Nicole Marie Rioux

March 24th, 2021

 It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of our dear family member and friend Nicole Marie Rioux on March 24, 2021 at the young age of 56.

 Nicole unexpectedly passed away peacefully at the Regina General Hospital surrounded by her loving family her son Chris, spouse Terry, mom Anne Marie, brother Denis, sisters Lianne (Jeff) and Michelle in B.C. via FaceTime and long-time friend Christiane. Her passing left behind many others to mourn and cherish her memory her stepdaughter Hope (Christopher), stepson Ty (Alex), step-granddaughters Emma-Lou, Aurora and Yorke, nieces Amanda and Arielle, nephews Anthony and Guytan, many aunts, uncles, cousins, step-in-laws and friends. Nicole was predeceased by her Papa Laurent; Grand-père and Grand-mère Rioux and Grand-papa and Grand-maman Denis.

 Nicole was a proud and amazing mother first and foremost. As the eldest of four siblings, she spent her life nurturing and loving family and friends. Nicole spent over 20 years working in the Saskatchewan Francophone Community. She had spent the last 10 years working for the Federal Government. Her loving spirit and dedication will be deeply missed and remembered by all.

 A service will be held later followed by the burial of her ashes in the St. Denis Cemetery, St. Denis, Saskatchewan. We look forward to a day when we can gather with family and friends to remember and celebrate the life of our beloved Nicole. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made in Nicole’s memory to the Canadian Liver Foundation, the Canadian Heart and Stroke Foundation, the MS Society of Canada or the Regina Souls Harbour Rescue Mission.


Caring thoughts and prayers are with your family. Treasure the memories together. Nicole was a special person in our lives. I will cherish our friendship and the fun growing up together in our teenage years into adulthood. ❤️

My deepest condolences to Nicole’s family. I am very saddened to hear this news. Thoughts and prayers.

Sincères condoléances à Christopher, Lianne et tous les membres de la famille. Je suis désolée d’entendre ces nouvelles. Je garde de très bons souvenirs de Nicole lorsque j’étais à l’école Monseigneur de Laval.

Sincères condoléances à la faille de Nicole. Elle a bien servit la communauté fransaskoise et nous remercions sa famille de nous l’avoir prêté les fins de semaines, etc pour remplir son engagement. Des roses pour toi Nicole et des prières pour ta famille!!

My sincere condolences to the family during this sad and difficult time. I worked with Nicole and will always remember her for not only being a genuine and kind person, but one who loved her family dearly. Wayne Michaluk

Mes condoléances à toute la famille! J’ai de tes bons souvenirs de Nicole, du temps de notre jeunesse étant voisine et cousine de Nicole (chez Liguori LeBlanc). Deepest sympathies to all of your family.

Mes condoléances ma chère Lianne à toi ainsi qu’à ta famille.

My condolences to Nicole's family, friends and co-workers. Nicole was a colleague and always engaging in every conversation we had. She was warm and friendly and a pleasure to know. She will be missed.

My condolences to Nicole's family, including her dear Mother Anne-Marie, Lianne and family.

Say not in the grief that she is no more, It say in thoughtfulness that she was, A death is not the extinguishing of light, But the putting out the lamp because the dawn has come.

Mes condoléances à toute la famille. C'est une triste nouvelle pour moi. Je me souviens de Nicole quand j'ai travaillé avec elle à l'ACF. Une dame avec un grand coeur. Qu'elle se repose en paix

My deepest Condolences to the family of Nicole, her passing was of great shock to me. I worked with her for some time at Regina Parole and her memory and infectious laugh will always hold a special place in my heart. Rest in Peace Nicole you will be missed <3.

Words cannot describe how shocked and truly sorry we are to hear of Nicole’s passing. Her family was her number one priority and she always spoke lovingly and with pride of her family, especially her son Chris. I can’t imagine the hurt and struggles your family is going through, but I would like to express our deepest sympathy to you all. You will be in our thoughts and prayers. May you Rest In Peace Nicole.

Sincères condoléances Lianne et famille. Vous êtes dans nos pensées et nos prières. Force et courage à vous pour traverser cette épreuve difficile. Mona Rochon

so sorry for you brother and Nicoles family She is with God and her pain is gone.

Mes plus sincères condoléances à la famille et aux amis de Nicole. C’était un vrai choque d’apprendre cette nouvelle quand elle était encore si jeune.

My sincere condolences to Terry and the family on the unexpected passing of Nicole at such a young age. I retired from Corrections just as Nicole was beginning there, but had the pleasure of knowing her. You are all in my thoughts and prayers.

My sincere Condolences to the family. J'aurais toujours de très bon souvenir, de son acceuil lors de mon arrivée en Saskatchewan voila bien des années.

Mes plus sincères condoléances Christopher, Terry, grand-mère Anne Marie, Lianne et bien sûr toute la famille ... Mes prières et pensées sont avec vous.

Tellement triste. I'm so sorry to hear of Nicole's sudden passing. I have many wonderful memories of her as a teenager in St. Denis then later on when she lived in Regina working for the Francophone community. She was taken too soon. My sincere condolences to her family. Mes sincères condoléances à la famille.

Rest In Peace Nicole. Our deepest condolences to Terry, Chris and the rest of Nicole’s family and friends. You will be missed ♥️

Say not in the grief that she is no more, It say in thoughtfulness that she was, A death is not the extinguishing of light, But the putting out the lamp because the dawn has come.

Rest In Peace, Nicole. Peace, prayers and blessings.

What a shock & sadness! Nicole always welcomed me with wide open arms & her great warm smile. She was so encouraging to me all during my francophone journey. Her absence leaves a deep hole in me. Be blessed in the next, dear Nicole

Our deepest thoughts, prayers and sympathies go out to you and your family at this time. She will be missed. Rest In Peace Nicole ❤️

We offer our condolences to your family. Nos plus sincères condoléances.

We wish to extend our condolences and let you know you are all in our thoughts and prayers. Words are few, thoughts are deep, Memories of you we will always keep.

Our sincere Condolences toTerry, Christopher, Liane and Family. We cannot imagine what you are going thru. We will keep you in our thoughts and prayers during this difficult time. It is so hard to believe she departed us so quickly.

Rest in peace my friend, your memory will always be cherished. Donna, Jazmine and Maximus

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