Barry James Thompson

August 13th, 2022

On August 13, 2022 Barry James Thompson passed away, unexpectedly, but peacefully in his home at the young age of 59.

Barry is survived by his daughter Kayla Smart (Karen Smart); grandson Walker Smart; his brother Dean Thompson; step-brothers Sean Vargo (Fred), Brent Vargo (Leanne) and Billy Vargo (Sasha); step sisters Shelly Vargo and Bridget Vargo; his companion Erynne plus Three Beautiful Puppies and his incredible entourage of friends.

He was predeceased by his father Garry Thompson; mother Shirley Stick and step father Bob Vargo.  

Barry was born on January 3, 1963 in Yorkton, Saskatchewan. He worked many places in his life including ASL/South, Advance Engineered Products, and lastly for the City of Regina Roadways and Construction, where he was a passionate advocate for the acceptance of sweat pants in the work place.

Barry enjoyed playing hockey with the Fighting Hawks and the Hooters growing up and finished his career with the infamous ice crow Broomball team. He was an avid sports fan throughout his life, and was an Edmonton Oilers superfan, taking great pride and joy in trying to convince everyone of their supremacy over the NHL. He also took great pride in his San Diego Chargers…for some reason.

Barry was the ultimate social event organizer; one of his greatest talents was his ability to bring people together in the spirit of helping one another or just simply having fun.

Barry shared a love of music, scrabble battles with Rachel, playing various board games and enjoying the great outdoors.

Barry lived for his "little piece of paradise", a cabin at Sask. Beach. He could often be found here sipping or gulping his favorite rum and enjoying the ganja over a hockey game with a fire, good friends and family. Barry also shared a love for his cousin Scotty’s place in Hudson Bay, Saskatchewan where they shared many superball games together.

Barry was one of the last free spirits and was the most caring soul, giving everything he could to everyone he knew. He took great pride in his daughter Kayla and was very excited to be a grandfather to his grandson Walker. He was blessed to have many friends who he considered his family. Barry had an absolute heart of gold and he will be profoundly missed.

A Celebration of Life for Barry will take place beginning at 1:00 p.m. on Friday, August 26, 2022 at 27 Burrows Street, Regina, Saskatchewan. A private send off will follow at his happy place.



My condolences to the Tompson family. Barry will truly be missed.

Regina will never be the same for me now. Be at peace Barry, I'll see you eventually (like I keep saying) ❤

Our family has known Barry for many years. We were introduced to him from my brother Ron, as they both worked for the City of Regina, and our family had a cottage at Sask Beach as well. Barry was funny, always up for a sociable, and I don't think I ever saw him stressed out - it was just not part of his nature. When my brother Ron passed away, we saw Barry on occasion, and he helped paint our cottage at Sask Beach which was a great help to my Mom. We are so fortunate to have just seen him on July 31, as we had a farewell event at our cabin. It was great to see him after many years. Our favorite memory of Barry is the fact that he couldn't say "aluminum" and he always said "aluninum" which we still say with our family because of him! LOL! What a good dude. We will miss him terribly and our thoughts and prayers are with Kayla and family. RIP.

Barry was a true friend and will be truly be missed. He had a unique way of making people laugh and sense of humour that was surpassed by none. We had many laughs over the years mostly involving Jeff . A true Edmonton Oilers and Chargers fan. That’s for sure. Condolences to his family especially Kayla and grandson Walker ; they meant the world to him. He showed me numerous pictures of both of them. He was so proud to be a grandfather. Barry, my friend,; until we meet again

Barry will be extremely missed by my entire family. He was close for a very long time, and he truly had the biggest heart of gold. Our deepest sympathies to his family. -Randy, Sydney, Irene Deck

You are already missed my friend and as the summer comes to an end you will be missed even more. Ill never forget your kindness when i brought my family out to the beach and you had gone out of your way and made sure my kids had a great time. Thank you Barry thank for the rides home from Mells from Darcys thank you for helping me paint my living room and I could go on and on. I'm proud to call you friend and you will forever live on in my memories. Till we meet again .I'll bring the rum as I'm sure its my turn . Your friend Pete

My friend hope you be at peace leave us to soon for sure you will be missed a lot ..

We will really miss you, we enjoyed the visits you made up to Calgary and the trips we made down to Regina to spend time with you. Love Brent in Leanne

I know him as Chic, my good friends Bob and Frank was his good friends. I just saw him 2 weeks ago at the gas station, he was a cool guy. My prayers go out to his family. Reg.

Barry was in many of my childhood memories, hanging out with my dad Ronnie Deglau. Kayla and I use to play at the beach as kids. Wish we could have seen each other this year. My heart goes out to the family❤️ He is having a drink with my dad right now and having lots of laughs

I met Barry when we worked at Advance Engineered Products. He was such a lovable dude and got along with everybody. He didn't stress out much and was so laid back. I have many fond memories of Barry and would like to send my sincere condolences to the entire family. There isn't another person that I know that reminds me of Barry. He was a one-of-a-kind beautiful soul ❤️ Rest in peace brother and I hope we will meet again one day my friend

I send my sincere condolences to you and to your family. The Bible gives a real hope and it promises that your loved one will soon live again in a peaceful paradise on the earth where death will be no more. (John 5:28, 29; Acts 24:15; Revelation 21:4)

Our thoughts and prayers are with the family at this difficult time. Barry you were an awesome guy who loved to joke and have a good time. I'm grateful for having you as a friend and I won't ever forget you helping me paint my house and garage. Thanks for all the great laughs and memories. Rock your sweat pants and have some rums in your OILER mug . RIP Barry ❤️ Jeff and tanya

My condolences to Thompson family he will be truly missed. Rest in peace my brother

I remember Barry from years ago, I have fond memories of him and his daughter Kayla, I am so sorry for your loss. Rest in peace uncle Barry ❤️

My prayers and condolences for you Kayla and to your mother Karen also! May he Rest In Peace!

Love ya Old Man, gonna miss you! Way

Rest in Peace Barry

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