Eric R. Greenway

November 18th, 1953 ~ March 22nd, 2017

Eric R. Greenway of Regina passed away surrounded by family on March 22, 2017 following an unexpected injury.

Eric was born on November 18, 1953 in Hanna, Alberta. He was a loving husband to Donna for over 40 years, a dedicated father to Adrienne, Stephanie, and Madeleine, and a delighted grandfather of four. Eric was the Director of Communication at the YWCA of Regina and a talented member of the Saskatchewan writing community.

He is survived by his wife, his daughters, their spouses and children, as well as one sister and four brothers in Alberta. He is preceded in death by his parents, Norman and Myrtle Greenway.

A Memorial Service will be held to honor and remember Eric on Saturday, April 1, 2017 at 2:00 pm in St. Paul's Anglican Cathedral, 1861 McIntyre St., Regina, SK.

In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to the YWCA of Regina.


Eric's smile and laugh will always be with me. Every time I entered his office or home I was made to feel important. This sucks. May you, Donna, Adrienne (and the rest) find strength for the days ahead.

I just found out. Such a sweet guy, one of Regina's really bright lights, and a beard that Marcus Aurelius would've greatly admired (if he's the authority I'm thinking of). His is a voice I sometimes try to conjure when I stub my toe, really or metaphorically--kind, calm, and never much ruffled by my pointless babblings. Who will smile on our foibles like Eric did?

I am so sorry for your loss Donna. It was just a few weeks ago that I ran into Eric at a local coffee shop and enjoyed a brief visit with him - warm and friendly as always.

My sincere apologies to you Donna and all your family. We were very sorry to hear about Eric's passing. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and also with Eric's brothers and sister in Alberta

It's devastating that Eric's gone. He was such a bright light, and so full of stories. I'll miss his good humour and all those conversations. My deepest condolences to you, Donna, and to your family.

To have known Eric as a friend and colleague for two decades has been a singular blessing and privilege. No matter what personal or professional challenge I found myself facing, Eric was always there listen, express his care for me and offer his insightful and heartfelt observations. What is remarkable is that I know he was just as supportive of all his friends. He was a loyal and steadfast friend who made every moment spent in his company more buoyant and alive with his bearded grin, his incisive sense of humour and his boundless generosity. His unwavering faith and acceptance of the good, the beautiful, and the sorrowful aspects of this world will remain with me for the rest of my days.

Dear Donna, Our prayers and thoughts are with you during these days of loss. Though it has been many years since we have had personal contact we will up hold you and your family in prayer. Our thoughts go back to when Eric was a colleague working at the college.

Adrienne, Cory and family; Just wanting you to know we love you and are praying for you today and in future. Praying God's peace on you!

I'm so sorry for your loss Donna. My condolences to you and your family.

Eric was one-of-a-kind. He was a creative thinker and I know how devastating his loss must be to Donna, Adrienne, Stephanie, and Madeleine. My sincere and deepest sympathies to you all

Stephanie, Dale and Sylvie: We are so sorry. Hugs to Sylvie from Ginny. Sophie, Randy, Finn and Ginny.

So sorry for your loss Donna.

The writing and publishing community has just lost an incredible mind, a talented, fair-minded, calming, and fun-loving presence. Eric will be greatly missed. Love and strength to you, Donna, and to the family.

My condolences to his family, and his many extended families as well. At 80 or 100 years old losing someone like Eric would have been too soon. We will all miss his kindness and his ability to listen to not just what we said but what we meant. With wit, grace, and honesty the man could pull off wearing a fedora too.

Donna and family, what sad news. I had the good fortune to get to know Eric through the SWG and was struck by his kindness, talent and wisdom. How awful that you will be without him now, but I know his spirit will be with you always. My deep condolences.

My deepest condolences to Donna and family. Eric's smile made me smile. I will miss him.

My sincere condolences to Eric's family and friends. He was a special, kind and gentle person, and will be remembered in high regard for his many contributions to the literary community.

We first met Eric in 2002 at the CDA diabetes camp when our son was diagnosed with Type One. I still remember that first meeting and how welcoming Eric was. The mosquito filled cabin had an impression as well (LOL). We enjoyed several of those Labour Day weekends with Eric. Eric always made sure newcomers were welcome and at ease and was always involved in the after hours activities. I'll never forget Eric singing Sweet Caroline and enjoying a good beer with Eric. The world would better with more Erics.

Our deepest condolences to Donna and the rest of Eric's family.

Truly a remarkable man who enriched the lives of all he came in contact with. His was a life we should all try to emulate. Very grateful that I had the chance to know Eric a little bit. My deepest condolences to Donna and his entire family.

I, and so many other writers, will miss Eric, his thoughtful smile, that Walt Whitman beard, and many years of friendship. Condolences to Donna and the family.

May care and love of those around you provide comfort and peace to get you through the days ahead. My most sincere condolences to you and your family.

Dear Donna, We are so sad to hear of Eric's passing. We ask Jesus to give you peace, strength and grace as you go through this time of grieving. Love and hugs, Sheldina

I first met Eric when he came to my workplace to pick up Donna. I could tell of how much he loved Donna, his wife. Just by the way he looked at her. When I first heard of his sudden passing and the circumstances surrounding that, heart broke for Donna. I could tell how much she loved him too. I will keep Donna and her whole family in my prayers in this time of extreme sadness. I pray a sense of peace and love come over them and bring them all together as the tightly knitted family I know they can be. May God bless you Donna and I hope to see you again soon. Take care my friend.

Donna and family - we heard about Eric's injury through our church's prayer chain. So we have been praying for you all ever since. Eric and I collaborated on so many theatrical projects over the years. I truly treasured his writing talents and the comradery we developed since our college days together. Our prayers are with you and we trust that you are able to rest in the comfort of the Lord and be sustained through the support of friends and families. Eric will truly be missed by so many. We pray that God will carry you through these difficult days. Garry & Bev

I knew Eric first as a student - one of the best - in one of my creative writing classes some 20 years ago, and I continued on as a mentor to him as he developed the stories in his first book. We were colleagues when he was working at the SWG, bringing verve and intelligence to Freelance, the guild's magazine. And we were friends, someone I liked, admired and respected. His death is a great loss to the Saskatchewan writing community and to all those who knew him.

Donna and family, I have never met anyone so positively engaged with life as Eric. Always smiling and willing to share a laugh or partake in a good-natured discussion about writing or current events. He set an example for us all and will be greatly missed. My deepest condolences.

Donna and family, My deepest condolences on your loss. Eric was a generous and compassionate man, and I shall cherish the years we worked together on Hagios Press. He shall be greatly missed.

Donna and family, Eric was such a special person and will be remembered fondly by so many. Much love to you all.

I was deeply saddened to read of Eric's passing. He was a kind, gentle person who was respectful and inclusive of all. My sincerest condolences to Eric's family.

My heart breaks knowing that such an amazing man has been taken from his family and his community far to soon. I have nothing but fond memories of Eric and the many insightful and humorous conversations we had during our tenure at the CDA. He was one of the best bosses I have ever had, and I will forever cherish what he taught me in our time together. My thoughts and prayers go out to Donna and your family, I'm heartbroken to know that such a wonderful husband, father and grandfather was taken from you. I hope that your time with him will be remembered fondly in the many great memories he shared with each of you. May that carry you through this difficult time.

Hugs and love to you Donna and family . We are heartbroken to hear of the loss of your beloved Eric . Such a great human .

Dear Donna & family, Our thoughts and prayers as you walk this new journey. May God's sustaining grace be your comfort and strength.

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