Winifred Georgina McCutcheon

October 29th, 2012

Georgina McCutcheon, late of Regina, SK passed away on Monday, October 29, 2012 at the age of 82 years.  She was a devoted wife, mother, grandmother, great grandmother, friend, and mentor.  There was never a job too big nor a task too menial for her to complete with pride.  Georgina never turned away an extra house guest nor was there not enough for one extra person for dinner.  Georgina was an accomplished chef, seamstress, and a respected member of Calgary’s District #7 Sarcee Auxiliary Hospital team until her retirement to Grandview Beach with her husband Keith.  Georgina enjoyed her retirement with Keith, RV’ing coast to coast across Canada, USA, and Mexico.  Georgina and Keith celebrated sixty-five years of marriage together.  Predeceased by her parents Gilbert and Winifred Schwartz, Georgina is survived by her husband Keith;  children Taylor, Lezliann (Dave), Paige (Betty), and Regan (Chris);  special sister-in-law Roma; nine grandchildren; four great grandchildren; brother Grant (Carol); sister-in-law Elda; as well as numerous nieces,  nephews, cousins, extended family and friends.  Upon Georgina’s request no service will be held.  Flowers most gratefully declined.  Friends so wishing may make donations, in Georgina’s memory, to a charity of choice.  The family would like to thank the fantastic staff of Regina Palliative Care and Home Care Services as well as the neighbours and friends at Benson Manor for the care and support provided to Georgina and Keith in their time of need. 


Dear Keith, we are very sad about the loss of Georgina.We remember her so cheerful and kind ! We think of you and pray for you Holy Spirit to give you strength. Thank you to welcome Marie-Noëlle and David last summer, they were very happy to meet you ! Dear Georgina, pray with us please,we need your prayers !

Dear McCutcheon family, Just heard about Georgie and our hearts go out to you all. She was such a kind, caring lady. So many good times and good memories surround all of us who knew her. She will certainly be greatly missed and lovingly remembered.

Aunt Georgina, I was sure a lucky fellow to have you as my aunt...and I know you had a big part in raising my dad, so I should thank you for that too. I'll always remember the joy and laughter you brought us when I was a kid and you and Uncle Keith came out east in your RV. You'd park in front of mom and dad's house and I loved to hang out on the steps thinking how cool it was that you guys travelled around the continent in that grand vehicle. The trip Catherine and I made for your 50th wedding anniversary was one of the best journey's of my life. Aside from driving from Saskatoon to Dilke with a dead pig in the back of Taylor's camper (not something a boy from the east usually gets to do)...I'll always remember that time at the lake and the great party. I remember thinking about how many people were there and how you just seemed to welcome everyone from all walks of life. I guess many years passed when I was gadding about or living abroad, and I didn't stay in touch as I should have. It was so great to reconnect at Michelle's wedding - and your kindness to Suheyla meant so much to me. You immediately made her feel like part of the family. And finally we were fortunate that you, Keith and Lezliann were able to come for visit just a few months ago. I'll never forget the memories you shared about dad and grandma and grandpa. Every story you told was so vivid and full of energy that I felt like I was there with you. When we said goodbye, I took a deep look into your eyes and saw nothing but warmth and love radiating from them. You're the best and I will miss you. Suheyla and I send all our love and thoughts to Uncle Keith and all my wonderful cousins and relatives out west. Love Stephen

Keith, reading the obituary of Georgina brought sadness, but also brought smiles as I recalled our many interactions over the years. You both were truly one of the aspects that made the pharmacy a wonderful place to work. I am thankful that Georgina's health issues brought the opportunity to get to know her & you as well. Yes, she was a strong gal. With fond memories, Dean.

Keith and Family, We wish to send our condolence's to you and your Family regarding the loss of Georgina. You are in our thoughts and prayers at this time.

Mom -- our final moment will never leave me, anytime I feel down and out or lonely I can take myself back to that time, where we were together, alone for the last time and remember how beautiful you looked, how peaceful you appeared, and recollect how much you are loved, not only by me but all your family and anyone who had the pleasure of knowing your friendship (and there are many) I can think of all the special things you did for me that to some would seem meaningless yet to me were so special, like making sure you cooked me liver and onions when you had the chance as you knew no one else would, or just listening when I had something to reflect on or get off my chest. You always had time for me. I remember this time of year as a poignant example of your attention to your children, remember the costumes you took hours of your time to construct and fit so we would have a unique place in the haloween scene, rub a dub dub, three men in a tub (who was the 3rd one?), the cat and mouse costumes that are probably still being used today somewhere in the family. Our visits, the lake, Disneyland, camping, fishing, Shuswap, Yuma etc ,,, you peddeling your 3 wheel tricycle around. Dad forgeting his wallet and having to travel back to get it -- tons and tons or fun and good times -- actually I can't think of a bad one. You have been especially close to me over the last few years and I have relied on your confidence to guide me, console me and to give me the swift kick I needed from time to time -- like it or not you were always honest. If anyone deserves the red carpet into heaven its got to be you. Dont get too busy looking after others up there, I have a feeling I will be needing your help in a few areas so save some time for me...Love Taylor

On behalf of the residents of Benson Manor, please accept our heartfelt sympathy in the passing of Georgina. She will be missed, it was great getting to know you & we will take care of Keith.!! From your friends at Benson Manor

Lezli and family: Although words seem inadequate here goes... I was so sorry to hear of your loss. Your Mom was a wonderful person and will be sadly missed by all who knew her, yet none will miss her more than those closest to her. My heart breaks for you all and I want you to know that my thoughts and prayers are with you. Your mom was such a gentle spirit and always a wonderful hostess. I will always remember spending time at the cottage, your Dad's waffle brunch and your Mom's exceptional hospitality and of course her wonderful sense of humor. I know the love and the memories you shared will allow you all to keep her close to you forever. May the love of your friends and family and the memories of your Mom help you face the days ahead. Thinking about you all.... Lynn

Georgie, Where do I start? Saying Goodbye is never easy but even harder now. You were always there. You guided me through many ups and downs in my lifetime whether they were joyous or stressful if a helping hand was needed yours was always extended to me. I will miss our long phone conversations and summer visits and how we would go into histerical laughter remembering all the crazy things we did in our younger years. I will miss far too many things to list them all here but know you will always be right here in my heart. Love, Mo Mo.

It is with deep regret and much saddness that we had to say good-bye to the strongest yet most gentle woman I have ever known, "My Mother." Mom, Dad & I tried so hard to keep you with us, but your pain and suffering was just too much so we finally had to let you go. You were not only my mother but my teacher, guideance coucillor, but most of all my friend. You were there for me through good times and bad times. You taught me to be strong,understanding,and compassionate. You taught me to be creative, leading to my passion of sewing all the costumes I have in my inventory. If I ever got stuck on a project, you were always there to help me out. I will always be so greatful for you. I love you Mom. I don't think I ever told you that enough. I will miss you forever but hold wonderful memories in my heart. I know that you have moved on to a much better home and like Paige said, please continue to watch over us. You will never be forgotten. You are in my heart forever. Love Lezliann

It is with heavy hearts, but with great pride that we say goodbye to one of the greatest ladies we have ever been fortunate enough to be with. My Mom, Mother In Law and Grandma - please know that we will miss you but never forget you. You raised us, bathed us, fed us, laughed with us, cried with us but most of all loved us. We shall always keep a special place in our hearts for you and cherish the thought that some day we will be together again. Take care Mom and please continue to watch over us. Love Paige, Betty, Darren, Jeffrey and Danielle.

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