Robert Kenneth Markosky

June 29th, 1941 ~ April 8th, 2016

Robert Kenneth Markosky passed away on April 8, 2016 in Regina. He was born in Yorkton on June 29, 1941, the third son to George and Margaret Markosky of MacNutt, SK. With his birth, Saskatchewan welcomed one of the most intelligent, kind, thoughtful, progressive, courageous, stubborn and determined citizens this province has ever known. 

Robert Markosky was predeceased by his parents George and Margaret (nee Prokopetz) Markosky, his brother Jerry, and his sister-in-law Gloria. He is survived by his loving wife and best friend, Judy Amos, his daughter Andrea (Michael) Calvin and two special grandsons, Clark and Dash Calvin of Chicago, Illinois, US. He is also survived by his brother Delmar (Adeline) Markosky of MacNutt, SK and by a host of family and friends. 

As a young man, in the early 1960s, Bob had a taste for travel and adventure. To fund his travels, he worked on the DEW line in Fort Chimo, NWT and in Inuvik for three years. Then he set out to explore Europe, living in London, vacationing in Spain, picking grapes in French vineyards, dealing with the Black Market in  Turkey, riding the trains with Polish peasants and landing a bit part in a movie about the pirate “Surcouf” on the high seas of the Mediterranean. On returning to Canada, he enrolled at the University of Saskatchewan, Regina Campus, where he met the love of his life, Judy Amos. He convocated with his Master of Arts degree in Psychology.

Bob dedicated his entire adult life as an advocate of social justice, bettering the lives of those he felt were marginalized and left on the sidelines.

Bob’s passion to advocate for the rights of patients and clients developed through his early experiences during his employment at the former Saskatchewan Hospital, Weyburn, the Moose Jaw Training School, and Churchill Park Cooperative Greenhouse in Moose Jaw.

He worked as an activist researcher for the Dept. of Social Services and Core Services Administration. He also served as the first Director of Research for the Department of Consumer Affairs where his Branch took on the food industry, among others, during a time when he and his colleagues “stirred the pot" mightily.  

A major turning point in Bob’s professional career came when he accepted an invitation to work at the Saskatchewan Alcohol and Drug Abuse Commission, where he said he was able to put all of his training as a researcher and program designer to “good use”.

As the first Director of the province’s Problem Gambling Program, Bob oversaw the training of counsellors, the implementation of a Problem Gambling Help Line, and the introduction of a province‑wide community education and development component to counteract the negative impact of the massive expansion of legal gambling in Saskatchewan.

Bob was a real "people person" and had a keen sense of curiosity about every aspect of life.  He loved auction sales, old garages and bicycle shops, bargaining for old cars and vans, and visiting farms, as well as hiking, canoeing, cross-country skiing, fishing, cycling, swimming and snorkelling in the ocean, listening to blues and jazz, and exploring "the road less travelled". During the early 1990s, Bob realized his dream of being his own contractor to build a beautiful home of his own design for his family. In his retirement, often accompanied by his loyal friend Laurie Melit, Bob drove his `86 van to Mexico and Central America several times. He also insisted on driving himself to Rincon de Guayabitos, Mexico, where he and Judy loved to holiday in the winter. Road trips to Chicago to visit daughter Andrea were also special occasions for him.

Special thanks to all those staff at Wascana Rehabilitation Centre who offered Bob their compassionate care. A gathering of family and friends to celebrate Bob's life will be held later this summer.


Deepest condolences to Bob's family and many many friends - he was the best and most progressive boss I ever had, at SADAC research and then at Sk Health. A fighter for social justice and a supportive friend. Never to be forgotten.

My deepest sympathy to you Judy and family. Bob was one of those people who could connect with anyone. A brief catch up with Bob was always so meaningful. He truly attended to you and his genuine interest and curiosity never changed. Warm soft hugs to you

Dear Judy, Bob will always remain in our minds as a role model for TRUE GRIT and PERSEVERANCE. Our deepest sympathies to you and Bob's family and friends. With love, Alex and Mom

Bob gave my first permanent civil service job back in the 1980's. He was a great mentor, passionate about social justice, conducted himself with integrity, and was always willing to speak truth to power. He was so very supportive and protective of those of us fortunate enough to work for him. I was continually inspired by his zest for living life to the fullest despite his physical challenges. He was one of a kind. It's up to us to carry on his legacy. Thinking of Judy, Andrea and family in your time of loss. with warmth and caring John McCallum

It is with a sad heart that I send condolences to Judy, Andrea and family. I worked with Bob for many years at SADAC and in the Problem Gambling initiative at Health. Bob was always open and honest, supportive and caring no matter with what issue we were dealing. He was also great fun to spend time with, I thoroughly enjoyed our non work discussions and most of all his zest for life. He definitely left his mark on this world, on this province and on my life. Thanks for who you were and all you gave to others, Bob. Marion and Gordon Rieger

Beautiful words in these messages Judy, for a beautiful man. I too was fortunate to work with Bob at The Alcoholism Commission (SADAC). He was a special man, brilliant, compassionate, worldly, well travelled, dedicated to his life work and most of all to his family and friends. Our deepest condolences to you Judy on the loss of your life partner; and to Andrea and family. I hope the special memories shared over all the years will help you stay strong at this sad time. Our deepest condolences. Carole & Ernie Neilson

I had the opportunity of being part of Bob's team in the mid-70's when he was Director of Research in Consumer Affairs. Those were exciting times being part of a newly created Department and Bob's stories and sense of humor made coming to work fun. He accomplished much in his lifetime and we are all the better in having had him with us. My sincerest condolences to Bob's family.

Bob was a an absolutely fine person who showed how the civil service should have integrity, vision and serve the people. Viva Bob!

I am so sorry to learn of Bob’s passing. Bob hired me into the civil service in the early 90s and was my first director. I am grateful to have had such a gentle introduction to public service and to have gained a lifelong friend and mentor in the process. Bob touched many, many lives as evidenced by the tributes here, and will be forever missed. His progressive spirit lives on in the programs and policies he helped shape, and in the people he inspired along the way. Cheers Bob. It was a privilege. Judy and Andrea – thanks for sharing him with us. I hope your many happy memories give you comfort.

Judy, our sincere condolences to you on the loss of your best friend -- an amazing man. Take care of yourself and cherish the sweet memories.

To Judy, Andrea, Delmar and family. Our deepest sympathy on the death of our dear friend Bob. Love Dave and Linda Morgan Epitaph On A Friend An honest man here lies at rest. The friend of man, the friend of truth, The friend of age, and guide of youth: Few hearts like him, with virtue warm'd, Few heads with knowledge so inform'd If there's another world, he lives in bliss . If there is none, he made the best of this. Robert Burns

Dear Judy and Andrea: We treasure our long friendship with you and Bob. We will never forget him. The depth of Bob's kindness and his passionate determination in life will continue to inspire us. We send our love to you both.

As one of those who "stirred the pot mightily" at the Department of Consumer Affairs so many years ago I had nothing but respect for my first Director, and one of the best over the course of my forty years in government. Thanks to those of us in the Research Branch at Consumer Affairs Bob very quickly learned where the Deputy Minister's Office was, but he stuck with us and helped us see our projects through to conclusion. Let history record it was Bob Markosky's Research Branch that got Consumer Affairs on the front page of the newspaper for the first and only time. From small-town Saskatchewan to virtually every corner of the world with such a wide range of experiences; and, with those broadened horizons, home to Saskatchewan with an unflagging commitment to helping those who needed help. A life well lived. Gone, but never forgotten. That's as fine a legacy as anyone can leave. Well done, Bob.

Dear Judy and Andrea; I am very sorry to hear of Bob's passing. Bob was one of the great ones and I am sure his passing will leave a big hole in many peoples lives. He was a very interesting, warm man with such insight, wisdom and commitment to doing the right thing. I worked with Bob at the Ministry of Health and always appreciated his stories and adventures. All the best to you and your family.

Judy, Andrea and Family Cathie and I are deeply saddened by the news of Bob's passing. So sorry for your loss Judy and Andrea. We hope the intense pain for you soon gives way to fond recollections. I first met Bob when I went to work as a summer student in the Alcoholism Commission of Saskatchewan in 1977. I recall an immediate connection with Bob and his progressive world view and research intellect. Bob was a kind and sharing mentor and friend. I had the opportunity to work with Bob at the Commission and then in the Ministry of Health. While we were only co-workers for a few years, we were colleagues and friends forever. That's the way Bob was. Connections quickly made but enduring. As fate would have it Andrea and our son, Joel, were born within weeks of each other. In fact Judy and Bob met Cathie and I at the Pasqua Hospital during an orientation for very expectant women. Andrea and Joel spent some time together in their adolescence as friends and aspiring musicians. I lost touch with Bob in the last two decades but we would occasionally bump into each other at the farmers market or the folk festival. These occasions were special. Two old colleagues and co-conspirators hanging out and fixing the worlds problems. It's difficult to describe the emotions, for while our paths didn't cross often, the love and respect ran deep. Bob was a great man and leaves a great research papers, program and policy development but most importantly in the trail of people he mentored and befriended. Judy and Andrea our deepest condolences. Randy and Cathie...

My goodness, what an accomplished individual! It was our good fortune to become acquainted with Bob when we began going to Rincon de Guayabitos in Mexico. We are saddened to hear of his passing and our thoughts are with you as you prepare to say good bye to your husband, father and grandfather and to celebrate his life.

Impressive man, Bob Markosky, may he rest in peace. Enjoyed our times with him and Judy at VBV. We were amazed that he would take off in his van for long periods of time...alone...and return with stories of adventure in the boonies. Judy and Andrea told us to relax and get ready to listen up. They never seemed anxious or concerned. They knew Bob. The family he so enjoyed seeing will continue on together knowing a part of Bob lives in their spirit of adventure and daring. The gentle pastel painting style of Judy hides her dynamic, super-strong dedication, determination and fine-tend attention to details. We have been blessed with opportunity to know the family and send our deepest condolences at this time of grieving. ♡♡ Susie and Eddie Stone

The world has lost a great one! I worked with Bob at SADAC and then at Health over the years. He embodied principled, passionate and evidence based leadership in his work, always keeping the focus on the client. I recall fondly many Sunday mornings at the office where we would solve the world's problems with most conversations getting around to sharing of stories about family. He was so proud of you Andrea and so in love with you Judy. I lost touch when I left Health but over the years I have thought of Bob and his contributions to the public service and how much I enjoyed working with him. April Barry

I really enjoyed working with Bob at Sask Health for many years. His social analysis was always refreshing and I enjoyed his tales of travel, especially in rural Mexico. He was an original and will be missed.

Prayers and fond memories are what we have to remember Bob. We will truly miss Bob, who was a lovable and kind person. Our thoughts and prayers are with you Judy, Andrea and family. May he rest in peace. Hugs to you all!

Dear Judy and Andrea I am so sorry to hear of Bob's passing. I have many happy memories of all the hours spent talking and debating with him. He was a delight to be around, and I always admired his inquisitive and questioning mind and his passion for his work and for his family. Everyone who knew him will miss him.

I am so sorry to hear that Bob has died. It's been a long struggle for him and Judy. I wish I could have done more to support him over the years. I was honoured to work with Bob with his great intelligence, humour and sense of justice, when I directed the research division at the Alcoholism Commission. Bob taught me much about courage and resilience; he was always committed to living as independently as he could. He was a great and special colleague and friend. I tried to stay in touch with him after we left Regina. We met unexpectedly in unpredictable places and could catch up, for which I am thankful. I won't ever forget our conversations, especially in the hospital after he had his first stroke; Bob's presence will remain with me. Bob was a true compatriot and an example to us all about the gift of life. Much love and Jan and my condolences to Judy and Bob and their families. Jim Harding

My condolences to Bob's family and friends. I was the Executive Director of the Ministry of Health branch where Bob worked in the problem gambling program. Bob was passionate in doing the ultimate best for the program, in always attempting to do the right thing, and in speaking truth before power. Rest in peace, Bob. Roger

I write this condolence note with great my 40 years of employment with the civil service, I worked with only a handful of people that I can truly say had a level of understanding and knowledge that Bob had. He was a man of integrity. In the early days of the problem gambling program, Bob, Steve Christenson and myself would meet, plan, and plot gov't strategies, I was so amazed by Bob's intellect, his systemic knowledge, but most of all his compassion for his fellow man....lucky me, to have known him....take care Judy in the weeks and months ahead....

Rincon will not be the same. He was a most interesting guy. I enjoyed talking with him and tinkering with his ride. Condolences to the family and other friends, he will remain in my thoughts.

As cousins we grew up across the street from one another - so many wonderful memories then, and as adults at many family functions. To live in the hearts of family and friends is not to die. Rest in Peace. Love, Patsy.

Judy and Family I am so sorry for your loss and I thank you for allowing me to be a special part of your lives. Bob was a very special person and touched my life in a very unique way. I will always treasure our friendship and I am very thankful that Bob had been a part of my life. I am always here if you need me.. Love Marilyn

My condolences to Bob's family. Bob influenced the course of my life when I was a young woman starting out in the workforce. He ignited a spark in me, taught me so much and showed an incredible amount of support when life threw me a curveball. His zest for life, compassion for others and sense of justice for all was an inspiration. His was a life well lived! Rest in peace Bob.

Thank you Bob and Judy for being my mother's most precious friends for many many years. Bob, you shone like the sun throughout your lifetime, and you will shine forever in our hearts.

Bob was such a special friend nothing stopped him we so enjoyed him threw the years have some wonderful memories. We're there for you Judy just a phone call away . He will be missed by everyone who knew him. Love Judy and Norm

We met Bob in the early seventies and valued his friendship. He certainly was a man of adventure and conviction. We will miss you Bob. Condolences to Judy, Andrea and family.

Bob, I loved you. Thank you for being a significant part of my life. Born but to die. You died in Time, Time is Eternity. Shalom, my friend. Eldon

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