John Maguire Pratt (Jack)

March 31st, 2021

 Our Dad and Papa, John Maguire Pratt (Jack), passed away peacefully on March 31, 2021 at the age of 93 in the Wascana Rehabilitation Centre, Unit Main 6, Regina, Saskatchewan with family by his side. We shed many tears of relief and intense grief with the loving staff who felt our loss as their own.

 “Papa Jack” was predeceased by his bride Mabel and his brothers Leslie Fiendell, Dale Pratt and Bill Pratt, along with almost all of his in-laws Shirley Pratt, Dickie and Marina Jasper, Jim and Laura Fry, Ernie and Dorothy Huber, Willard and Genevieve Anderson, Bill and Helen Houliston, Marshall and Kathleen Anderson, John Jasper. He is survived by his children Jim (Penny) Pratt, Les (Laurie) Pratt, Gale (Dean) Ohochinsky; grandchildren Lindsay (Jason) Ferguson, Amber (Sheldon) Lucyk and John Pratt; great-grandchildren Lily and Savanna Ferguson; sister-in-law Joan Jasper; along with many wonderful nieces and nephews.

 Dad was born in Brownlee, Saskatchewan in 1927, the second of 5 boys, the 5th dying at birth the same time as their mother Alice. He remembers his parents as kind and gentle in the few short years with them. The boys were quite young when their parents died. In the winter of 1935, Jack recalled, the long drive of 115 miles to his uncle and aunt’s farm, which would be their new home. The boys travelled in the back of the truck with the youngest, Dale, in the cab. They grew up on that farm south of Semans, Saskatchewan. They would grow up as hard-working farm boys. Dad remained a farmer on the same land until he was 84.

 Jack was truly a man of the land who respected all living things around him. His gentle touch and kind ways were reflected in the way he treated the farm animals. Every animal on our farm thought they were Dad’s favourite pet. For example, he would get kisses from geese who would chatter their love to him in his ear and then promptly honk at one of us and attack. The cows would file into the barn to be milked each evening at the sight of Jack in his familiar cowboy hat and overalls. One horse would follow him everywhere like a dog; sometimes into the house! This horse loved to ‘shake a paw’ and dance with Dad.

 During a sports day in Wynyard, Saskatchewan Dad mustered up the courage to offer his jacket to the woman he had been admiring for months from afar. She accepted. They had their first romantic meal of hot dogs and Orange Crush pop. In 1957, Dad married the woman of his dreams, Mabel. His loyalty was unwavering right to the end. Mabel had Alzheimer’s for the last 15 years of her life. During that time, Jack lovingly and loyally cared for her.

 Dad was an inventor with many patents. He was a skilled welder and had a well-earned reputation of being able to repair and weld every type of metal including magnesium. With that skill, he created and recreated parts that looked identical to the manufactured item. Dad was also an amazing mechanic. In the kitchen he was an excellent cook and baker, known for his trademark chocolate cake. One fond memory of the grandchildren was being taught how to make ice cream by Papa. And who can’t forget that thick, rich cream that he would bring to every gathering? Jack loved baseball and hockey, excelling in both sports. He was an original member of the Raymore Rockets senior hockey team.

 Another word to describe our Dad/Papa is patience. He would say regarding family trips to B.C. to visit relatives and see the mountains, “I drove more miles in reverse than forward so that Mabel could get that picture of that spot we just passed.” He would actually stop the vehicle and back up again and again with a smile! He would do anything for his beautiful bride Mabel - our Mom, our Nana. He would do anything and everything for all of us without a word of complaint.

 Dad, Papa Jack was a man of few words. He was deeply respected and admired by many. Such a quiet man had such a positive impact simply by his presence. We are so proud to say that he was ours and we were his.

 The most important decision Jack made was to dedicate his life to Jehovah and be baptized as one of Jehovah’s Witnesses on November 17, 1973. He loved the simple and clear Bible truths that encouraged him to live as a Christian. While making a living on the farm was important, Jack never put material interests ahead of spiritual interests. For example, harvest and seeding seasons can be very demanding and stressful. Yet on evenings when upbuilding Bible study meetings were held, Jack would stop operating the farm equipment and take the family to the meetings. Jack’s view was that the work would be completed in due time.

 Thank you just doesn’t seem to be enough to send to Wascana Rehabilitation Centre, Unit Main 6 Staff. And the word ‘staff’ doesn’t describe the people who loved our Dad/Papa; you were extended family as you treated him as your father and grandfather. We are overwhelmed with thankfulness of the compassionate way you treated him, as well as the kindness you extended to us as you promptly solved all of our worries with Dad’s comfort during these extremely stressful times.

 There will be no funeral service. The family will have a small private graveside service in May, 2021.


To the Pratt family, I had no idea Jack had passed away. Such a good man indeed. First of all, I'm very sorry for your loss. Losing someone you love is absolutely devastating and disheartening. There is always that empty void not even any amount of words can ever change. As I recall, even though I did not personally know Jack deeply as some, I do remember him to be a very courteous, kind, gentle, giving, loving, hard working, and humble man. And as I recall too, very creative and innovative. A "jack" of all trades. I also remember all the barn dances very well too and experienced some very happy times visiting the Pratt farm. He will be missed! Please accept my condolences.

I would like to extend my Deepest Sympathy to Jack's family. My prayers and thoughts are with the family at this time. We were neighbours when we farmed there.

Les & Jim Sorry to hear about your dads passing. Thinking about your family's loss.

Dear Gail, My family would like to extend our sincere condolences to your family for the passing of your beloved father. With your father’s legacy of loyal service to God, l’m sure Jehovah will remember him in his book of life. - Revelations 3:5. May your father’s precious memories and the resurrection hope comfort you and your family. Sincerely, Vanessa

Sorry to hear of your Dad's passing. He will be sadly missed here and joyfully welcomed in heaven.

Dear Gale, Les, Jim and whole family....Our hearts broke when we heard about Papa Jack. Such a dear kind person who has left such an impact. Your beautiful words and stories bring tears to our eyes and we so look forward to seeing him and the love of his life in perfect health!

My condolences Jim and Les.

We are sorry for the loss of your father. It is a time of sorrow and memories. But the joy of the welcome back, will create new memories to add to what is already there.

Dear Jim, Les and Gale: While out walking I thought about the memories that our family have treasured with your family like: Inviting us city folk to a barn dance in a real barn while it was empty from the old hay crop before filling it up with the new crop of hay. And how about inviting my guests from the big city, Washington, DC, to see a real farm. Thanks to Brother Jack he showed them the animals and I think he even had them milking a cow. They had never been to a farm before. He was such a loving, patient man. His daughter Gale became part of our family, Les too. It will be a grand reunion in the cleansed earth when we all can be reacquainted with loved ones like Jack, Mabel, and my Bob and millions of extended family we’ve never met.

This is beautiful. We are so sorry you lost Jack he really was someone special and dear. Thank you for sharing him. He was such a kind and positive influence and we remember him with a lot of fondness. Love to the family.

Very nice words Gail. I remember the great book you wrote regarding your mom Mable and you do have a writing gift as you have expressed with your dad. I remember Jack giving us some of his home made cottage cheese..... it was the best! I always learned something valuable about welding when I had questions about welding aluminum or cast iron. We look forward to seeing him soon young and healthy.

It is with a heavy heart that we send sincere condolences to Gale, Les, Jim and families on the passing of their Dad, Grandpa and Great Grandpa Jack. Jack and Mabel were the neighbours everyone wanted and needed. Jack was a kind, gentle, and caring neighbour to us and so many. If you wanted to visit a farm, you went to Jack and Mabel's farm with a variety of animals who also knew and loved Jack. We will miss this giving, kind, patient, and gentle man.

My condolences to the family. Uncle Jack and Aunty Mable were very important to me as a child. They would stop in at our farm to pick me up to go to their place for a week or so. I always felt so important. I remember Aunty Mable telling me rather sheepishly how she rode home to Saskatchewan all the way from Alberta in the back of a truck just to watch Uncle Jack play ball. I wonder if it was the same time you mentioned. It was in Wynyard I remember. True love.

Dear Gale and family I am saddened by the loss of another wonderful papa Jack! Now we have two papa Jacks to look forward to seeing again! I always love Jehovah’s promise at Isaiah 26:19 "Awake and shout joyfully, You residents in the dust! For your dew is as the dew of the morning, And the earth will let those powerless in death come to life." One day soon Jack and his beloved Mabel will be resurrected and enjoy life as Jehovah meant it to be. Peace and life forever on earth, serving our wonderful God! My thoughts are with you and may you find peace in Jehovah's comfort and care!

My deepest sympathy to your family with the loss of your dad. May the memories you shared bring you comfort.

What a lovely tribute to such an amazing man. Even at a young age I recognized the reverence that others had for Jack. May he Rest In Peace.

What a beautiful tribute to a man who lived a life we all should strive to live. I am proud to say Jack was our neighbor on the farm and I have such good memories of the kind and gentle man he was. A man who knew what really mattered in life. I only have a close connection with Gale and see the same caring and gentle spirt being carried on!! No greater gift can anyone pass on to their family. He truly was a success in this life. Our love and condolence to Jack’s family. May all your good memories help to fill the hole that is left with his passing . Walt and Audrey

To Jacks family, We’re sorry for your loss. Although We didn’t personally know Jack, We’ve come to know a bit about him by this beautiful tribute to him. May these beautiful memories bring you peace and comfort. The Longuls

He was definitely one of a kind. He will be truly missed .. Your neighbours Genny and Sheldon Sorensen

Well written. There isd not a relative that hasn't been touched by your Dad including the years my dad worked for him. He will not be forgotten.

My condolences to the Pratt family. Jack was a truly dedicated father, relative, friend and Christian. He was good to all and always welcomed us to visit the farm. I knew him since their first date when Mabel abandoned me to share lunch with Jack at Wynyard sports day. The rest was history. Rest in peace Jack. You are back with your beloved. You will be both missed.

This is such a beautiful write up. I love the story about offering his coat to Mabel, the horse following him around, and backing up the vehicle to get the perfect picture. I remember that chocolate cake! Thinking of your family.

I never had the pleasure of getting to know Jack.However, the beautiful family he has left behind is a reflection of how wonderful he is.

I remember Jack as you have described and remember when he employed my dad making the bail stacking machine. He lived life the way we all should

Our thoughts and prayers are with you!

Though I was never blessed to meet Mr. Pratt, I do know his daughter Gale and she is the epitome of kindness. Please accept my deepest sympathies on the loss of your father and grandfather.

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