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Tony Novak

February 7, 2019

Tony Novak

Tony Novak passed away on Feb 7, 2019, at age 80. He was born in 1938 in Stepanovka, Poland. He was predeceased by his parents Jerry and Anna (Valasek) Novak, brother George, and two nephews, David Terekoff and Dr. James Terekoff of Swan River, Manitoba.

In 1949 the family moved to Canada and settled in Minitonas, Manitoba. He began his insurance career in Winnipeg and in 1970 he transferred to Vancouver.

Tony joined Cory Agencies Ltd. (Westland Insurance) in Ladner and moved on to work with Envision Insurance in 1995. Tony was grateful for his many customers whom he had the privilege of serving, remembering them often. He reluctantly retired on December 31, 2005. During retirement he worked for Enterprise Rent-A-Car.

One of his passions was ushering in numerous churches where he attended. He also served on the Board of Directors for the Delta Association for the Mentally Handicapped, and the Evergreen Baptist Home in White Rock. He was a member of the Ladner Business Association, and the Automobile License Plate Collectors Association. In retirement he joined the Langley Camp of the Gideons, serving God by distributing Bibles.

Tony is survived by Ruth, his loving wife of 50 years, daughter Charleen MacCulloch, son Jeremy Novak, and sister Doreen (Peter) Terekoff.

 Tony Novak's Celebration of Life will be on Friday, February 15, at 1pm. Cloverdale Baptist Church 18685 – 64th Ave Surrey, BC In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to:
The Gideons International in Canada Gideons.ca and/or The Community Foundation of Swan Valley.cfswanvalley.ca Re: Terekoff Memorial Education Funds.

You are invited to leave a personal message of condolence for the family.

Messages of Condolence

Please accept out condolences in Tony's passing. We both went to school with Tony & remember enjoying him then. We have fond memories of when we have occasionally met with Tony during different events either in Minitonas or Winnipeg. We wish God's blessing upon the family. ~ Roy & Marcella Steeckel