George Roberts
July 11, 2024

Messages of Condolence
So many happy memories of my uncle, a man with a wonderful sense of humour, always smiling - despite supporting the wrong football team! May your legacy live on and all the while your memory is held dear in our hearts x ~ Donna F
Remembering George, a good friend and neighbour in Twickekham from 1964/1973. ~ Josephine Cheadle
Sending my love to his family. A life well lived George ~ Janet Pickering
So sorry for your loss. I remember you Dad as a very kind, loving family man. May he rest in peace. Hugs to you Alison and to the rest of your family. ~ Marlene Lenglet
Mr. Roberts, You were my second father. You were my Dad’s best friend. You were one of the nicest men God put on this planet. You were a great father, great Granda, and great coach. The stories and memories will never be forgotten. I love you, Mr. Roberts, and everything you stood for. Getting to see you two weeks ago was a visit I will never forget. Thank you for always being you, Mr. Roberts. ~ Stephen Burns
I’m wife of George’s cousin Ron Smith. Worked for years with his dad “ uncle George” . Such a lovely man. Sending love to all the family and condolences on the loss of “little George”. Madge xx ~ Madge smith
I am so sorry for the loss of George. I have fond childhood memories of going to parties at Pat & George’s house, having a singalong in the downstairs room. Whenever I hear the song Midnight Train to Georgia, I remember them. ~ Shelby Brannlund
So sorry for your loss. Your father was a gentleman and a family man He will be missed ~ Tom O Connor
I'm very sorry for your loss. Mr. Roberts was always very supportive of the women's side of the Club Ireland legacy. He stood tall in the community and will never be forgotten. ~ Arietha Jack
May his memory be eternal. ~ John O'Flynn
The world needs more people like George Roberts. RIP ~ Donna & Bill Manery
Dear Roberts Family, I am deeply saddened to hear of your loss. I had the pleasure of meeting George in the hyperbaric chamber, where he, another chamber mate, Monique and I quickly became close friends, known affectionately as the "3 C's." George often spoke with such pride and warmth about his amazing family. His stories of growing up during the war and the mini autobiography he shared with us were truly remarkable. I was lucky enough to meet up with him not so long ago and gave him a big big hug. We are heartbroken over his passing, but we will always cherish the memories and the impact he had on our lives. His memory will remain with us forever. ~ Coree Terpstra