Brede Langerud

September 4th, 2013

BREDE LANGERUD was born in central Norway in 1922, the second child of Gunnar and Borghild. Brede was only 4 years old when the family immigrated to Canada in 1926. They settled near family in East End, Saskatchewan.  In 1928 the family moved to Poplar Hill in Northern Alberta, near Grande Prairie.

There Brede attended the Baldour School for five years, finishing with an eighth grade education. Brede worked in the area and on the family farm – all with horses - until he joined the Canadian Armed Forces in 1942, at the age of 20. Brede trained in Eastern Canada and was deployed overseas. He served in N. Africa, Italy and Central Europe. He returned home to Canada in 1945 and was fully discharged on February 15, 1946.

Upon his return from the War, Brede worked various jobs. This included the Alaska and Hart Highway projects, logging and even guiding hunters in the wilderness he loved.

While living in Dawson Creek, the Lord Jesus began a change in Brede’s heart.  He surrendered his life completely to the Lord Jesus in January 1948 at the age of 26. It was a year later, on his birthday that Brede married his little sweetheart, Annie Byskal, who has been his faithful wife for 64 years.

Those first few years after returning home from the War were very transitional. Brede, along with his two brothers, pooled their resources to acquire land through the Veteran’s Land Act. In 1948 they purchased 2,000 acres in the Fort St John region of Northern BC.

With a farm, a new wife and growing family, Brede and the family shuttled between Dawson Creek in the winter and the farm in the summer. They lived on the farm from 1950 -1957, but in 1953 Brede began to minister to a small congregation of people that were gathering in homes in Rose Prairie, north of Fort St John.


Change would come again in 1957 when the family moved into Ft St John to pastor Ft St John Gospel Tabernacle, while still continuing to hold services in Rose Prairie.

In 1960, Brede and the family moved to Dawson Creek where he took over as Pastor of Revival Centre from his brother-in-law, Ed Byskal. Brede’s brother Henry took over the growing fellowship at Rose Prairie, followed in later years by his brother George and in 1983, his son Wayne.

In 1963 Brede and the family left the North country and moved to Weyburn, Saskatchewan. There Brede accepted the call to become Pastor of Weyburn Gospel Tabernacle, while supplementing his income working at Weyburn Hardware. They lived in Weyburn for the next eight years until 1971 when Northern BC would once again beckon.

In 1971 Brede accepted the invitation to become Pastor of Chetwynd Gospel Tabernacle in the thriving town of Chetwynd, BC. Brede pastored for the next nine years until he resigned in the fall of 1980, but continued to live there until the spring of 1981.

Alone in an “empty nest”, they moved to Eston, Saskatchewan to live near three of their six children. The Eston Full Gospel Bible Institute then offered Brede and Anne positions as Dean of men and women. This would be Brede’s last fulltime employment until his retirement in 1983.

Brede and Anne then left Saskatchewan and moved to the warmer climes of Osoyoos, BC where they spent the next nine years.

In 1992, with age creeping on, it was deemed necessary that Brede and Anne move to be closer to family in Surrey, BC. Then in 2008, Brede and Anne made their final move together into an apartment in Langley Gardens.

In July, 2011, with Brede’s health declining, he was admitted into the Langley Hospital Care Facilities. After several months, Brede was moved back to Langley Gardens, where he lived out the rest of his days on the Care Level.

Brede was 91 when he was peacefully called home to his eternal reward on September 4. It was with family at his side, singing “Going Home, I’m going Home…” that Brede departed this world for a better place in the presence of our Lord.

Brede was predeceased by their daughter Marilyn, in 1988 and is survived by his loving wife, Anne, five children, Shirley [Lorne]; Wayne [Barbara]; Lois [Henning]; Gary [Shelly]; Rebekah [Tony]; 13 grandchildren and 21 great-grandchildren; his brother Henry [Ruth]; and sister Marie [Gordon] along with many nieces and nephews.

Brede will always be remembered as a man who loved the Lord, his family and fervently lived his Christian testimony in service to the Lord and all who knew him.

You are invited to leave a personal message of condolence for the family.


I have been friends with the Langeruds for many years and have a special affection for all of them.I've never met a langerud I didn't like!I have a special memory of the last time I heard Brede preach,it was from that moment that I began to realize the significance of anointed preaching!

My prayers are with the family in this time of loss , I loved Brede with his jolly laugh and the way ,he was always smiling and ever so happy to share with you the newest joke or story that he had tucked away. I was always eager to sit and listen and watch the excitement on his face as he told them ,,we enjoyed many,many laughs together , my fondest memories would be when I would walk in the door of their home and After saying a brief hello and a few words. ,he would reach for his bible and then he would give me a mini sermon and tell me anout the salvation and grace of God .. He loved the Lord with his whole being and heart , he has many in which he has left a great legecy ..I loved those times and it will always be memories I will cherish for a lifetime. Brede rest in peace.

I am so sorry to learn of your huge loss. Mr. Langerud was a special man and we shall miss his visits to the clinic. My thoughts and prayers go out to you all. Susan

To Sis Anne , Sis Rebekah and bro Tony and all the family, What a great Man Bro Brede was, we have enjoyed him and his wonderful Spirit many a time and laughed at his jokes countless times. It has refreshed us in our body and Spirit! A merry heart doed good like a medicine. He believed that to the fullest. We will miss him too. I pray you all won't miss him too much but be comforted in our love and the love of God and be shelted under the wings of the almighty at this time and forever. We love you all very much. God bless you richly today and always Bro Eric and Sis Kylie and family

My thoughts are with the Langerud family. Brede will be missed, and never forgotten. I used to love to listen to his stories. And his words about democracy and government changed my paradigm. Love you all, Ivan Goetzen

Praying that the Lord of all comfort will hoover over your precious family as our dear Brother has gone Home to our Precious Lord Jesus. I will arise and go to Jesus, He will embrace me in His arms; In the arms of my dear Savior, O there are ten thousand charms. Shalom, brother larry, sister darlene and sister sarah cottle

I am so sorry for you Loss sis ann and family. I didn't know him well but did enjoy the fellowship we have had with you. he is dancing on the streets of glory now in his youth. It won't be long and we will all be joining him. May the Lord be your comfort in this time of loss and sustain you as you continue to walk towards our heavenly home. God bless you and keep you in the comfort of His loving arms.

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