George Leonard Kosh
December 10, 2019

Messages of Condolence
Dear Ruth, I just finished reading George’s obituary, Bev Taylor put it on Facebook. So sorry to hear of his home going, I know the emotions you are feeling and will feel for a long time. I have fond memories of the time spent with you folk while we were in Surrey. You were very special to both Brian and myself. My thoughts and prayers will be with you and the girls. Never an easy time. Loving thoughts, Bunny. ~ Bunny Wilcox
Sorry for you loss. Your Dad sounds like a really good human being. ~ Olga
Great memories and deep condolences. Praying for supportive and significant people surrounding you. Love fro Dale and Doreen Grey ~ Dale and Doreen Grey
Sorry to hear about George. We will be praying for the family. ~ Larry Franklin
Rest peacefully George. Many wonderful traits of yours live on in your daughter, my friend Gayle. ~ Lisa-Marie Read
Dear Ruth, we are so sorry to hear of George’s passing. We loved him and have many happy memories of our times with you both. Our thought and prayers are with you over these next weeks and months. Also, Thankyou for your thoughtfulness toward us this past year. Lots of love to you and your family David and Nola ~ Nola Peterson
Dear Ruth, we are so sorry to hear of George’s passing. We loved our times together with you both. He was so fun to be around, always made me laugh! You will be in our thoughts and prayers over the next weeks and months. Thankyou, also for your thoughtfulness and comforting words to us in this past year. Lots of love to you and your family, David and Nola ~ Nola Peterson
Our deepest condolences on the passing of George. We have some fond memories of times spent together in Calgary and Langley. May God comfort your hearts during this time. ~ Mark & Anna Cole
Dear Ruth: So sorry to hear of George's passing - I have many wonderful, happy memories of the times we enjoyed while we lived in Calgary - My thoughts are prayers are with you and your family, Love Bernie ~ Bernie Bey
I will fondly remember Mr. Kosh for the love and dedication he exhibited to his wife and family, his unique sense of humour and for his honesty in business. He will be missed. ~ Kathy Kelman
George to me was one of the men who spoke into my life as a formative teenage who lived across the cul de sac at 612 Oakhill Place, Calgary..I’ll never forget his cool Monte Carlo car...but more importantly the example he set as a godly man who brought joy to our family ~ Gregg Johnson