Michael James Fodey

September 7th, 2013

It is with heavy hearts that we announce the passing of Michael James Fodey on Saturday, September 7, 2013 at the age of 60 years.

Mike is survived by the love of his life, his wife Dolores (Markel) of 40 years and special little canine girl, Roxy.  He is also survived by his mother, Marie Fodey, sister, Nancy Butler and numerous nephews and nieces.  He was predeceased by his father, Emmett Fodey, and his father and mother-in-law, George and Katherine Markel.

Mike’s passions included gardening (man those were some tomatoes), the Roughriders, live entertainment, reading, computer games and barbecuing (mostly his specialty “smoked ribs”, which everyone ranted and raved about).  He was blessed with a wonderful singing voice.  He shared his love of music with his family and friends, as evidenced by the numerous discs widely distributed amongst them.  Two of the highlights in Mike’s life were his two trips to Hawaii, one in 1978 and then one on his “bucket list”, the month of February, 2012.  A wonderful memory for him was when he was Santa over two Christmases at the Galleria.  Mike loved playing cards, especially whist, and many a fine evening was spent with his nephew and niece, Cal and Raye.

He will be remembered for his willingness to help anyone and his sense of humour which  was with him right to the end.

A special thank you to all Mike’s friends that regularly kept in touch with him during his illness.  Terry, your visits meant a lot to him, with all your great tales of adventure.  Lee, thanks for being such a wonderful neighbour, and making a point of coming to see him every week.  And Dana, Mike looked forward to his Saturday morning breakfast outings with you and was so disappointed when he no longer was able to do that.  A big thank you to great-nephew, Sean, who lent a helping hand.  Also, a huge bouquet goes out to Judy, who kept baking Mike those tasty banana muffins that he loved, when no one else’s would do.

The family wishes to thank the Palliative Care team for the compassionate care given to Mike during his struggle with ALS and the kindness shown to all of us.

Mike will be forever missed by family, friends, and the lives he touched.  His passing has left an immense void in all our lives but his memory will live on in our hearts and minds forever.

It has been difficult to watch the devastating effects of ALS gradually take away his physical abilities but the disease never diminished his inner strength.  Let’s help fight this horrible disease.  Donations in memory of Mike may be made to the ALS Society of Saskatchewan, 90C Cavendish Street, Regina, SK S4N 5G7.

As per Mike’s wishes, there will be no funeral service.  His cremated remains will be interred at a later date.


Hi Dolores: I had just sent an email to Kyle and in his reply he informed me that Mike had passed away recently. I extend my condolences; although I haven't seen either of you for many years I still have fond memories of time spent with you, Dolores, in elementary school and both you and Mike in high school at various parties and other events. You "caught" one of the good ones and there were many jealous girls back in the day. He was good looking, kind, and funny...a keeper. I can imagine you have some very hard days. Please feel free to contact me if you choose to; it would be lovely to hear from you.

R.I.P. Uncle Mike. A life taken way too early. You tried your hardest to give it your best shot. I loved playing Rock-Band at Xmas with you and thank you for singing. Now you can sing in Heaven & everyone will hear, not just the neighbours. I will always remember you the way you were at your best cause nothing else would do. Now you're at peace. Love you Uncle Mike!

Our time here seems so very short. Mike loved life and the people in his life. There was never a shortage of laughter around him. My fondest memories are of long ago when he and I were young cousins.. the same age .. having adventures and getting into mischief. Our days at Miller High in Regina were epic. I was told one time that one of the best things you can say about a friend is that 'my life is better because I had the good fortune to know you'. I can say that about Mike. He was my cousin, yes ... but he was also a friend. We'll see you on the other side!

Dolores and Mike's family, I'm not sure you will remember me, but I spent a few years of my youth growing up with Mike and considered Mike to be a good friend. I lived at 1221 and I recall Mike was in court 11? I often drive by the area and can pick out the Fodey's place but never remember the number.

Dolores (Dodi) My condolences on Mikes passing. I enjoyed my conversations with Mike when I was jogging past your house. I think of you and Mike often as I jog past your house many times each week.

I last saw Uncle Mike, about 13 years ago at my Grandpa's 90th birthday party here in Medicine Hat. I talked to him a few times on the phone when he was sick. I wish my husband and daughter could have met him. In Heaven we will all meet again. We will keep you in our prayers Aunt Dolores. Love, Tammy, Kevin, and Kim

We were so sorry to hear of Mike's passing. Our thoughts are with you at this difficult time. We will fondly remember Mike's sense of humour. Take care. Sincerely, Mike & Debbie Armstead

Dolores not ever having met you, Marie spoke of Michael and you often. We are so sorry to hear of your loss. Prayer and thought will remain with you. (Marie's sister) Reta.

Dolores, I am very sorry for your loss. My brother (Jim Fodey) has kept our family up to date on Mike's illness & now his lost battle with this horrible disease. Jim knew him best but all the Fodey clan from Regina have our own special & fond memories from our childhood & high school years. I send my love out to Marie as well. She was always a very special welcomed guest in our home. I wish you, Marie & Nancy peace & strength. Sincere sympathy Fran mills

Dear Dolores, We are so very sorry for your profound and devastating loss. I'd often wondered how Mike was doing, and should have taken the time to call you. Sonja Zotzman (whom you met in Hawaii along with her husband, Gerry), saw Mike's obit in the paper and alerted me to it. What a beautiful write-up for a wonderful, unique, and talented man! We were so fortunate to have met him - the short times we spent with you both in Hawaii were very enjoyable. He seemed like such a special guy - you were blessed to have him for 40 years, and he, you. It must have been so difficult these last years/days to watch ALS take his life away. I'm sure there will be an immense, deep void in your life. Please know that you will be in our thoughts and prayers, for comfort, peace and strength to get through this. I'd like to talk to you/go out for coffee when you're ready. With our sincere sympathy, Bob and Carol Seipp

What a terrible shock to read of Mike's passing. I always enjoyed our time together. I hope your many wonderful memories will be a source of comfort.

Dolores, I am so sorry for your loss. It has been many years since Mike and I last saw each other, but I thought of you both often. I have moved back to Saskatchewan and Mike was on to do list to look up. Again I am so sorry, words can never express what you and Mike had and will have forever. Kyle

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