Anna Diane Rondeau

March 6th, 2018

A life cut short…

Anna Diane Rondeau, precious chosen child of Danielle and Paul Rondeau, tragically passed away on Tuesday, March 6, 2018 at the age of 12 years.  Anna was the light of our lives as she was friendly, energetic, and loved children.  She excelled in swimming and accomplished many goals after having been part of the Regina Optimist Dolphin Swim Club for just over a year.  A grade 7 student at Ecole St. Elizabeth, Anna participated in numerous school activities such as track, football, and the yearly musical.  She also participated in Vacation Bible School and the Sunday school program.  Anna danced with the Zabutnyy Ukrainian Dance School and she was proud of her heritage.  Dallas Valley Ranch Camp was a summer highlight for Anna and her friends.

Besides her beloved parents, Anna leaves her Babushka Pat Pantel; her godparents Aunty Diane and Uncle Dave Bihun; her great-aunts Lynne and Lucille; her cousins Lauranne, Trevor, Abigail, and Witteney; Uncle Neil, Aunt Terina, cousins Liam and Owen and the Dickin family.  She also leaves behind extended family, countless friends, and teammates.

Funeral Mass will be held on Monday, March 12, 2018 at 1:00 p.m. in Resurrection Roman Catholic Church, 3155 Windsor Park Road, Regina, SK.  Private family interment in Riverside Memorial Park.

In lieu of flowers, donations in Anna’s memory may be made to Chalice Canada (for children in Ukraine), 101 – 26 Union Street, Bedford, NS B4A 2B5 or Dallas Valley Ranch Camp, Box 779, Lumsden, SK S0G 3C0 or Regina Optimist Dolphin Swim Club, 1717 Elphinstone St., Regina, SK S4P 2E1.


It’s been 4 years since Anna passed. I remember being upset that she was gone. I miss her hugs whenever we came off stage from dancing. I miss her speaking in Ukrainian and her amazing Ukrainian dancing we did together. She had the sweetest smile and the best hugs. I miss you Anna, and I hope your doing okay Danielle and Paul!

march 6, 2018 i arrived at school to be greated by the vice principal, only to hear the news of Anna's passing. it took me some time to process the loss of such an amazing friend. Anna and I have had our ups and downs, but in the end she was one of my best friends. memories of us helping out at the pre-k program at lunch together, having fun playing with the kids; the grade 6 school dance, we danced together to our favourite songs having the most fun i've had in a long time; and her always being there to make me laugh through hard times. i miss her dearly and cannot imagine the heartache it has caused you and your extended family. thoughts and prayers sent out to you all, and to her up in heaven as the angel she always was.

My heart aches for you and your family Danielle. I am so sorry that this has happened and can't even begin to understand your pain. I wish you strength and support during this very difficult time. Thinking of you.

We cannot fathom your incredible loss, but can only hug our children more tightly each day. Our thoughts are with you and our actions too, if there is anything we can help with.

We are so saddened by Anna’s passing. We think of you constantly and wish you strength to navigate these dark days. The swim girls are missing Anna very much. I miss seeing her happy smile every day.

Danielle, Paul and families, my heart is heavy with this shocking news of Anna. May God grant you extra strength during this time of extreme challenge. May the fond memories of Anna and knowing that she's now with the Lord give you some comfort and hope. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

As hard as we try, we can only imagine how the loss of a child or grandchild affects their parents. In the difficult months ahead we will keep you in mind.

My dear friends Paul and Danielle, I am very saddened to hear of the loss of your precious daughter Anna. I know both of you loved her dearly. The many stories you've told me about trips to the Ukraine and the hardships you've endured to become parents have shown that from the moment you found Anna she was the light of your life. Know that you have done so much for Anna out of love; and may that love endure and console you both through this sadness.

My dear Pat we have had many losses in our family, only our faith & support for one another have helped us to carry on. We do not know the reason why.God love you.

Danielle and family... You are constantly in my thoughts and I cannot even begin to understand the pain that you are going through. Though I never met Anna, I feel that I got to know her a bit through our sharing of stories about having kids, and she sounded like an amazing, confident, funny and driven individual. I send you much love and strength.

My deepest sympathy for the tragic loss of your daughter. There are no words to ease your pain. I’m sorry this happened to Anna, to you. Your darling Anna left such beautiful memories for all who knew her. When you’re ready please do call upon the love and support that surrounds you.

We are all devastated at the loss of Anna. She was such a delightful person to work with, play with and pray with. Children's Liturgy, VBS and Jump will not be the same. May God keep her in his everlasting care! JT, Elan and Karen

Paul and Danielle, I am so sorry for your loss. You are in our thoughts and prayers.

Words cannot express my sadness. Please know that I am thinking of you and praying for peace and comfort.

So sorry for your loss.No words to describe how you are feeling and the tragedy what happen but you have our support.

I pray for peace and healing. I can’t stop thinking about your family. Sincerest condolences, though I realize they don’t make up for your loss. What a treasure your beautiful girl is to this world and the next.

Anna was an energetic and sweet girl, always friendly and polite when I saw her at Anica's house. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Shirley Meredith, Anica Metz's grandma

Paul and Dani - we are heartbroken for you. We are devastated that you cannot continue to be the fantastic parents you have been to Anna. You will be parents to an angel. We are so sad we will not have Anna over to visit, create crafts, to play hide and go seek in the basement, to spend hot days in the sun and sprinklers with slurpees and to make gallons of slime! Anica will truly miss her friend that was only a hop, skip and a jump away. We will all miss Anna's outgoing personality, stories and her zest for life. She will always have a special place in our hearts. All our love and prayers, Tom, Jodi, Cassie, Brenna and Anica Metz.

To Paul and Danielle and your families, my deepest sympathy on the passing of your beloved Anna. What great parents Anna had! My thoughts and prayers are with you as you go through this very difficult time.

Paul and Dani nothing can be said to express how sorry we are for your loss. Just know we are thinking of you during this time.

I’m so sorry for your loss . May you both be comforted during this very difficult time by your friends , family school and church community. Anna was a gift from god and was such a special little girl . She will be missed . Take care Leeanne , Adam , Aliyah and Kyrah Olynick

Danielle, Paul & Pat, Words are inadequate to express our condolences at this time. We feel your grief and sorrow and wish that we had the power to reverse the sad and shocking passing of Anna. We saw her in church on Sundays. Under your care and that of her grandma she blossomed and rewarded you with reciprocal love. You nurtured her in many ways especially in her faith. May this soothe you in the memories that you will always have. It was once written: God gives us the gift of life. The way we live that life is our gift in return to God. Anna was a special gift.

Danielle and Paul, I can't begin to express the sorrow we feel for you at this impossible time. I can only imagine your pain and heartbreak. We wish for some measure of comfort for you as you're surrounded by friends and family. We wish that your memories of your darling Anna bring you joy in the years ahead, no matter how difficult that seems now. You are in our hearts and prayers. Lisa, Dean, Rylan and Reid Rushka

Danielle & Paul, I am so sorry for the heartbreaking loss of your daughter, Anna - her bright smile and energy was a contagious light in this world for all who were blessed to know her. May God grant her His Eternal Memory until you can be reunited again - Vichnaya Pam'yat!

Paul and Danielle - our hearts are filled with sorrow. Anna accomplished so many things in her active life and always with enthusiasm. Cherish all the wonderful memories. We will always remember this precious girl with her beautiful smile. Hugs.

Danielle and Paul: We were saddened beyond words to hear that Anna had passed away. She had a big, bright, sparkling personality that could not be missed! Daren in particular will miss getting “hassled” by her at the pool. He was always coming home with stories about Anna. We wish with all our hearts that we could do something to ease your pain. Please know that Anna will be truly missed.

When the news was shared about your precious Anna it was heartbreaking and cannot imagine the anguish you are feeling. Danielle, your work family shares your grief and our prayers and love are with you always. You have been in our thoughts non stop. Whenever you are ready and need any of us for anything please know we are here for you. Danielle and Paul, Anna has left footprints on your hearts and lives. Treasure the precious memories of her. I wish there were words to lighten your agony but sometimes words are just not enough. May you find some peace with each butterfly that passes by. Your beautiful, bright and shining Anna lives on in the hearts of all she touched.

Danielle, Paul, Pat, Diane & Dave, Anna brought and continues to bring so much beauty, happiness and love to our lives. Anna is full of light, her soul made of magic, her heart pure gold and powerful enough to move mountains. She is and will always be one of a kind. She ultimately gives you the tools to handle this pain and she is going to continue to give you the power and strength to heal and move forward. You will continue to spread her sunshine like wildfire. Don't be afraid to cry, but also don't be afraid to smile and laugh. It is part of healing. Dani, Paul, Pat, Diane and Dave, you have a blanket of love surrounding you and its infused with all the love and support from each and every family member and friend. Anna's life on earth was wonderful because of you. We love you

Im so sorry to hear and my condolences to you and your families

A sorrow beyond words. My deepest sympathies, Danielle and Paul.

Even though we have never personnly met your family I am sure we have crossed paths at Ressurection Parish. Our deepeset condolences and paryers to your family at this most challenging time.

Paul & Danielle. Words typed cannot express the sympathy and sorry we share with you at this time. You and your family are in our thoughts and prayers. May your Anna RIP. Joel & Family.

Anna was wonderful. After I finished dance she would give me a hug. It is sad to see these things happen. RIP Anna. Zdc will miss her.

Danielle and Paul, family. It saddened me to here of the loss of your daughter Anna. My thoughts and prayers are with you and yours during this difficult time.....

Dear Paul and Danielle, We were so saddened to read in the Leader-Post that your dear daughter’s life was taken tragically. Please accept our sincere concern and sympathy - wishing you strength during your time of deep sorrow. Brenda, Dale, and Roberta Weisbrot

Our deepest sympathy to your family. Anna was an amazing little girl because of the two of you! Her smile was contagious. Love you all and you are in our thoughts and prayers. Aaron, Jenal, Cooper and Addison Wingfield

Our deepest condolences in the passing of your precious daughter. Thoughts and prayers are with you at this devastating time.

Paul and Danielle, Anna’s life enriched all of ours and she will be missed. Our words will never be enough, but we are here for you and yours at the time. God bless you and be with you during this time.

The loss of a special daughter & granddaughter is a heavy burden. Pat, I know how much she meant to you. Your whole family will be in my prayers .

Paul and Danielle: There are no words to express the heartbreak we feel for you at this time of excruciating pain. Our boys spent many hours with the whole neighbour gang of kids of which Anna was always a part of. We will always remember her as the friendly girl who drew the other kids out of their homes to play. For such a tragedy to occur while innocently enjoying our fresh snow; doing something we wish all 12 year olds were doing on that day, is unthinkable. Please know that Anna will be always in our memories; you and those whose lives she touched, always in our hearts. Lean on us, your neighbours, for strength now and in the days ahead.

My heart is filled with so much sadness for the family, friends, students and teachers. I can’t imagine your journey. Please know that many are walking with you through this most, most difficult time, praying for strength and comfort for you. Sending prayers, compassion and love.

To my friend Pat and her family Your in my thoughts and prayers at this sad time. Hugs from our family to yours.

Our boys sometimes played with Anna in the neighbourhood...she seemed to befriend many in our little area. They remember with particular fondness the fun they had last summer playing capture the flag with Anna and the rest of the neighbourhood gang. Our thoughts are with you during this very difficult time and we hope that you are able to find some peace knowing that Anna touched so many.

Danielle and Paul, I was shocked and absolutely heartbroken to hear of your precious Anna’s tragic passing. Danielle, the many stories you shared, at work, of Anna always brought a smile to my face. Although I never had the privilege of meeting her, it was obvious what an amazing girl she was. I can’t imagine the pain you’re feeling right now and please know you are in my thoughts.

Dear Anna's family, when I heard that you had lost your precious daughter, I was shocked and I was so sad! I cried for hours and hours! It's such a shame she had to leave so soon! She was the most kindest, truest, most prettiest best friend i could ever ask for! She had the most amazing personality and she will never be forgotten! I am sure that she is up in heaven watching over everyone. She is heaven's new angel! She is there with you and your family in every single movement and I wish you and your family peace and happiness and same goes to Anna who's watching over all of us! I'll be praying for you and your family!

Dani and Paul, We are utterly heartbroken for you. From the day we first laid eyes on your doe-eyed little darling in Kyiv after the overnight train ride from Donetsk, we knew that she was yours. That you were the family she was always meant to have. You blessed her with all of life's riches: love, warmth, nurturing, laughter and so much more. We know that she was and will always be the bright light in your lives. We send you our love and prayers during this unbearable time. May Anna's memory be eternal and may the light she brought into your lives continue to shine brightly each and every day. Hugs and much love to you both.

Dear Anna, I miss you already. I remember when you loved my makeup at musical and that made me very happy to hear! I also remember you at track and field. I remember watching you and thinking "someday I wanna be as fast as her, someday she is gonna be in the Olympics!" I am very sorry for your loss and she should still be with us, it's not fair.

Dear Danielle and Paul, words cannot begin to express our sincerest condolences on the sudden passing of Anna. The boys cherished her at daycare and as a neighbour, and I will always remember her bright smile in passing. A photo was shared with me today of Anna and Cameron sitting at a table together enjoying lunch – she sure hadn’t changed – what a beautiful angel Heaven gained. During this most difficult time, I hope you both can find comfort and peace in knowing Anna rests peacefully with God. Love and prayers, Jessica, Cameron & Liam.

We will forever remember the many hours our kids spent playing with Anna in the neighbourhood. She was one of the first ones to welcome us when we moved in 6 years ago and we will cherish the many times our doorbell would ring on Saturday morning only to come around the corner to see her beaming face smiling through the window pane. Our heartfelt condolences on this unimaginable loss. We will never forget your beautiful girl.

We can’t imagine how devastated you are over the loss of your special daughter. Our prayers and thoughts are with you.

Paul and Family, our hearts are breaking for you. Even though we did not get the chance to meet Anna she sounds like she was an amazing person. We are sure proud of you for the life you gave her. Please hold onto each other tightly.

Danielle and Paul, my heart goes out to you and your family. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

Danielle, my deepest condolences to you and your family. I offer you my thoughts, prayers and well-wishes during this difficult time in your life.

So sorry to hear of your loss Paul and Danielle. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

Paul, my friend, my deepest condolences to you and your family at this horrible time. No parent should have to bury their child, and if I could,I would take on some of your pain to help ease your broken hearts. My heart is broken into tiny pieces, I really wish I could help you guys somehow. Remember that your family has the Regina Transit family to lean on and we are all here for you. I recently lost a loved one, but I was told by a pastor...."Don't say goodbye, say see you again". I hope that helps. One Day at a Time.

Paul and Danielle, I have no words to express my sincerest sorrow for the two of you. Please know you are in our thoughts. Praying that the love of others will somehow help you during this tragedy. Love Beth

With deepest sympathy on the loss of your sweet girl. Anna had such spirit - she lived each of her days to the very fullest. Anna enriched many lives and will always be cherished. May your many memories help to bring some comfort. Much love.

My very deepest condolences are with you Paul and Danielle, my thoughts and prayers are for you and the family. May she rest in God.

We were shocked and heart broken when we heard about Anna's passing. Brianna loved dancing with Anna and would always have a funny face or silly move to make everyone smile. Anna was a very special girl and was taken away from us way too soon. Our deepest condolences to you and Anna's entire family during this impossible time.

Paul and family, my deepest condolences go out to you all. Your daughter sounded like such a great young lady. May you find peace in knowing that others are thinking of you at this time and share in your heartache..... Krista

My heart goes out to you and your family. I can't imagine your sorrow. My thoughts and prayers are with you now and always.

My thoughts are with you both as you search for the strength to navigate through this unimaginable loss. My heart aches for you both. Deepest condolences.

Paul, Danielle and family our deepest condolences on the loss of your daughter Anna.. We cannot begin to imagine what you are going through right now..May your happy memories with Anna help heal you broken hearts..Our thoughts and prayers are with you.

I was shocked and saddened to hear of the loss of one of our precious students. My thoughts and prayers are with Anna’s family, friends and school community as they deal with the loss of loved one. Vicky Bonnell, RCSD Trustee

I did not know Anna or her family but I wanted to give my prayers and deepest condolences.. May she be at peace with the angels.

Danielle and Paul my thoughts and prayer are with you at this heartbreak that you are enduring my deepest condolences for your loss

Thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. She was a lovely girl! Mme Chobot

Sincere heartfelt condolences Paul and family in the loss of your little girl Anna.

I am sorry to hear about this tragedy. :( and my prayers and thoughts are for you and your family. Know that Anna's time on earth brightened up the world of those around her and that her footprints (or splashes) have left this earth better than it was before knowing her. While there's nothing I can do to change what happened, I can continue to offer you my love and support. Extending my most heartfelt condolences to you and your family. Hugs, Kevin, Kristine Jordan and Paige Lagacé

Danielle and Paul, My heart is breaking for you. Anna was such a joy to teach. Her joyful energy always made me smile. My thoughts and prayers are with you during this difficult time.

Paul, Danielle and family My thought and prayers are with your family. Hugs

So sorry for your loss, much love.

We are so sorry for your loss! Thoughts and prayers for your family during this difficult time!

I cannot imagine what you are going through. Just letting you know my thoughts are with you.

Danielle and Paul, my deepest condolences to you and your extended family. Anna was a beautiful, funny and kind girl and will be fondly remembered by the countless friends she had. My thoughts and prayers to you and your family during this difficult time. Melissa and Aysha Sparrowhawk

Our deepest sympathies go out you Dani, Paul and Pat and the family. This is so unbelievable to hear. Our hearts are with you.

Danielle, Paul, Pat & Diane, My sincere condolences, love and prayers go out to you. I am so sorry for your tragic loss. May God give you the strength. I am praying for your family. Much love.

Paul Our hearts go out to you and Danielle. We are so very very very sorry for your loss.

My heart goes out to you and your family.Such a tragic loss!May you find comfort in your family and friends to help you through this difficult time.

I'm at a loss for words, I won't lie and say I know what you are going through because I don't. But I do know that you do not deserve such pain no one ever does. I never got a chance to meet your percious Anna but seen how Paul would light up ever time he would speak about her. You are in my prayers. Plz take care of yourselves.

My deepest and most sincere condolences. Thoughts and prayers are with you all during this unimaginablely difficult time.

I am so very sorry for your loss. Sending you strength through this difficult time.

Our sincere condolences to you and your family. My thoughts and prayers are with you during this sad time.

Paul, Daniel and Pat, We are so sadden to hear of the accidental death of your beloved daughter and granddaughter, Anna. It is hard to imagine how difficult it must be to deal with this unbearable trauma and hurt that you must be feeling. We offer you our deepest condolences. We are with you in prayers and thoughts. Bon courage. Léonie and Normand Boisvert, Winnipeg, Manitoba

Anna is a wonderful girl and she is very kind to me and my sister and I want to give her my prayers she is always in our Hearts we love you Anna you were a good friend I hope to meet you some day love you from honour and Paiton

Paul and Danielle, there are no words. My family has yours in our thoughts and prayers.

Danielle and Paul, please accept my deepest condolences on your tragic loss. May peace and comfort find you during this difficult time.

Paul and Dani, I’m so sorry for your loss. Anna was such a sweet and kind soul. She always had so much energy to play with the kids, and she truly enjoyed it. Jeff, Jaxson, and I send our deepest condolences.

I can not even imagine the hurt that the two of you are feeling right now. Please know that you are in my thoughts and my prayers. Take care of yourselves and hold each other tight.

Danielle and Paul: I'll always remember the countless and priceless "Anna stories" shared with us at work by a rightfully proud mom. It was very evident that Anna was a spitfire and a truly unique girl in so many ways. I hope you find some comfort in the fact that she is a very bright light that will never go out.

Danielle & Paul, Please find comfort knowing that you are in the thoughts, and prayers, of many, as is Anna. With my deepest sympathy at this most sad of times.

Dear Danielle and Paul, Anna always made us smile. She was competitive, passionate, strong and empathetic. She was a beautiful spark that always lit up the room (or pool) every time we got together. Chris, Anna, Jack and I hold you all in our hearts. Sweet Anna Girl Rest In Peace. We love you all.

Danielle and Paul...Thinking of you and your family with a heavy heart. My prayers go out to you. May you find comfort and peace during this difficult time.

Danielle and Paul. So sad to hear of this horrible tragedy. Anna was a very special gift. May your memories of Anna give you strength through this most difficult time. Heaven has gained a beautiful angel. Our prayers are with you.

Our thoughts and prayers are with you, Danielle and Paul. Anna was a phenomenal swimmer, and more importantly, a phenomenal friend to all her teammates. Her kindness, enthusiasm, spontaneity, competitive spirit, laughter, and unflinching bravery and spunk will be greatly missed by all the girls.

Danielle and Paul, I am so sorry and sad with tears for your loss. Mom, dad and I are sending prayers to you and while we have not seen you for some time, I know that Anna was your pride and joy. A blessing every day, I am sure. I am thinking of you so much, words cannot express my feelings for you and your family. You are in my heart and know that you are loved and supportive by all of us.

Danielle, Thoughts and prayers with you and your family. Words cannot describe how you are feeling at this difficult time. Know that many care. Hugs

Danielle and Paul Anna was a beautiful girl full of spunk, ambition and an amazing smile. I can’t image the sudden devastation you all feel. All of my thoughts and prayers for comfort are with you both. She will always be your baby girl.

We were so sad to hear of your precious loss, our thoughts and prayers are with you all thru this difficult time.

Danielle and Paul, my heart goes out to you and your family for this sudden and devastating loss. I can hardly comprehend its magnitude, Anna was so young and full of life. My heart goes out to you and to the family of your beautiful little girl, may she live on always in the lives of those she touched.

To Danielle and Paul, and all of Anna's family and friends, I imagine there is no pain more far-reaching and deeper than losing a child. My heart and prayers go out to you at this most difficult time. Words are not adequate to express the sorrow for your loss. Please keep her spirit alive with the many sacred memories you hold close to your hearts. Faith consists in believing when it is beyond the power of reason to believe. It is unbelievable that this would be part of God's plan. I hope you are able to cross the threshold to heal your hearts soon, knowing Anna will never be forgotten, and your connection and love for her will never be broken.

Danielle and Paul, Sharing your heartbreak and tears. What a wonderful gift it was to have Anna in your lives and we share your sadness of her passing. They must have needed another angel. Our thoughts are with you and your family, Cathy and Randy

Please accept my thoughts and deepest condolences in these difficult times.

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