Trevor Neil Larden

August 15th, 2023


February 11, 1936 - August 15, 2023

Dearest friend, companion, and spouse of Nancy Bell, died at St John Hospice on campus UBC.

He was an architect, a man of many interests, a talented artist, and collector. Philately was one of his passions. He was a long-time member of the British Columbia Philatelic Society, being President for approximately 8 years. He was an aficionado of 'classical jazz, i.e., the era of Count Basie, Thelonious Monk, Charles Mingus, early Duke Ellington, Art Tatum, etc., and conducted a lively correspondence with an entrepreneur in Paris, calling himself a mouldy old fig' and proud of it! He enjoyed classical music too and had a phenomenal memory for composers and musicians of each genre. An avid reader he had an impressively retentive memory for many things, as a boy he was called upon by a local newspaper for baseball facts for an article being published. Trevor's artistic endeavours as a child had him exhibit a picture in the Louvre, Paris, as part of a Childrens' Exhibit. In later years he worked on wood and lino cuts, as well as water colours, and pastels. He loved travelling and visited many European countries, Israel, and Downunder. Camping was one of his outdoor passions. Not for him a cushy camper. He slept in a sleeping bag, on the ground, in a tent. Real camping. And this was often a family affair and loads of fun, except in wind and rain! For 32 years he and Nancy attended the Oregon Shakespeare Festival enjoying the plays, making friends, and camping. A caring, generous man, Trevor donated blood more than 100 times to the Red Cross and donated his body to UBC Medical Science.

It's been a wonderful journey, Trevor. You are very much missed by your loving family, as a role model to your son and grandchildren, and soul mate to your wife. Your friends and neighbours have expressed their deep regard for you and miss you very much.


On behalf of The Royal Philatelic Society of Canada, we extend our most sincere condolences to you and your family. Trevor was a fine philatelist and he will be missed.

It says a lot about Trevor's wonderful personality that we stayed friends after being divorced for so long. Trevor was a great man and will be missed by all who knew him.

Gramps, you will forever be the greatest inspiration in my life. Your kindness, your enthusiasm, your unwavering loyalty to family and friends. You always put others before yourself. You were the life of every party. We shared so many laughs, even on the darkest of days. I never really knew my father but it didn't matter because I had you. I also lost my mother at a young age and without you I might have crumbled. The camping trips, the board games, the movie nights with you, Nabby and I are all memories that I will deeply cherish to the end of my days. You got me drunk for the very first time when we traveled to England and I got you high for your very first time when we went to Newcastle Island. You were not just my only father figure, you were also one of my best friends. I feel so lucky to have had you in my life and I know many others feel the same. I miss you so much and that won't go away, but at the same time I am filled with warmth and joy reflecting at the connection we had and the memories we made. There's a big void to fill with you gone, but as you always used to say, we will make the best of it and carry on. Gramps, I love you very much. You will never be forgotten.

We have lost a very dear friend in Trevor. He was a very generous person and a great friend. We spent countless happy hours with him and Nancy over the past few years. If we have any regrets, it's not knowing him sooner in our lives. We will treasure the annual Christmas prints of Nancy's photographs which Trevor then painted. I will miss his Friday morning phone calls when we discussed our aches and pains and conversations on stamps from Australia, Israel and New Zealand. Thank you Trevor and Nancy for enriching our lives. Much love. R.I.P.

Dad, I will forever miss you. You have always been my mentor and through you I am a better person. I am so fortunate that your last architectual work was designing the house I am having built. Everyday I will remember you. Until we meet again, Your son Michael

Trevor joined BC Phil just a couple of years after I did in the mid 1980's. After only a year in the club he was drafted into the role of club Vice President. Just one year following that he found himself thrust into the role of President! Often "at sea", he nevertheless was always eager to advance the club and its endeavors. For seven years (1987-1994) he served as President (through highs and lows) but continued to step up and provide his services as past president and volunteer as Vanpex Bourse Chairman on multiple occasions. A fine friend and a welcome nemesis who helped to keep me honest. Trevor (and Nancy) helped me through the loss of my Dad in 2001 and my Mum just last year. I always considered Trevor to be my "Stamp Dad". I will miss our friendly fights over such mundane things as: who actually wrote Shakespeare's plays! I could always get a rise out of him when I posited that the Earl of Oxford may have had a hand in them.

Nancy, We were very sorry to hear the sad news about Trevor. We shall miss his comments and drawings that arrived at Christmas plus where travels had taken you all during the year. No doubt your friends in Canada will be of great support to you and your family in the coming days. Our thoughts are with you. Olive & Gordon

Trevor was such a good friend and we very much appreciated his humor, his good temper, his fun and also his work as an artist providing us with a beautiful mat every year which Luc uses as a mouse pad for one of his computers. He loved life and talking about good things and travelling far away. We will miss him very much.

Nancy, what a wonderful writeup for my very good friend. We had many delightful conversations at our stamp club meetings, particularly on auction nights. He was a very active member and served in a number of positions over the years. His enthusiasm always shone thru in whatever he undertook. The Club has lost a very fine, dedicated member and will be missed by all. I have lost a very dear friend. Love to you Nancy and family.

So pleased to have spent time with you and Trevor on our trip to BC in June. Trevor was a regular visitor over many years to the UK and quickly endeared himself to the family with correspondence and vignettes a snapshot of many trips abroad. Love to you Nancy and Shaka

Trevor is a dear friend whom I will miss. I enjoyed his charm and wit and his encyclopedic knowledge of music, theatre, and classic cinema. He was my greatest encourager during the arduous process of our home renovations. He made perceptive comments about my designs and showed an interest in them that kept me going. I have some pencil notes of his that I treasure and now keep glued to the folder of my sketch pad. Over the years we had visits, laughs, and camping trips with him and his dearest love Nancy. I will miss you, Trevor. Remember to always “tell us how you really feel!”

Gonna miss this guy a lot! Spending time with Trevor was medicine for the soul. I will never forget his energy, enthusiasm, deep commitment to and love for Nancy and Shaka, and life. Big hugs Nancy.

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