Wanda Marlyn Oliver

June 5th, 2021

The family of Wanda Oliver sadly announces her passing on Saturday, June 5, 2021 at the age of 63. She was surrounded by love from her husband and three children when she passed away from cancer.

She was predeceased by her parents Isaac and Helena Giesbrecht; her brother and sister-in-law Garry and Heather Giesbrecht and her nephew Lonnie Giesbrecht; her sister Judy Simmonds; brother-in-law Ron Deering; nephews Robyn Deering and Jason Funk; and great-niece Elan Burgess.

She is survived by her husband Eric; her children David, Zachary, and Erin; her siblings Deanna Toews (Barry), Harvey Giesbrecht (Sonya), Donna Funk (Abe), and Randy Giesbrecht (Carrie); as well as numerous nieces and nephews. Wanda would also have wanted to mention Holly Reniak, a niece who was like a sister to her.

Wanda was quick to greet anyone with a warm smile and would engage people in conversation; whether that was in a grocery store line, people staying at the Regina Cancer Patient Lodge (while Eric was receiving treatments), or customers at the Horseshoe Lodge when she was waitressing or bartending.

While staying at the Regina Cancer Lodge, Wanda was often referred to as the “water police” as she would check on each of the people receiving cancer treatments to make sure they were drinking enough water and bringing water to them if they had trouble moving around or were feeling too poorly. It was these acts and countless others that demonstrated how much of a caring and compassionate person she was. Wanda had an impact on everyone she met, with her disarming smile, genuine interest in learning more about their lives, and willingness to help others.

A running joke in her family was her claiming items as her own. If she found a pen, piece of clothing or nearly anything of Eric’s that she liked; she would say “I like this, it’s mine”. This came to be known as “Ferreting”, and she would often call herself, and affectionately be called a ”Ferret” by her husband and children.

Wanda’s family was the most important thing in her life. She raised three wonderful children who have become strong, independent adults that made her so proud. Laughter was never far from Wanda and a sense of humor helped her and Eric through good times and bad. She was an amazing advocate and support for Eric when he was diagnosed with cancer in late 2015. The role was reversed when she was in turn diagnosed with cancer in August of 2020.

She will be greatly missed by her family and friends, but now her pain is finally over, and she is at peace. Goodbye Wanda, we love you forever more.

A private family service will be held at a later date. In lieu of flowers, the family requests that donations be made to the Cancer Foundation of Saskatchewan and designate that the donation should go to the Regina Cancer Patient Lodge.



Eric and kids, So sorry to hear about Wanda Miles and I have many fond memories of Wanda. You are in our thoughts and prayers. Miles and Barb Myers

Eric, I am so sorry for the loss of Wanda! My husband and I met you the day at the cancer clinic when Wanda was passing out lucky charms to patients and her and I exchanged phone numbers and the last time we chatted she was complaining about a cough that would not go away! I never dreamt she would have cancer and pass! I hope you are still doing well and you and your family are in my thoughts!!

Eric, my deepest condolences on the passing of your dear wife, Wanda. May your strength and family carry you during this time of sorrow. Hugs Gina

Dear Eric, I was shocked and saddened to read of Wanda’s passing. Over the past 16 months I have thought of you both often, “my regular Thursday” friends. Please accept my sincerest condolences. I hope you find strength and peace in the coming weeks from the love shining on you from family and friends. Donna, ABCC volunteer

Eric we were saddened to learn about Wanda’s passing. Our deepest Condolences to you and your family.

My deepest sympathy to you, Eric, David, Zachary,& Erin. Wanda was a dear cousin, and her love for people and life,were always evident to whoever she met. Her smile and genuine interest in those she met. She will be missed. I pray that you as a family continue to stay close, and that God will comfort you. I know He will give you strength each day, one day at a time. Hold onto the beautiful memories you have. Love and Blessings Dolores Heinrichs

So sorry for your loss, Eric. I hope you find comfort in your family and memories. Take care.

Dear Eric and family. I’m so sorry to hear of Wanda’s passing. Although we only met in the grocery aisle, she always had a smile and seemed to be a very caring person. It’s been some tough times for your family. I pray and send our condolences to you all. A special hug for Erin as well. Shirley and Cecil.

Our deepest sympathies and love are sent to you, Eric, David, Zachary and Erin. Wanda was a wonderful and loving person, and we celebrate her life and the memory of all that she was and all that she gave to others. What a privilege to have known her and to have been a small part of her life. Peace and comfort to all of you.

My deepest sympathies Eric and family. At the Regina Cancer Lodge (aka “the spa”), she was our social convenor and brought us all together. She was so caring and looked out for all of us. Nw2jdw When I had my first test after my treatments, Wanda came to Swift Current to meet me so I wouldn’t be alone, and she often stopped to visit when she went through Maple Creek. I’ll be forever grateful for meeting her and was blessed to have her as a friend.

Eric and Family: I was shocked and so sorry to see that Wanda had passed away. Please accept my sincere condolences. I had no idea she had been diagnosed with cancer. I first met Wanda when she worked at the Horseshoe 'way back when and we used to stop in for a beer after work. She was such a bubbly person all through her life and I'm sure she will be missed by many people. Please stay in touch Eric...I'll certainly be thinking about you and your family at this time.

My condolences Eric to you and your family. I only met Wanda a time or two but quite enjoyed the time visiting.

Our Deepest Sympathy To all the Giesbrecht Family. Many Great Memories in our year's in Wymark. You will be missed Wanda. Our Sympathy to your family as well.

I’m so sorry to hear the sad news. Wanda was a classmate in my junior years. I remember her as a kind soul, courteous and thoughtful of others. Family and friends will miss her gentle spirit! Rest In Peace!

Was very shocked by this news and very sorry to hear of Wanda's passing. We had some fun times growing up in Wymark. Our condolences to the entire family.

My deepest sympathy Eric and family on the passing of Wanda. She was a wonderful person, I met her at the Cancer Lodge in Regina. She always had a smile and when she knew someone had a birthday, she always got a cake and card, then we would all chip in. Eric hope you are doing okay, the last few years must have been so hard, with both of you having cancer. Take care, will keep you in my prayers. Adelia

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