Morey Henry Cote

January 11th, 2016

Morey Cote was born in Moosomin, SK in 1943 and passed away on January 11, 2016 in Regina, SK. Morey is survived by his wife, daughter and son and their families.  Morey's humour and kind spirit will be dearly missed by his friends, family and all those he impacted throughout his career as a dentist and farmer.  In lieu of a service, memorial contributions may be made to the Leprosy Mission Canada:


When TJ and Sharla decided to marry, we had the great privilege of meeting TJ's family. We didn't get the opportunity to know Morey as well as we would have liked but we knew him well enough to know he was a good and kind man who loved his family and with an open hearts, he, Phyllis and Jan welcomed Sharla as part of that family. He will be deeply missed by all. Please accept our condolences, our thoughts and hearts are will you,

Phyllis, Jan, TJ. I wish to express sincere condolences to you on the loss of your husband and father. Morey and I became good friends, along with Bill we spent allot of time together, studying, socialized, and cruising the weekends. I was fortunate to meet his parents and sister on the farm one fall weekend on a hunting trip. Morey was an excellent clinician, farmer, and a great friend whose knowledge, skill, sense of humour and generosity were well known. We will miss you old buddy, may you rest in peace and God Bless!

Phyllis , I am deeply saddened to hear of Morey's passing. We had a neighbouring suite to Bill and Morey during our student years in Winnipeg, so we became good friends, as well as classmates. He was a wonderful guy with so much talent and personality. His sense of humour was exceptional, and we had so many good laughs in those days. I will always remember Morey for his kindness, his jokes, his likeable, easygoing way, and his popularity, which contributed greatly to making our class so special. Thanks for so many wonderful memories, Mo.

Phyllis, Jan, Tyson, so sorry to hear about Morey, we had many discussions about guns and farming at the office and at your house on the farm. He was a fine man and very smart and I enjoyed listening to his brand of wisdom and his humour. Lane Brown

I was very sad to hear that Morey had passed away. I'm sure the last few years were very difficult for him; he was fortunate to have a loving family. Morey was a big reason why our dental class had the outstanding chemistry that it did. We had a wide range of personalities and Morey's humour helped bind us. He was always available to help with a technical problem. I'm sure he was an excellent clinical dentist, and self-sufficient farmer. I will always have fond memories of our time together at the U of M. Rest in peace, Mo.

Phyllis , Jan and TJ I am so saddened to hear of Morey's passing . He was such a good kind man and treated Kevin and I like family. I have many memories of Morey and the farm and I will treasure them forever. Take care and if anything is needed please don't hesitate to call.

To Phyllis, Jan and Tyson: I'm very sad to hear about the passing of Morey. He was someone that I always looked up to. When I started working for him I didn't know what to expect. He took a chance on hiring a young kid that wanted to learn, and believe me I learned a lot. He taught me many things that later on in life I would use to my advantage. Morey and Phyllis took me into their home and treated me more like family than hired help. Not long after starting to work on the farm there seemed to be a shadow following me everywhere I went, the shadows name was TJ, he went along with me in equipment and if I was working in the yard he was never far away. He was always eager to learn and wanted to know how everything worked. Once you showed him how to do something you could bet it would be done that way everytime. Very smart boy even at a young age and has grown into a man that I'm proud to call a friend rather than my little shadow. Jan was more quiet and reserved, she was smart beyond her years and I didn't get to know Jan as well as Tyson simply because she wasn't out and about in the yard or shop as much. She was always helping Phyllis with meals and bringing them out to the field when needed. Phyllis was always making amazing meals for us, I'm very surprised I stayed skinny. She was always running to the fields, running for parts, or making sure we didn't go hungry. Plus looking after 2 kids, housework, and everything else that she did, sometimes I wondered how she ever found time to even make a meal. Morey and Phyllis always had work for me if I needed some, always had a coffee on if I stopped by, and always had advice for me, I didn't get the chance to thank Morey for everything that he did for me. I'm sure he knew I was thankful, but I'm not sure if he realized what a huge difference he made in my life. I'm a supervisor for a multimillion dollar company, I have dozens of people working for me, and everyday I try to treat my workers the way Morey treated me. Treat them with honesty and respect, show them the proper way to do the work, give them advice if asked and always treat them the way I would want to be treated. Some of my fondest childhood memories are working on the farm. So many good times and lots of laughs. Please accept my condolences, he will be missed by everyone who knew him. I'm going to miss you my friend, rest easy, forever remembered. Kevin

I wish to offer my sincere condolences to his family and close friends. It was a joy that our paths crossed in dental college, I admired and appreciated his sense of humor and his creativity yet filled with common sense and practicality. With kindness and thanksgiving for knowing Cote, Bones

It was with great sadness that I learned of Morey's passing. Please accept my deepest condolences. I have so many happy memories of spending time at your farm near Moosomin and they wouldn’t be the same without Morey. May peace and comfort find you during this difficult time. Sincerely Andrea

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