Therese Wenzel
November 30th, 2022
Born Therese Gauss, on April 2nd at the start of the great depression in 1929 in Yugoslavia. During World War 2 at age 10 with her family, she made her way to Poland, then to Austria. At the age of 25 she boarded a ship to Montreal then made her way to BC to start her new life. Theresa, (Resi) as she was known, met her future husband Siegmund Wenzel (Siggy), and started her family in South Burnaby. Then in 1975 moved to a farm in Deroche. She lost her loving husband Siggy in 1986. Theresa then moved to New Westminster and lived out her life there independently until Feb. 14th, 2022, when she was admitted to hospital. She was then transferred from Eagle Ridge hospital on the evening of Nov. 28th, 2022, to Cartier house, then sadly passed away on the evening of Nov. 30th, 2022, at the great age of 93.
She loved to travel the world and take tour bus trips. She is survived by her loving and caring son, Rudy, his wife Mary; grandkids, Crystal, and Jamie; daughter, Rita; grandkids, Brooke, and Ian; and great grand daughters, Katarina, Melaina, and Natalia. She is also survived by relatives in Germany and many dear friends. Some people referred to Theresa as "their 2nd mother".
Theresa is loved very much and will be dearly missed. May she rest in peace.
Liebe Resi! Danke für das Zelt und den 4-Jahreszeiten-Sclafsack nachdem ich Anfang der achtziger Jahre 5 Meilen +ber Abbotsford patschnaß mit einem Poncho auf einem campground übernachtet habe. Das Zelt und dn Schlafsak habe ich heute noch. Helmut
Liebe Resi, mit deiner Herzlichkeit hast du Menschen für dich eingenommen, mit deiner fleissigen Tatkraft vieles im Leben erreicht. Dein Wagemut und deine Reiselust hat dich an viele unterschiedliche Orte der Welt gebracht. Ich wünsche deiner Seele den Frieden eines erfüllten Lebens.
Dear Resi! Also thank you for the moccasins, your Birthday present, as we visited you and your family 1972 the first time in south Burnaby. I still have them an I still wear them.