Leslie A. Knapp
January 8, 2019

Messages of Condolence
It is with heavy hearts we feel for the sorrow your family feels on losing you too soon; we know you will always be watching over them; And, that you will always be with them. We will never forget that twinkle in your eyes; the joy that shone forth from your face from where all could see the love of God in your heart. Always a good, kind man. All we can say is this: "Life's Work Well Done" Les. God speed! Until we meet again. Our thoughts & prayers go out to all his wonderful family. God love and bless you all. There are no words..... From Jerry & Anne Marie ~ Jerry & Anne Marie Remmey
My heart is saddened with the recent passing of my colleague and dear friend Les Knapp. The first day Les and I met it was in 2014, it seems as if we had known each other for a life time. He was very easy to talk to and he was a very funny guy. Not only was he a committed co-worker he was also a loyal friend and a dedicated father and husband who constantly spoke about his children and wife. I will sincerely miss having him around. My condolences to his wife, children, and extended family. Rest In Peace my dear friend. ~ Curtis Stewart
I was a classmate of Les's in high school. He was a great guy. Great big heart and a lot of fun to be around. He was kind, compassionate and easy to be around. Sad to lose someone like him. Rest in Peace Les. ~ Pierre DesLauriers