden. Das bedeutete uns allen sehr viel. Wir erinnern uns in Liebe an die glücklichen Momente , die wir trotz der räumlichen Entfernung mit Liane verbringen durften. Wir werden sie immer in unserem Herzen behalten. In Liebe Marion und Ulrich, Kerstin, Silvia und Bastian. ~ Buse Marion und Ulrich
Lieber Jim und Familie, In dieser schweren Zeit der Trauer sind wir häufig in Gedanken bei euch. Wir tragen Liane in Liebe in unseren Herzen. Gerne denken wir an die Zeit, die wir mit ihr verbringen durften. Jedes Mal, wenn wir uns nach Jahren wiedergesehen haben, war es als wäre es gestern gewesen. Immer noch höre ich ihr kleines Lachen. Vielen Dank, dass ihr uns ermöglicht habt, Liane noch mal zu sehen und uns zu verabschieden. Das hat uns viel bedeutet. Wir werden sie in liebevoller Erinnerung im Herzen tragen. In Liebe Doris und Jürgen, Lisa und Daniel, Pia Dear Jim and Family, Our thoughts are with you during this difficult time of grief. We carry Liane in love in our hearts. We think with joy of the time we were allowed to spend with her. Every time we saw each other again after years, it was as if it was yesterday. I can still hear her little laugh. Thank you so much for the chance to see Liane again and say goodbye. It meant a lot to us. We will carry her in our hearts in loving memory. With love Doris and Jürgen, Lisa and Daniel, Pia ~ Doris Keite
Es war das Jahr 1969, als Liane Jim nach Canada begleitete und mit Jim eine Familie gründete. Damals war ich 3 Jahre alt. Man könnte glauben, ich sei zu jung gewesen, um geschwisterliche Gefühle entwickeln zu können, da Liane sehr weit weg lebte. Dem war nicht so. Es wurde oft über Liane gesprochen, es bestand ein Briefaustausch, und durch Lianes Besuche in Deutschland war die Nähe zu Liane immer präsent.. Mit 12jahren besuchten meine Eltern mit mir Liane und ihre herangewachsene Familie. In Esteban streifte ich mit Collette und Jade durch die Strassen, Neila und James waren noch klein. Es war eine unvergessliche Zeit und ich habe daran so schöne Erinnerungen an Liane und ihrer Familie. Aber auch als ich mit Andreas nach Regina kam, wurden wir herzlich empfangen und in ihre Familie integriert. Wir hatten viel Spaß miteinander und Liane lachte so gerne... Liane besuchte uns oft in Deutschland, mal alleine oder mit Jim und mal mit James. Familie war Liane immer sehr wichtig und ich weiss durch unsere Gespräche, dass sie immer wieder mal Sehnsucht nach uns hatte.. Deswegen blieb ein ständiger telefonischer Kontakt zu uns allen nach Deutschland. So blieb der Kontakt zu uns beständig und innig. Lianes Stimme war markant und ihr Lachen ansteckend und einzigartig. Egal wie Liane sich gerade fühlte ( und man wusste von ihren schlechten Zeiten ),... stets fragte Liane zuerst nach dem Wohlbefinden des Anderen. Im März dieses Jahres gelang es uns 3 Schwestern und meiner Nichte, gemeinsam nach Canada zu Liane und Familie fliegen zu können. Eine riesige Freude und eine starke Traurigkeit zeitgleich erfüllte uns. War doch Liane schwer krank und ihre Lebenszeit unter uns begrenzt. Aber wir hatten eine gefühlsintensive Zeit miteinander und das bedeutete uns soviel. Die Zeit mit Liane und ihrer Familie war unbezahlbar für uns. Wir würden von allen so herzlich aufgenommen und verwöhnt. Und in diesem schlechten Gesundheitszustand wollte Liane immer zuerst wissen, wie es uns geht. Ja, so war Liane. Uns allen ging es sehr nah, als Liane sagte :" So lieb habt ihr mich, dass ihr für mich um die halbe Welt reist?" - - Ja Liane so lieb haben wir dich! Lieber Jim, Collette, Jade, Neila und James : Danke, dass ihr uns so lieb empfangen und für uns soviel getan habt! War es doch für jeden von euch ebenfalls eine schwere Zeit. Bei allen sind die Gefühle Achterbahn gefahren... Mir hat unsere gemeinsame Zeit, um Abschied nehmen zu können, endlos viel bedeutet. Ihr alle habt mir gut getan. Das bedeutet einfach Familie sein.! Ich bin dankbar, Lianes Stimme noch gehört zu haben, die Gespräche, die Umarmungen. Nun darf Liane in Frieden ruhen und ist von dem Leid der Krankheit erlöst. Wir alle haben liebe Erinnerungen von Liane , die uns weiter durch unser Leben begleiten. Liebe Liane, Ruhe friedlich und sanft. Man sieht sich wieder! Jim, Collette, Jade, Neila, James... - fühlt euch gedrückt! Sigrid und Familie ~ Sigrid Winkler