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Janice Olivia Johnston

September 17, 2019

Janice Olivia Johnston

With heavy hearts we announce the passing of our beloved mother, grandmother and great grandmother. Predeceased by her beloved husband of 62 years, David Alexander Johnston. (November 15, 2018). We take some comfort in knowing Dave and Jan are together again.

Born and raised in Vancouver BC, Janice had an abundance of lifelong friendships that she loved dearly, and although having dementia later in life, that is one thing she held onto. She never forgot family and friends.

Among her love of the outdoors, many hobbies and interests, Janice was a proud member of the Lions Gate Chorus for many years and even performed at the Grand Ole Opry.

Janice is survived by her 3 children: Hal Johnston; Judi Skolovy (Tom); Chuck Johnston (Eleanor), her 7 grandchildren: Krista, Jaime, Leah, Danielle, Kelsey, David, Jasmine and her 6 great-grandchildren.

Janice will forever and fondly be remembered for her conversant nature and making new friends from all walks of life.

Thank you to the Langley Lodge for your excellent care.

No Funeral by Request.

You are invited to leave a personal message of condolence for the family.

Messages of Condolence

I am a member of Lions Gate Chorus as was Jan, and she loved the chorus both while she was a member and even after she had to resign to take care of her husband Dave. She was renowned for her bright, friendly spirit and she would be the first to volunteer for lots of jobs. She had many sectional rehearsals at her house (she sang bass), and even stored costumes for a while. She never had an unkind word to say about anyone and loved people! If you had to call her on the phone for any reason, or if her number came up as calling you, you had to make sure there was lots of time available because she could make conversation for hours! She really was lovely and it was very hard for her to have to give up chorus life as she loved it so much. We loved seeing her when she'd come visit or when she came to performances. Even though it's been a while, she will never be forgotten by those who knew her - she always brought the sunshine! My condolences to you all. Cammi, President of Lions Gate Chorus ~ Cammi MacKinlay

Dear Family. Jan was a dear soul and a great friend in my Lions Gate Chorus. She had a great laugh and loved to hear from her friends. John and I roomed with Jan and Dave when the chorus competed down in Phoenix in 2003 (or was that 2005?) and we all got along swell. Time sure flies. We visited them in their retirement home at the Renaissance Home in Langley but regret that we did both get to visit them more often. They loved their family dearly and were very proud of you all. Our best condolences and sincere sympathy to you. May it comfort you to know they were dearly loved by all who knew them both as friends. ~ Pat and John Titos

I had the pleasure of being one of the other "jans" in Lions Gate Chorus. We shared that "name" proudly! Jan was an effervescent, bubbly, caring personality interested in everyone and everything. She was a delight to know, a fabulous voice to sing with, a constant contributor that put others before herself always. She also had an incredible skill for talking people into things! I remember one big fundraising event we had - Jan went up and down 4th Avenue and literally secured donations from everyone she talked to - that silent auction was the most successful in Lions Gate Chorus history - all because of Jan. The world has lost a bright,caring light. ~ Jan Carley

As the Musical Director of Lions Gate Chorus, Jan was one of the brightest lights we ever had in the chorus. She had a beautiful bass voice, a beaming smile when she sang, and the love poured from her heart during every performance. Jan was always the first to volunteer for any and every job in the chorus, and she was friends with every member, young and old. We were sad to see Jan go from the chorus some years ago, and now, even sadder to hear of her passing. All of us from Lions Gate Chorus send her family our deepest condolences. Sandy Marron, Musical Director, Lions Gate Chorus. ~ Sandy Marron

I met Jan when I joined Lions Gate Chorus. She really loved her chorus life and I remember how proud she was when her granddaughter Krista joined for a few years. I also got to know Jan outside chorus because she hired me to do some decorative paint finishes in her home and she also referred me to a number of her friends which was very helpful to me. She was very loyal to her friends and family and took a lot of care in maintaining those relationships. Resolutely cheerful no matter what life threw in her way, I will always remember her fondly for her many acts of kindness that I both witnessed and experienced personally. ~ Elizabeth Minish

I am a member of Lions Gate Chorus and remember Jan fondly for her positive nature and always present smile. Jan was truly a positive presence in the chorus. My sincere condolences to all of Jan's family and friends. ~ Jennifer Champagne